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Das Video nicht angucken wenn ihr Tierliebhaber seid
Tommy Andersen´s cat bit the neighbours daughter,
he killed it and returned it in a bag 30.jul. 2013, in Bergen, Norway.
Tommy Andersen could not understand the reaction.
- The doorbell rang. My neighbor asked if I had a cat.
Yes, I replied. He said: Not anymore, says Andersen.
- I joined over and looked at her daughter, said Andersen,
who thinks that the damage was not particularly big on the daughter.
He has reported the case.
- We have received your review and will decide in the coming days whether
the case will be continued, says police chief Morten Ørn at Bergen Southern Police District.
My neighbor killed the cat, and delivered it in a bag - YouTube
Das Video nicht angucken wenn ihr Tierliebhaber seid