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Tirana - Bauprojekte

Weiß nicht ob weitere Geplant wurden, aber ich hoffs. Sieht auf jeden fall viel besser als diese schachtel-förmigen Gebäude, aus.

Stimmt meiner Meinung auch, würde etwas mehr pep in die Stadt bringen.
Die Gebäude sehen unnötig aus wie hier im Hintergrund
Stimmt meiner Meinung auch, würde etwas mehr pep in die Stadt bringen.
Die Gebäude sehen unnötig aus wie hier im Hintergrund


Dieses neue Gebäude wo ich vorhin gepostet habe wurde neben dieser Brücke ("Ura e Tabakëve", ca. 400 Jahre alt) gebaut. Hier sieht man auch diese bunten Gebäude aus der Enver-zeit, ich hoff dass die bald zerstört und durch solche neuen ersetzt werden

Edit: Hier ist ein ähnliches


Sieht auch sehr gut aus. Hab mal i-wo noch 2 stück gesehen, kann die grad aber nicht finden...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Dieses neue Gebäude wo ich vorhin gepostet habe wurde neben dieser Brücke ("Ura e Tabakëve", ca. 400 Jahre alt) gebaut. Hier sieht man auch diese bunten Gebäude aus der Enver-zeit, ich hoff dass die bald zerstört und durch solche neuen ersetzt werden

Edit: Hier ist ein ähnliches


Sieht auch sehr gut aus. Hab mal i-wo noch 2 stück gesehen, kann die grad aber nicht finden...

Danke, ja sieht ja echt scheußlich aus. (Erste Bild)
Das zweite einfach super, wäre sehr froh, wenn sie weiter an solchen Gebäuden arbeiten.

TIRANA | Archea Tower| 85m | 25 fl | U/C
Pas rrethimit te zonës ku do të ndertohet kulla rreth dicka me shume se 1 vit me pare...muajt e fundit ka filluar hapja e gropes.



Për kujtesë:

The 85 meters high building provides a complex and various functional program: six underground levels for parking, the first four floors for commercial spaces, seven floors for offices and the last eight for dwellings. A luxurious hotel is placed on the top of the building from which a big panorama can be enjoyed. The project, entitled ″4 ever green″, has emerged for the peculiar attention paid to the insertion of the project inside the urban context and for the creation of public spaces in the ground floor, gained thanks to the tightening of the base of the building.
More then referring to the contemporary skyscrapers characterized by glass and steel, the building refers to the traditional masonry of towers that animated the historical landscape. So as in the movements even the skin of the building reinvents the tradition elaborating the pattern of the ancient tissues of the Tirana land, changing them in a texture which creates vibrating and ethereal fronts.



Kulla po ndertohet ne rrugen "Deshmoret e 4 shkurtit".(Ne te majte te fotos)










“ARCHEA ASSOCIATI” – Italy, wins the competition for the Tower Complex in “Dëshmorët e 4 Shkurtit” street.

In “Sheraton“ Hotel took place the international competition of the ideas for the architectonic project for the Tower Complex in “Dëshmorët e 4 Shkurtit” street in front of the Orthodox Cathedral to be selected according to the study “Urban Study for the Center of the City of Tirana”. In this competition presented their ideas 4 studios, among which also an Albanian studio. The studios were:





After examining their ideas, the jury claimed “ARCHEA ASSOCIATI” – studio Italy as winner of this competition. In conclusion, the Mayor of the Municipality of Tirana Edi Rama, also Chairman of the Jury, after announcing the winner expressed that:

“We had a long discussion which was focused on two projects, on the project of the Italian studio “ARCHEA ASSOCIATI” and on the project of the Belgium studio “XAVEER DE GEYTER”. It was a very long discussion and practically the jury could not get consensus. Then it was voted and with a result 5 with 4 “ARCHEA ASSOCIATI” studio won.

I wish to thank all participants, all members of the jury for their work and in particular the friends from abroad Albania with a very high dedication and personalization. I wish to thank the competitors. Unfortunately, in these cases one must always win, but as well as experience has shown and as well as Peter Wilson himself is one of the architects that have contributed for the city of Tirana, though he was presented as winner of the second position in the first competition, now I am convinced that even “XAVEER DE GEYTER” as well will continue to work with the city of Tirana and thanking everyone I am convinced that with this international competition we bring a new contribution to our city“.

