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World Music 2



Hej, wieso geht der andere World Musik thread nicht??? Wasn da los??? :? :?:

Onkelz-Ihr hättet es wissen müssen
Aus dem russischen Bürgerkrieg:

"Partisanen vom Amur"

1. Durch's Gebirge durch die Steppen
Zog unsre kühne Division
|: Hin zur Küste dieser weißen,
Heiß umstrittenen Bastion. : |

2. Rot vom Blut, wie unsere Fahne,
War das Zeug. Doch treu dem Schwur,
|: Stürmten wir die Eskadronen,
Partisanen vom Amur. : |

3. Kampf und Ruhm und bittere Jahre!
Ewig bleibt im Ohr der Klang,
|: Das "Hurra" der Partisanen,
Als der Sturm auf Spassk gelang. : |

4. Klingt es auch wie eine Sage,
Kann es doch kein Märchen sein:
|: Wolotschajewska genommen!
Rotarmisten zogen ein. : |

5. Und so jagten wir das Pack zum Teufel
General und Ataman.
|: Unser Feldzug fand sein Ende
Erst am Stillen Ozean. : |
No Doubt - Oi To The World

Haji was a punk just like any other boy
And he never had no trouble 'til he started up his Oi band
Safe in the garage or singing in the tub
'Til Haji went too far and he plugged in at the pub

'Twas a cold Christmas Eve when Trevor and the skins
Popped in for a pint and to nick a bag of crisps
Trevor liked the music but not the Unity
He unwound Haji's turban and he knocked him to his knees

If God came down on Christmas Day
I know exactly what He'd say
He'd say "Oi to the punks and Oi to the skins
But Oi to the world and everybody wins"

Haji was a bloody mess, he ran out thru the crowd
he said "We'll meet again we are bloody but not unbowed"
Trevor called his bluff and told him where to meet
Christmas day on the roof down at 20 Oxford Street

If God came down on Christmas Day
I know exactly what He'd say
He'd say "Oi to the punks and Oi to the skins
But Oi to the world and everybody wins"

On the roof with the nunchucks Trevor broke a lot of bones
But Haji had a sword like that guy in Indiana Jones

Police sirens wailing, a bloody dying man
Haji was alone and abandoned by his band
Trevor was there fading and still so full of hate
When the skins left him there and went down the fire escape
(Oi! Oi!)

But then Haji saw the north star shining more then ever
So he made a tourniquet from his turban saving Trevor
They repelled down the roof with the rest of the turban
and went back to the pub where they bought each other bourbon

If God came down on Christmas Day
I know exactly what He'd say
He'd say "Oi to the punks and Oi to the skins
But Oi to the world and everybody wins"

If God came down on Christmas Day
I know exactly what He'd say
He'd say "Oi to the punks and Oi to the skins
But Oi to the world and everybody wins"

(Oi! Oi!)
Schiptar schrieb:
No Doubt - Oi To The World

Haji was a punk just like any other boy
And he never had no trouble 'til he started up his Oi band
Safe in the garage or singing in the tub
'Til Haji went too far and he plugged in at the pub

'Twas a cold Christmas Eve when Trevor and the skins
Popped in for a pint and to nick a bag of crisps
Trevor liked the music but not the Unity
He unwound Haji's turban and he knocked him to his knees

If God came down on Christmas Day
I know exactly what He'd say
He'd say "Oi to the punks and Oi to the skins
But Oi to the world and everybody wins"

Haji was a bloody mess, he ran out thru the crowd
he said "We'll meet again we are bloody but not unbowed"
Trevor called his bluff and told him where to meet
Christmas day on the roof down at 20 Oxford Street

If God came down on Christmas Day
I know exactly what He'd say
He'd say "Oi to the punks and Oi to the skins
But Oi to the world and everybody wins"

On the roof with the nunchucks Trevor broke a lot of bones
But Haji had a sword like that guy in Indiana Jones

Police sirens wailing, a bloody dying man
Haji was alone and abandoned by his band
Trevor was there fading and still so full of hate
When the skins left him there and went down the fire escape
(Oi! Oi!)

But then Haji saw the north star shining more then ever
So he made a tourniquet from his turban saving Trevor
They repelled down the roof with the rest of the turban
and went back to the pub where they bought each other bourbon

If God came down on Christmas Day
I know exactly what He'd say
He'd say "Oi to the punks and Oi to the skins
But Oi to the world and everybody wins"

If God came down on Christmas Day
I know exactly what He'd say
He'd say "Oi to the punks and Oi to the skins
But Oi to the world and everybody wins"

(Oi! Oi!)

Achwas...No Doubt hat ein Oi-song???
Ist ja hammerhart!!!
Wusst ich bis jetzt noch garnicht!!!
Hamn die noch mehr solche lieder???
Schriebt doch mal im alten Thread weiter ;) Und erkläre mir dort, was denn ein "oi" song sein soll etc... :D
Mare-Car schrieb:
Schriebt doch mal im alten Thread weiter ;) Und erkläre mir dort, was denn ein "oi" song sein soll etc... :D

Oi-songs sind eigentlich typische skinhead lieder... Oi ist keine musikbezeichnung!
Naja...zumindest eigentlich nicht...manche bezeichnen Ska als Oi-musik...aber Ska ists Ska!!!

Schau am besten mal bei


rein...da steht drinnen was es mit dem Oi auf sich hat!!!