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Wirtschaftsnews Albanien + Kosova


EVN vor 900-Millionen-Investition in Albanien

Der Energieversorger EVN steht vor einer Großinvestition in Albanien. Es geht um die Errichtung von drei Wasserkraftwerken am Devoll-Fluss, das Investitionsvolumen liegt laut albanischer Nachrichtenagentur ATA bei etwa 900 Millionen Euro.

EVN war Bestbieter

Die EVN ist bei der internationalen Ausschreibung zur Errichtung der drei Wasserkraftwerke in Albanien als Bestbieter hervorgegangen. Gemeinsam mit der albanischen Regierung soll nun in den nächsten Monaten ein Konzessionsvertrag erarbeitet werden, der die Rahmenbedingugen für den Bau der Kraftwerke festlegt.

Erstes Projekt der Zusammenarbeit

Drei Speicherkraftwerke sind am Devoll-Fluß geplant, sie sollen eine Gesamtleistung von circa 400 Megawatt haben. Das entspricht etwa der doppelten Leistung des Kraftwerks Kaprun.

Das Kraftwerksprojek ist das erste konkrete Resultat des Grundsatzübereinkommens zwischen dem Land Niederösterreich, der Republik Albanien und der EVN, heißt es beim niederösterreichsichen Energieversorger, die Erschließung der Wasserkraft in Albanien sei ein Hauptziel dieser Zusammenarbeit. Denn derzeit ist die Sromversorguing in Albanien nicht gesichert, regelmäßig kommt es zu Stromausfällen beziehungsweise Abschaltungen.


EVN und Verbund arbeiten zusammen

Beim Ausbau der albanischen Wasserkraft könnte es auch zu einer Zusammenarbeit zwischen der EVN und dem Verbund-Konzern kommen, das bisher angespannte Vehaltnis zwischen der EVN und dem Verbund habe sich in den letzten Monaten deutlich verbessert, heißt es. Durch das Auslandsengagement der EVN im Energie- und Umweltbeereich würden auch in Niederösterreich zusäatzliche qualifizierte Arbeitsplätze entstehen, sagte EVN-Vorstandssprecher Burkhart Hofer.

Mit dem geplanten Bau der drei Wasserkraftwerke in Albanien verstärkt die EVN ihr Engagement am Balkan weiter. Derzeit versorgt die EVN bereits in Bulgarien und Mazedonien rund 2,2 Millionen kunden mit elektrischer Energie.

EVN vor 900-Millionen-Investition in Albanien - oesterreich.ORF.at
Kosovo: PIA over 1,1 million passengers in 2007

Prishtina, 4 January 2007 - Prishtina International Airport (PIA) reported a record number of passengers for 2007. Over 1,1 million passengers have traveled through PIA during 2007, 12% more than in 2006.

During 2007, PIA was licensed to operate as International Airport, while complete management and air space control were transfered from international authorities to Kosovars.

Kosovo Government open to privatization of KEK

Prishtinë, 17 January 2008 - The Kosovo Government is not turning down the option of privatising Kosovo Energy Company (Korporata Energjetike e Kosovës - KEK). Deputy Minister of Energy and Mining, Blerim Rexha, stated the Government is collecting facts to find a better model of privatisation than the one proposed by the KEK management. In addition to this he stated that KEK is like a damaged car and the Government has two exit roads: “to sell it as a scrap metal or to repair it and sell it in a better state”.

Rexha stated that the new Government does not agree selling the best parts of KEK. According to him the sale of the corporate can be done altogether, he continues also saying that MEM is collecting facts to sell the debts or privatise the distribution, but there isn’t anything final in this direction.

The situation of KEK indicates that this company is far away from a favourable situation for privatisation. According to the Athens’s treaty, within the restructuring of the energy sector in Europe, respectively in South-East Europe, was supposed to complete the first incorporation and head towards privatisation of its departments. By incorporation and despite the division of the financial accounts, the different KEK Departments such as digging, generation and distribution, could also do the full division of assets. KEK departments after the incorporation would have been able to contract each other for the services. They would not only operate by separate budget, but each department would be able to determine its costs.

The idea is that the incorporation would discharge the government’s budget by the request to invest in KEK and would open the path for private capital. Rexha added that KEK was supposed to be incorporated in June 2007, but the KEK management hasn’t done any step in this direction.

[FONT=Trebuchet MS,Tahoma,Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif,sans-serif][SIZE=+1]Albanien bekommt eine Riesen-Shopping-Mall[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Trebuchet MS,Tahoma,Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif,sans-serif]Wie überall in Osteuropa, wird auch die albanische Hauptstadt Tirana mit einem gigantischen Shopping-Center, dem CityPark Tirana "verschönert". Das Immobilienunternehmen Colliers International und die AM-Gruppe realisieren und vermarkten gemeinsam das 40.000-Einkaufszentrum bis Anfang 2009. Rund 150 Geschäfte, Supermärkte, Restaurants und Vergnügungsgewerbe werden in den Komplex einziehen, 3.000 Parkplätze zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Der CityPark Tirana liegt verkehrsgünstig 15 km von der Hauptstadt und nur 5 km vom Flughafen entfernt. In einem Radius von 25 km leben 1,35 Mio potentielle Kunden, so Colliers, dass sich in einer Vorreiterrolle sieht und dadurch auch mit enoprmen Profiten rechnet.[/FONT]

Kosovo's Trepca has reserves worth 13 billion euros

Prishtina, 19 December 2007 - Kosovo's mining complex Trepca has at least €3 billion mineral reserves more than what the estimates of the Ministry of Energy and Mining (MEM) show, reported kosovar daily Koha Ditore. These data were made public by experts of the Independent Commission for Mines and Minerals (ICMM), who referred to a feasibility study for Trepca. “The study demonstrates that Trepca has reserves worth €13 billion. But we believe they are even higher,” the member of ICMM Board, Ibush Jonuzi, was quoted as saying.

