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Wahlen in Makedonien 2014

Liberal Party of Macedonia Joins GROM Coalition

March 28, 2014, Friday @ 18:35 in Politics » DOMESTIC | Views: 17
Ivon Velickovski, President of the Liberal Party Photo: Radovan Vujovic

The Liberal Party of Macedonia has joined GROM coalition, the the party president Ivon Velickovski stated Friday at the joint press conference with GROM's leader Stevco Jakimovski.
As the leader of GROM said, the decision of the Liberal Party to join the coalition came as a result of the cooperation and success at the previous local elections.
"GROM coalition is growing. Except for the Union of Tito's Left Forces, the Serbian Progressive Party in Macedonia and the Party of United Democrats of Macedonia, the Liberal Party is to become part of the coalition also. Considering the successful cooperation in the past I think that everyone have gladly accepted the coalition," said Jakimovski.

The Liberal Party President stressed that the reason the party has decided to enter the coalition lies in the fact they share similar ideology and party programs.

- See more at: Liberal Party of Macedonia Joins GROM Coalition - Independent.mk

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Mit wem wird die VMRO eher koalieren? BDI oder PDSH?

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    Sie haben keine Berechtigung Anhänge anzusehen. Anhänge sind ausgeblendet.
interessant dass ali ahmeti das bessere rating hat als zoran zaev :'D

ebenfalls interessant dass gleichzeitig 15% trotzdem die sdsm sympatisieren.

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Ivanov wird sowieso wieder Präsident.

tat einen ausserordentlich guten job in der öffentlichkeit. sehe auch nicht warum nicht. bin positiv überrascht von ihm. dachte anfangs, dass er gruevski gesteuert ist. zeigte aber durchaus, in gewissen situationen, dass er eine eigene meinung vertritt.