Marco Casamonti (one of the members of the Italian winner studio “ARCHEA ASSOCIATI”)

“I am excited to be here in front of you and I think that if I had been a member of the jury it would have been very difficult to choose, because there were four very good projects. But now I am very happy that I had the chance to give my contribution, but of course not just me, but also all those that work in my studio and who work with devotion in order that it will be built as soon as possible.

It is an interesting situation because Tirana is in the way of development to become a big capital city and we are very happy to give our little contribution for this development. But there is another reason for my happiness, as 50 years ago here, an architect from Florence projected a very important building for Tirana and I hope to continue on his traces”.

Stefano Boeri, Chairman of the Jury

“It was difficult for the jury to evaluate the proposals that were presented. We tried to define a list of the common criteria and in fact we want to encourage the first proposal presented by “SON PROJEKTIM” for the project of the facade of this new building, as an interrelation with the other part of the city. Regarding the second proposal by “ARCHEA ASSOCIATI” we evaluated the sculptural aspect dimension of the building and the prospect for its capacity to absorb the surrounding complexity.

Regarding the third proposal from “BOLLES +WILSON” we evaluated the personality of the building and the internal limpidity of the interior and regarding the fourth proposal presented by “XAVEER DE GEYTER” it seemed very innovatory in its effort to upturn the report between the structure and the facade. “


The Albanian studio “Son Projektim” considers the center of the city as a transformation object. This studio foresees a glass tower where images of the tree and wood of the tree meet. These images are applied on glass. It has chosen this program and mainly downstairs it has parking, then shopping centers, offices, hotels and apartments.

Another important element in the project of this studio is “Rinia“ park, which is a park where a great green space prevails. In the project it is foreseen a commercial gallery with 5 five levels (4 upstairs and one downstairs). And also the restaurant in the top floor.

The tower conceived according to this project exists within and thus it is a kind of city within the city.

The offices conceived as such will have the possibility of diffusion with a space 50-90 m2.

The residencies are placed in the upper floors and conceived in four levels 2 +1 and 3 +1 for apartments. It is foreseen the hotel exclusive part with rooms 40-130 m2.

Parking is conceived in three levels, -2-4 underground related with the same lift.

The facade is conceived with glass laminated and is perceived through enlightening. In order not to burden green space with a great volume, it aims a simple structure in the urban component.

Regarding the entrance in “Dëshmorët e 4 Shkurtit”, it brings to the commercial gallery, which is the most exposed part. Bars and restaurants are considered as private in this project.


The Italian studio again concentrates on the idea of the tree creating a sculpture, dividing in 4 volumes the vertical capacity of the tower and these volumes that are fragmented create a form of sculpture.

The Italian studio ”Archea Associati” in its project starts from the concept of the well-known Italian architect Brazini who has projected also the two axes of the city. They keep to the idea of classicism considering that the Italian identity prevails and in particular roman structure being in a certain manner a continuity of those. They want to give the idea of architectural spread. For them the urban situation is very important.

Based on the project there are two monolith points and the projectors of the studio in their project aim for a building so the city repeats.

For them it is important the study of urban space and of free spaces. Also greening must be reflected in the building. They have conceived the excision of the tower in four parts, but also have considered public space. They tent to give a clear structure.

The Italian studio aims to present this building not as a skyscraper, but as a tower where parts of the tower have different identities. The floors are conceived the same.

In their project parking is an important element and for them does not exist a normal parking. The mechanic parking is considered difficult because there exists the possibility of interruption of power.

In the ground floor are projected 3-4 levels, the ground floor according to them is important because it correlates with pedestrians, with the street etc. Every part can be used for various activities. Every activity has the lift, the lift for the commercial part, for housing, offices etc, on top there is the hotel, there is a lift for the hotel, for the swimming pool from which there is view of the city, of the mountains etc.

The building is a simple structure conform the character of Albania.

According to the projectors if it was projected with glass this will be expensive cost in respect of power.


The German studio bases mainly on the idea of Mondrian, a very simple and achieved play of the full superficies and of the empty superficies and had a quiet and simple architectural idea.

According to the projectors of this studio if we discuss for the character of the city we cannot judge through digital images.

The tower conceived according to this studio is a tower that needs no under text. According to them, this building must be an image, a clear icon.

