Als Reaktion auf die aussagen der serbischen Politiker und ihre leeren Versprechungen und Fantastereien gegenüber ihrer Landsleute, von Teilung, Rückzieher bei Anerkennungen, EU-Mitgliedschaft und Hollywood in Belgrad (Robert de Niro, Goege cConey Sharon Stone
) und wenn sie nicht getsorben sind dann lügen sie noch weiter usw. hat Hashim Thaci jetzt endlich wieder das Wort 
[h1]Kosovo PM Vows New Spurt of Recognitions[/h1]
02 October 2008 Pristina _ Kosovo’s Prime Minister Hashim Thaci has dismissed the Serbian Foreign Minister’s claims that some countries may soon retract their recognition of Kosovo’s independence.
“There will be new recognitions for Kosovo that will surprise Serbia,” Thaci said on Thursday.
His comments were a reply to remarks by Serbia’s Foreign Minister, Vuk Jeremic, that some states such as Costa Rica which have recognised Kosovo’s independence may reverse their move if Serbia’s resolution on the legality of Kosovo’s independence is forwarded to the International Court of Justice for its opinion.
The United Nations’ 192 members will vote on Serbia’s resolution on October 8. If Belgrade secures a simple majority, its resolution will be forwarded to the World Court.
Jeremic said he expects some countries to retract their recognition of Kosovo if the World Court decides Pristina’s independence was a breach of international law.
“There are certain countries that have very openly told us that if the Court rules that it was not in line with international law, they will withdraw their recognition of Kosovo,” Jeremic said. - Kosovo Recognitions ?Will be Retracted?

[h1]Kosovo PM Vows New Spurt of Recognitions[/h1]
02 October 2008 Pristina _ Kosovo’s Prime Minister Hashim Thaci has dismissed the Serbian Foreign Minister’s claims that some countries may soon retract their recognition of Kosovo’s independence.
“There will be new recognitions for Kosovo that will surprise Serbia,” Thaci said on Thursday.
His comments were a reply to remarks by Serbia’s Foreign Minister, Vuk Jeremic, that some states such as Costa Rica which have recognised Kosovo’s independence may reverse their move if Serbia’s resolution on the legality of Kosovo’s independence is forwarded to the International Court of Justice for its opinion.
The United Nations’ 192 members will vote on Serbia’s resolution on October 8. If Belgrade secures a simple majority, its resolution will be forwarded to the World Court.
Jeremic said he expects some countries to retract their recognition of Kosovo if the World Court decides Pristina’s independence was a breach of international law.
“There are certain countries that have very openly told us that if the Court rules that it was not in line with international law, they will withdraw their recognition of Kosovo,” Jeremic said. - Kosovo Recognitions ?Will be Retracted?