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Wirtschaft der Türkei - Türkiye Ekonomisi - Economy of Turkey

"Das Wunder heißt freier Markt" - xaxa, wenn man das schon liest. Alle paar Jahre funktioniert der freie Markt dann nicht so wunderbar.
[h=1]Türkei: Leistungsbilanzsaldo mit bestem Lauf seit 17 Jahren[/h]
Die Türkei hat im Monat November einen Leistungsbilanzüberschuss (Außenhandel mit Waren, Geldströme etc) von 986 Millionen Dollar erzielt. Dies ist der vierte Überschuss in Folge, und damit der am längsten anhaltende Überschuss für die Türkei seit dem Jahr 2002! Die folgende Grafik (seit 1999) zeigt den jüngsten Verlauf ins Plus, während der Außenhandel all die Jahre strukturell im Minus lag. Also floss seit gut 20 Jahren fast immer nur Geld netto aus der Türkei ab.

pepsi eröffnet in der türkei seine 6 fabrik..

[h=1]PepsiCo Company opens its 6th factory in Turkey[/h]


Posted on: 6 Jan 2019

PepsiCo which is one of the largest food and beverage companies in the world has put into operation its sixth plant in Manisa, Turkey. The facility was opened by Turkey’s President ERDOGAN who also delivered a speech conveying important messages The opening ceremony held at Manisa Organized Industry Zone (OSB) was attended by President ERDOGAN as well as Binali YILDIRIM (Chairman of the Parliament), Mustafa VARANK (Industry & Technology Minister) and Bekir PAKDEMIRLI (Agriculture & Forestry Minister). The facility is located on ​​100 thousand square meters with a 47 thousand square meter closed area. Production of popular brand items such as Lay's, Doritos and Ruffles will be carried out with an annual capacity of 250 million packages. The plant which was realized with an investment of over US$ 100 million will thus generate an additional employment for 300 people. It is also reported that 25 percent of Doritos brand items will be exported to 10 different countries. Prior to the opening Mr. Levent YUKSEL, Pepsico General Manager for Turkey met with reporters to brief them about the new investment thus realized. YUKSEL stated that factors such as the logistics position of Manisa, the infrastructure facilities suitable for investment at OSB, trained labor force and its proximity to certain raw material sources had been effective in their investment decision and that the factory was equipped with the latest technologies and suitable for Industry 4.0 infrastructure. YUKSEL also stated that Pepsico Turkey was one of Turkey's major agricultural companies, and they had contracts with over a thousand farmers in 24 cities to have them produce various items such as potatoes, corn and fruit for Pepsico, on an area of 6 thousand hectares approximately. He added his company supported sustainable agriculture.

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