The tower is conceived in two parts:

The frontal part directed to the park

The other part from the west

The building is conceived as a white and black building. They aim a simple form to occupy the entire superficies and respect the project. The urban space is the street.

A great importance for the projectors has the vivacity of the building. According to them in Tirana it can be lived even in small spaces.

The projectors of the studio Bolles+ Wilson know where can be experimented. They know borders. They look at two different systems to secure the building from land shakes, seismologic shakes. Yellow image prevails in the top. According to them it is the image of the painter Albert that they have used for the walls. The stabilizing walls near the building compose bordering.

Meanwhile that according to the plan of Mondrian the facade is conceived with glass. The lift must be external, according to the plan of Mondrian because they want to occupy the center.

The columns, walls are interrelated with functional levels. According to them a street with trees is a pleasure for the summer period.

The facade is conceived with stable columns and creates space in the entrance.

Regarding the system of windows it is not uniform.

In the center of their conceiving there is the image of the Albanian jublet (a traditional folk Albanian jacket) and they have tried to present this in the tissue of their facade. Thus, the metaphor is the Albanian jublet, black color and then the bright part.

They tend to bring a phrase from the famous novel of the writer Ismail Kadare entitled “Kronikë në gur- Chronicle on stone” and the phrase they aim to is “U ngrit një sfinks” – “A sphinx was raised”. There is another raise in the project in the southern and northern part and it is of glass, it is a standard system.

Thus it is an architecture that resembles to a rug.

They thought to bring lodges in the inhabitation part and as shelters that do not permit sunrays when it is hot. The lift in the down part. There is also the lift for the apartments, for the offices, for the hotel.

The idea of layers and the black and white performance are two elements that are important for this studio. The plans are simple. The lane for vehicles coming out is 5-6 m. The image “icon” is very important for them.


“XAVEER DE GEYTER” studio made a structural volume within, clenched by a system of columns. This studio does not contain to tradition, but keeps in mind the development of the city. According to them it is an element of the master plan.

Regarding the form they think of a simple economy where buildings are still in a construction phase. They think of a sculptural shape that is grasped by a simple concrete structure. Concrete columns 30-30 are foreseen.

The building conceived according to them has a central part toward the yard. The facades are of glass with various colors. Not the entire glass part is transparent.

The shape does not correlate directly with this program.

The projectors aimed to create a shelter 50 cm to secure shadow and a bow in the top to secure the elegance of the building.

There exist 4 facades. There is no real frontal facade. There is a combination of the two elements. The escalators behind the frontal part brig to the shopping center.

The projectors tried to create a free plan for the shopping center in a manner that they must be as shops apart. Also the projectors of this studio did not decide if it would be used normal concrete or white one.

In this conceiving we have to do with a facade that incurves behind and in the upper levels is not visible. There can be made a shadow performance.

The ambition of the urban plan makes up a contrast regarding the square around. The yard is not conceived as a public area, but as a half-public space would say the projectors of this studio.

Parking is conceived 3m wide. In level –1 there is the shopping center.

According to the studio the yard’s part must be with glass tiles, it has a level for the garage in levels –3, -4. There are 170 cars that can be parked. Also, it was projected a simple flower park, the floor with glass tiles, green color walls. The other levels are projected as open commercial superficies.

According to the projectors the planning program of commercial centers is open.

There are planned duplex apartments, if it is necessary. In the upper floor there is a swimming pool connected with the restaurant.

The projectors of this studio are sure that it can be built also with simple systems. For them it is important the dimensioning of the columns.

The frame part must be considered for transparence. The thickness of the floor in the facade is 30 cm. The height of the floors is diverse, thus higher than in the commercial part than in the residential one. Hanging walls are behind the glass facade.

It is a regular structure that considers seismic criteria.


