Kozuf, Macedonia ... Kozuf ski resort is situated deep in the Kozuf mountain in the southern part of the Republic of Macedonia. Kozuf is slowly becoming the most visited attraction in the Gevgelija region.Kozuf's most western parts reach the river Blashnica, and the north-western side stretches in a line, from the Mrezhichko village via the village Konopishte (Kavadarci area), through the course of Boshava riverto the town of Demir Kapija.Kozuf is aspecific mountain because it is the first natural barrier in the Republic of Macedonia that is directly exposed to the influences of the Mediterranean and the Aegean Sea. Kozuf's highest peak is Zelenbeg, at 2171 meters above the sea level.The Kozuf ski resort can be accessed only using the road from Gevgelija via Smrdliva Voda settlement which is 36 km, while from Skopje is 198 km. Due to various problems in connection from Smrdliva Voda, a new 13,5 km road was constructed from Smrdliva Voda to Kozuf in the winter 2010.
Kozuf, Macedonia ... Kozuf ski resort is situated deep in the Kozuf mountain in the southern part of the Republic of Macedonia. Kozuf is slowly becoming the most visited attraction in the Gevgelija region.Kozuf's most western parts reach the river Blashnica, and the north-western side stretches in a line, from the Mrezhichko village via the village Konopishte (Kavadarci area), through the course of Boshava riverto the town of Demir Kapija.Kozuf is aspecific mountain because it is the first natural barrier in the Republic of Macedonia that is directly exposed to the influences of the Mediterranean and the Aegean Sea. Kozuf's highest peak is Zelenbeg, at 2171 meters above the sea level.The Kozuf ski resort can be accessed only using the road from Gevgelija via Smrdliva Voda settlement which is 36 km, while from Skopje is 198 km. Due to various problems in connection from Smrdliva Voda, a new 13,5 km road was constructed from Smrdliva Voda to Kozuf in the winter 2010.