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unbekannte Legenden im Fussball


οἶδα οὐκ &#94
Dimitrios Saravakos begann seine Karriere beim griechischen Erstligisten Panionios Athen bei dem bereits in den 1950er und 1960er Jahren sein Vater Athanasios Saravakos unter Vertrag stand. Bei Panionios kam Dimitrios Saravakos auf insgesamt 142 Einsätze und erzielte dabei 35 Tore. 1979 gewann er den griechischen Vereinspokal und wechselte schließlich im Sommer 1984 zu Panathinaikos Athen. Bei Panathinaikos spielte Saravakos für eine Dekade (1984–1994) und entwickelte sich zu einem der beliebtesten Spieler der Vereinsgeschichte. Neben drei Meisterschaften (1986, 1990, 1991) gewann Saravakos auch sechs mal den griechischen Pokal (1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1993, 1994). In diesem Zeitraum stieg Saravakos zu einem der bekanntesten Spieler der griechischen Fußballgeschichte auf und machte auch auf europäischer Bühne auf sich aufmerksam. So kam es das der italienische Spitzenverein Juventus Turin zu Beginn der 1990er Jahre Panathinaikos ein Angebot für die Verpflichtung des Spielers unterbreitete. Der damalige Vereinspräsident Athens G. Vardinogiannis lehnte jedoch ab und so blieb Saravakos eine Karriere im Ausland verwehrt.

Panathinaikos - Saravakos scores against Göteborg - YouTube
Olympiakos - Panathinaikos 1-2 (1985-86) Show - Saravakos - YouTube

könnt hier spieler posten, die nie berühmt wurden...aber ein Hammer talent hatten :-)

Lefter Küçükandonyadis - Eine Legende in der Türkei, vorallem für Fenerbahce. Griechischstämmiger ehemaliger türkischer Nationalspieler. Er gilt als einer der besten Fussballer der türkischen Geschichte, er verstarb im Januar 2012.

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Unser ehemaliger Superstar ach was sage ich unsere Legende.

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Mit Platini

Your most memorable International match?
“Against Germany,no doubt. Particularly the match in Tirana, in 1967. We won the game, we knew it, the Germans knew it and the referees knew it, even though in the pappers it appeared as a tie 0-0”
Your most important International Goal?
“Going back, definitely My First. It was the goal I scored against Denmark in Tirane and thanks to my goal we won 1-0”
Your most important Domestic Goal?
“Tough. I have scored many in very decisive times. But, only one tops them all. The goal that gave me my first trophy. After 2 matches and 5 extra times Partizani was playing against Dinamo for the Championship match. First game ended up 1-1 after regulation and 2 extra times. Then the second match was played. 0-0 after regulations and 2 extra times. Then was my turn. I scored and the winning goal gave us the Championship”

Your “lucky” goal?
“I scored from the penalty spot once. The opposing keeper Teli Ciko saved the kick but the ball rolled slowly under his arms into the net. That was a lucky goal”

What do you consider the best time of Soccer in Albania?
“Years 1970-1975. I played in 50-es, 60-es and 70-es and early 70-es were the best ever. Then, there were the 80-es, but of course, I’d have to pick the years I played. The stadiums were sold out in every match played in Tirana, especially the “ DERBY” between Tirana, Partizani , Dinamo. In nowadays, in all the matches these teams play, you can count with your hands the fans in the Stadium. It is tragic for soccer in Albania.”

“ If Panajot Pano doesn’t remember me, I remember him”

Franz Beckenbauer

Panajot Pano is married to his wife Rebecca and together have a boy, Ledio and a girl Nertila. Ledio followed in his father’s footsteps and to this day is very much involved with soccer in Albania. Pano, retired from soccer in Maj 1975. The greatest scorer ever in Albania hung his shoes. And since then, there hasn’t been another one to replace him. Many have come close, but none as close.
Who’s the best player to ever play the game?
Adriano and Shevchenko

In Albania?
None. Nobody.

Your 3 strongest weapons that made you so “Magical” as a player?
Love of the game, discipline in practice and of course, talent.

Do you have any regrets about your soccer career?
“Not really. I have been curious all my life as to how it would have been if I had had a chance to play in a foreign Championship. That’s all. No regrets”

Did you ever have an offer?
“Yes, of course. Many times. But couldn’t sign because of the system as we all know. I had offers from National Team scouts of Germany, Holland, Denmark, Switzerland, Northern Ireland and clubs like Keln, Fenerbache whose President was the Myslym Bey, of Albanian origin. He was very exited about me"

Unser Held eine Legende

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