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US-Soldat überlebt Maschinengewehrbeschuss

Wo sind'n da seine Kameraden? I-wie schaut das doch recht unglaubwürdig aus....

Lies mal die Beschreibung des Videos

We were doing overwatch on the village to recon and gather intel. I was point heading down the face of the hill with the LT. when we got hit. the rest of the squad was pinned down by machine gun fire. I didn't start the video until a few mins into the firefight for obvious reasons. I came out into the open to draw fire so my squad could get to safety.

Das Video wurde auf dem Funker530 Channel hochgeladen, also ist es ausgeschlossen das es ein Fake ist. Schau dir mal die anderen Videos auf dem Channel an.
Wie er die Waffe nachlädt, fast Battlefield 3 like
for all you cod bf3 and even arma 2 fanboys this is not your game. this is war. it is not something we play around with in your mothers basement for hours alone screaming into a mic at 3 year olds. i myself am a gamer, i myself am a child and i no i am not using the best spelling or whatever. but this is why i feel shame on the american people. people who make fun of those who die for us are horrible just plain horrendous. get real and thank god or whoever you do or dont worship. hav respect

Kyle Kane

Geiler Channel, kannt ich nicht.