The feasibility study on Trepca has been conducted by local and international experts in June 2006. It has never been fully published because it contains data on Trepca’s internal financial matters. The paper reports that the data on Trepca’s mineral reserves, presented by MEM, some time ago, were lower, namely €10 billion.

The paper also reports on the airborne geophysical survey conducted recently by ICMM. The survey showed that Kosovo has an unexpected potential of metals and minerals. Especially gold, nickel and chrome deposits under Kosovo’s surface seem to be larger than known so far.

ECIKS / Koha Ditore
Prishtina, 19 December 2007 - Kosovo's mining complex Trepca has at least €3 billion mineral reserves more than what the estimates of the Ministry of Energy and Mining (MEM) show, reported kosovar daily Koha Ditore. These data were made public by experts of the Independent Commission for Mines and Minerals (ICMM), who referred to a feasibility study for Trepca. “The study demonstrates that Trepca has reserves worth €13 billion. But we believe they are even higher,” the member of ICMM Board, Ibush Jonuzi, was quoted as saying.

The feasibility study on Trepca has been conducted by local and international experts in June 2006. It has never been fully published because it contains data on Trepca’s internal financial matters. The paper reports that the data on Trepca’s mineral reserves, presented by MEM, some time ago, were lower, namely €10 billion.

The paper also reports on the airborne geophysical survey conducted recently by ICMM. The survey showed that Kosovo has an unexpected potential of metals and minerals. Especially gold, nickel and chrome deposits under Kosovo’s surface seem to be larger than known so far.

ECIKS / Koha Ditore
Prishtina, 19 December 2007 - Kosovo's mining complex Trepca has at least €3 billion mineral reserves more than what the estimates of the Ministry of Energy and Mining (MEM) show, reported kosovar daily Koha Ditore. These data were made public by experts of the Independent Commission for Mines and Minerals (ICMM), who referred to a feasibility study for Trepca. “The study demonstrates that Trepca has reserves worth €13 billion. But we believe they are even higher,” the member of ICMM Board, Ibush Jonuzi, was quoted as saying.

The feasibility study on Trepca has been conducted by local and international experts in June 2006. It has never been fully published because it contains data on Trepca’s internal financial matters. The paper reports that the data on Trepca’s mineral reserves, presented by MEM, some time ago, were lower, namely €10 billion.

The paper also reports on the airborne geophysical survey conducted recently by ICMM. The survey showed that Kosovo has an unexpected potential of metals and minerals. Especially gold, nickel and chrome deposits under Kosovo’s surface seem to be larger than known so far.

ECIKS / Koha Ditore
ECIKS - News and analysis about Kosovo Economy in English
@Taulent, übrigens war Sali Berisha beim WEF (World Economic Forum) in Davos (Schweiz) auch dabei, hast du gesehen?
Greeks interested in investing in Kosovo (Express)

Cooperation between the Kosovo Chamber of Commerce, the Greek Office in Pristina and the Association of Northern Greek Exporters has resulted in a visit of 22 Greek enterprises to Pristina, reported Express.

The Greek businessmen have come with the purpose to create trade and business relations with the Kosovo businessmen and evaluate the possibility of investing in Kosovo. According to them, Kosovo is a good place for investment, especially in the industry for food processing, metallurgy, sector of wood and construction.

“All we want is to become closer, to cooperate and create a new reality to help our people,” stated Head of Greek Office, Nicholas Cannelos. Greek Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Nicholas Tahios is quoted as saying that the people of the region should become closer and create a common future.

“It must be pointed out that the moment chosen for the visit is quite encouraging for us as we are about to solve Kosovo’s final status. The Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs Dora Bakojanis has also requested a meeting at this time,” stated Besim Beqaj, Head of Kosovo Chamber of Commerce. Minister of Trade and Industry, Bujar Dugolli is quoted as saying that the presence of the Greek business community in Kosovo is a clear signal for the good business cooperation between both places, reported Express.

http://www.euinkosovo.org/upload_economic/Economic News 05 December.doc
Kosovo : Vala to be privatized (Zeri)

The daily reports on the article carried by the Austrian newspaper “WirtschaftsBlatt” regarding the privatisation of Vala. According to this newspaper, Etrur Rrustemaj, the PTK Managing Director said the deadline for the announcement of the consultant dealing with the privatisation preparations has expired last week. According to him, the decision regarding the matter will be made within the next two weeks. Rrustemaj hopes that the Government and UNMIK will fasten the privatisation of Vala. The reason is the second mobile phone operator, the Slovenian Telekom. The second mobile phone operator is just starting, and the stronger the Slovenian partner gets the lesser will be paid for Vala. The most interested companies in buying Vala are the Austrian Telecom and the German T-Mobile.

Rrustemaj considers that the price for Vala is from €0,8 billion to €1,2 billion. Based on certain data, by October 2007 Vala could have raised the number of costumers up to 810,000 but without further investments the capacity of the network is fully used.

According to experts, Vala is one of the most attractive assets of Kosovo (excluding the mining sector). According to data, Vala has no debts and possesses the GSM license in Kosovo, which is valued by the international telecommunication.