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Wahlen in Makedonien 2014

Macedonian Diaspora: Long Voting Lines in Bern and Venice

April 10, 2014, Thursday @ 22:16 in Politics | Views: 31
Macedonian Diaspora: Long Voting Lines in Bern and Venice State Election Commission Photo: Vlatko Perkovski
The interest of voting in Ankara, Moscow, Washington and Ottawa is low, says the data from the State Election Commission, Telegraf.mk reports.

According to the information released from the State Election Commission, highest number of voters for the upcoming early parliamentary elections was registered in bigger European cities. About 22,154 Macedonian citizens have registered to vote, whereas 4,131 in Bern, 3,749 in Venice and 1,840 in Vienna.

The Macedonian community in Switzerland is quite big. Although Bern is leading in numbers, the activists had problems motivating the citizens to register to vote.

"It is hard to convince people to vote. We have asked the Government to set election desks in Lausanne, Geneva, Zurich and Ticino. There are many voters in Ticino, but it is about 280 km far from Bern", says Zivko Atanasov, President of the Macedonian Community in Switzerland.

In Rome, 1,507 citizens have registered and in Ljubljana 1,044, some 1,040 in Chicago and 1,005 in New York.

The number of voters registered in the diaspora is three times higher compared to 2011. However, almost half of the registered did not come out to vote.

Tags: State Election Commission, Bern, Switzerland, Zivko Atanaso
- See more at: Macedonian Diaspora: Long Voting Lines in Bern and Venice - Independent.mk
About 22,154 Macedonian citizens have registered to vote, whereas 4,131 in Bern, 3,749 in Venice and 1,840 in Vienna.

haha die hälfte von 4131 ist aus Tetova und die andere aus Strumica.Fc Makedonija Bern geht wählen :haha:
Wen soll man denn bitte von diesen Opfer-Politikern wählen? Von den albanischen Parteien gibt es keine einzige, die keine korrupten Mitglieder hat. Kein aufgeklärter Bürger wählt doch Schmarotzer, damit sie das Land weiter ausbeuten. Lieber enthält man sich. Was Mazedonien fehlt, ist eine Ethnien übergreifende politische Bewegung, die endlich das Land vorwärts bringt und die Mentalität dort mal in die richtige Richtung lenkt.