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You know you are macedonian when...

So schnell geht das bei euch :D, sie ist auf jedenfall ne hübsche, kein wunder das sie es zu hören bekommt :D

O ja, ich war am Anfang selbst schockiert über die offene und direkte Art hier in MK. Ich dachte eigentlich bis dahin schon alles gesehen zu haben.

Aber was sag ich Leute, herkommen, selbst sehen, selbst ausprobieren :D
Bin ja fast jedes Jahr dort, halt aber in Debar und dort gibt es nicht wirklich viele makedonskis zu sehen... Außerdem würd ich nur mit meinem English weiterkommen, denke aber das es kein Problem wäre :D
Ich wusste nicht wohin damit :lol:

Macedonian teen throws Detroit Party that goes Global
Monday, 12 March 2012
MINA Breaking News - Macedonian teen throws Detroit Party that goes Global

What happens when you try to throw a small party and the invite goes viral and thousands of people RSVP in the Twitterverse? You get shut down by the cops, but you also get a job offer.

“I’m a big believer that when you have someone who has shown a proclivity toward being able to market a good story you want to be able to go after them,“ said Ray Wert, Editor-in-Chief of Jalopnik.

Jalopnik is an automotive blog owned by the Internet giant Gawker Media. Wert offered Mikey Vasovski a paid summer internship after the Farmington Hill’s teen’s house party gained global attention.

Gawker Media is based out of New York City but the internship would be here in Metro Detroit. If Vasovski takes the job, he would help the blog spot and market automotive stories.

“We’re looking for talent here in Metro Detroit because this is such an untapped resource,” said Wert.

The Harrison High School senior said his party was supposed to be a small gathering, but he called it “Project M”. The title is a play off the movie “Project X” about teenagers who throw an epic blowout to make a name for themselves.

“I kind of did it as a joke, but I mean, I guess people took it as I’m trying to throw the next “Project X,” said Mikey Vasovski.

He tweeted out the party plans to friends and they soon became a worldwide trending topic on Twitter. The cops have been watching the house and shooing away would be party goers since Thursday. Vasovski said that he did not mean to cause such a huge ordeal.

“I’m sorry about what happened. We didn’t mean it to get that big,” said Vasovski.

Still, he did make a name for himself.

“I’m hoping that he’s going to decide to take this because it’s going to be a real great opportunity for him,” said Wert.

Vasovski said that he is going to talk to his aunt and then decide on Saturday whether or not to take the job.
Den Mazedonerinnen muss man eins lassen. Die sind echt geil. In Skopje gibt es so einen Club, mit dem Namen "69". Nur schon an der Warteschlange, die ich gesehen habe, merkte man, dort gab es gutes "Material".:D