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Wirtschaftsnews Albanien + Kosova

Kosovo : Dragash will have wind mills (Koha Ditore)

Koha Ditore reports on a donors’ conference that took place in Dragash on possibilities of alternative generation of electricity in Dragash municipality. After the conference “Bondcom Corporation”, a company from England, expressed its interest to invest in wind mills in Dragash municipality. The Company has sent a request to the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, along with the Municipality’s management approval. Officials of the Municipality said they not only appreciate the significance of the project, but would also help the company by providing the necessary infrastructure. The project will enable the generation of 100 MW/h and 50 people would be hired. The estimated profit would be € 3,000/per year from each wind mill as well as 1.5% of the generated electricity.
KTA: only Kosovo Institutions can privatize Brezovica


Prishtina, 23 November 2007 - Kosovar media report that Kosovo Trust Agency (KTA) is the only institution empowered to privatise skiing-resort Brezovica. The Kosovo Government never questioned the decisions made by the KTA.

The Government of Serbia, however, claims that the KTA has no authority to privatise the Ski Centre of Bresovica. High Officials within the KTA emphasise that this non-recognition of the KTA’s mandate by Serbia to privatise the Ski Centre has no impact on the KTA’s decision to move ahead with the privatisation.

“We all know that by the Resolution 1244 it would be illegal for Belgrade to try and privatise Bezovica since the area is a part of Kosovo. Therefore, always through the SRSG/UNMIK, the legal Office in New York will be informed and also only the KTA and Kosovars will be dealing with this issue,” said Jasper Dick, Managing Director of the KTA. He stressed once again that only the KTA can privatise Brezovica and not Serbia.
