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Türkische Musik

Der Mann ist gut, aber die Frau hat es echt drauf.

Always intrigued by scratchy 78s and strange ghostly sounds, Brenna MacCrimmon first heard Turkish and Balkan folk music in the vinyl collection of her local public library in the early 1980’s. As a result she embarked on a slow and inexorable descent into the world of Turkish and Balkan music. In Toronto, she worked with local Turkish and Macedonian ensembles before eventually deciding to “go to the source” and learn more about the music and the cultures that produced it. She spent a year as a guest student in the folk music division of the Turkish State Music Conservatory in 1985-86. Back in Toronto she continued to work with community groups and lead the Altin Yildiz Orkestar – arguably Toronto’s first Balkan-Gypsy Band. In 1995 she returned to Istanbul with the intent to sojourn for “six months to a year”. That stay lasted 5 years. While she loves all types of Turkish and Balkan music, she was drawn to the points where that music overlaps in Turkish musical culture. During her years in Turkey she was most fortunate to work with and learn from many wonderful traditional musicians, clarinetist Selim Sesler and accordionist Muammer Ketencoğlu among them. Not a strict tradtionalist, she has also frequently collaborated with Baba Zula, a Turkish Psychedelic Folk Art Rock band. She has recorded several times with the aforementioned musicians, has appeared as a guest on many albums and film soundtracks in Canada, the US and Europe and has released her own recordings to critical aclaim abroad. She is a featured performer in “Crossing the Bridge’’, Fatih Akın’s 2005 documentary of the Istanbul music scene. Her theatre work includes musical director of the multiple award-winning Volcano production of “Goodness”. In 2010, she found herself in Moscow as a member of the cast of “Bobble” with Bobby McFerrin and in the summer of 2011 she toured across Europe with Balkan beat DJ Shantel and the Bucovina Club Orkestra. She has taught Turkish and Balkan song at workshops across North America, in France, in Turkey and Japan.

Brenna MacCrimmon
Dirk Schweer lernt türkisch und singt eben mal akzentfrei ein Liebeslied für seine Herzensdame. Erinnert mich stark an die Kanadierin Brenna Maccrimmon, die auch im perfekten türkisch alte Volkslieder aufgreift um sie neu zu vertonen.

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Ich kenn Türken die reden so verdreht Türkisch als würde man denken sie sein aus dem Arabischen Raum rollen zu sehr das R oder haben eine Katastrophale Aussprache. Die Beiden sind wirklich unglaublich. Viele Türken sollten sich an denen ein Beispiel nehmen.

Natürlich muss man aber sagen, dass diese Menschen Türkisch nicht fließend sprechen sondern perfekt in Türkische ihre Lieder singen.
Woher kann sie so gut türkisch singen?

Hier deine Antwort:

As a result she embarked on a slow and inexorable descent into the world of Turkish and Balkan music. In Toronto, she worked with local Turkish and Macedonian ensembles before eventually deciding to “go to the source” and learn more about the music and the cultures that produced it. She spent a year as a guest student in the folk music division of the Turkish State Music Conservatory in 1985-86.
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