RolexAL (SSC)

The traditional design principles are here overturned in an attempt to provide the highest amount of public areas, the best aerial view from the inside of the buildings and the most efficient connection between the already existing park and the green areas to be designed and developed. The top floors of the buildings are characterized with breathtaking panoramic views of the city, while the lower ones are constricted and narrowed to provide for an extra amount of public spaces, shadowed and covered by the cantilevered volumes above. The high rise blocks are sculpted like works of art by the urging necessity of the city to reacquire its own public spaces. Like an unstoppable energy, the grey colored building is carved on its very roots and new colorful, free areas are created for the people to enjoy. The park finally finds its way through the massive entities of the man-made construction, and nature reconnects itself and moves towards the urban environment reclaiming surfaces once stolen by stone and asphalt. Like in the Arabic tradition that so much influenced the establishment and development of Tirana as an outstanding city of the past, the squares and porches will become animated centers of life for the whole neighborhood around; markets and shops will create a lively surrounding, and the voices and colors of the people will make the "Qemal Stafa Stadium" area the perfect meeting point in town






Tirana Northern Lake Area Projekt

Ideja e studios fituese MVRDV “Tirana Rocks /Gurët e Tiranës” THE WINER project


Projekti i propozuar nga Winy Mass është një frymëzim unikal që ka buruar nga kjo zonë dhe jo një shembull i kopjuar nga vende të tjera në botë.
Ndërtesa të reja, kulla, hotele, qendra tregëtare, banka, por edhe një plazh buzë liqenit - këtu konsiston projekti fitues.
Ndërtesat janë të shtrira në pjesën poshtë Digës, me pamje të drejtuar nga liqeni. Midis tyre dhe Digës lihet një hapësirë ku do të kalojnë ura prej druri që do të lidhin katet e treta të ndërtesave me zonën përgjatë liqenit.
Ideja e veshjes së Digës me shkallë druri dhe vende shlodhëse krijojnë jo vetëm tribunën e liqenit, por edhe një park të ri brenda tij si një zonë me aktivitete të reja sociale. Kullat qëndrojnë në këmbë, janë të ulura, apo edhe të shtrira duke krijuar kështu hapësira me karakter të ndryshëm të cilat e bëjnë zonën më tërheqëse.
Së bashku, këto ndërtesa kthehen në një seri gurësh/shkëmbinjsh, një formacion shkëmbor i cili tenton të bëhet ikona shkëlqyese në park, buzë liqenit. Përsa i takon gjelbërimit të parkut, vendosja e pemës jacaranda me kurorën e saj blu në hapësirën përreth liqenit e shton romanticitetin në këtë zonë.

Bashkia - Lajmet e Ditarit



Albania rocks: Aedas' Tirana towers

08 January 2010

This is the latest image to be released of the masterplan for Tirana Rocks, an urban neighbourhood at the shore of Tirana Lake, in the south of the Albanian capital

Designed by architect Aedas, the two residential towers pictured will provide 8,000m2 of floor space, with 156 units ranging from studios to penthouses. The budget is undisclosed.

Read more: http://www.building.co.uk/story.asp?...#ixzz0bzZLMwIY

Ky projekt i propozuar nga studio arkitekturore Aedas eshte pjese e masterplanit te zones veriore te liqenit artifical Gurët e Tiranës

Tirana Rocks Residential Towers

As part of the Tirana Rocks masterplan, Aedas has recently designed two residential towers designed to maximise views of the surrounding area and to provide an interactive and lively retail space.
The design concept emerged from a strong desire to acknowledge the accepted ‘Tirana Rocks’ masterplan which creates a new dense urban neighborhood with a park and public facilities at the shore of Tirana Lake, in the south of the Albanian capital. The design appreciates the contextual limits, and provides a sustainable, iconic vision of the future of Tirana, and Albania.
The buildings have been designed to echo the richness of the area and articulate a ‘rock’ aesthetic which relates to the existing masterplan. Through a massing model exercise from the parameters set out within the masterplan, the process developed forms, which combined with contextual generators of patterns, rocks, and mountains, created the fundamental basis of the concept.
When complete, the exterior ‘rock’ theme will utilise local stone found within this region. Its design provides interest by creating forms, colour and texture, yet adds soften edges within the fractured landscape. The façades will fold back, providing stunning views and daylight within the property.
Aedas’ design provides two unique buildings which are appropriate to location, environment, culture and function, achieving the objectives of the brief, while reflecting the client’s aspirations for an iconic development for Tirana.

>>>> Tirana RocksInternational Architects, Design Quality, Sustainable Design, People and Places, Continuous Improvement, Inspirational Spaces, Architecture, R&D, Interior Design, Building Consultancy, Urban Design & Landscape, Imaging, UK, USA, Hong Kong

