Dr. Svetlana Broz ist die Enkelin von Jozib Broz Tito sie hat sich über den streit zum Namen Makedonien/Mazedonien geäussert. Ich hätte diese Nachricht auch in einem anderen thread posten können aber das es sich um Titos Enkelin handelt ist es von höherem Interesse und verdient einen eigenen thread. Sie äussert sich auch darüber was ihr Großvater über die heutige Situation denken würde. Sie scheint eine sehr gebildete Frau zu sein höchst selten auf dem Balkan.
Tito's granddaughter sides with Greece against FYROM
Hier könnt ihr den gesamten Kommentar von Svetlana Brot lesen. The name 'Macedonia' cannot work | Comment | ekathimerini.com
Tito's granddaughter sides with Greece against FYROM
Tito's granddaughter sides with Greece against FYROM
Svetlana Broz believes that Skopje should make amends
15 December 2017
"Although my grandfather, Josip Broz Tito, 'gave' the name 'Macedonia' to one of the six constituent republics of Yugoslavia, it is obvious that this act did not aim to create irredentist claims with its neighbours, with which Yugoslavia developed friendly relations and fruitful cooperation."
With this statement, Svetlana Broz, granddaughter of the historic leader of Yugoslavia, took a stance on the issue that has created animosity between Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM).
Now that a new round of negotiations between the two countries have been undertaken by the United Nations, in a climate of optimism, following the change of leadership in FYROM, which abandoned the nationalistic hard-line favoured by Nikola Gruevski, Svetlana Broz's statement weighs in significantly on the matter.
"The term "Macedonia" has always been used for a wider geographical area, approximately 51 percent of which is part of Greece, 38 percent of which is in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and 9 percent of which is in Bulgaria", she said, making reference to the history of Alexander the Great and the kingdom of Macedonia as being part of the Hellenic history and stating that anyone objecting this, should enter an academic debate, not a political one.
"It would be absurd, therefore, on Skopje's part, to insist on using the term "Macedonia" on an exclusive basis. I would therefore like the leadership in Skopje to do their best to find a solution", she added.
FYROM's new government, led by the moderate Zoran Zaev has made steps to approach Greece and rebuild severed ties.
Hier könnt ihr den gesamten Kommentar von Svetlana Brot lesen. The name 'Macedonia' cannot work | Comment | ekathimerini.com