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Zalmoxis vs Jesus


Mir ist heute eine Parallele zwischen Zalmoxis und Jesus aufgefallen.

Jesus ist am 3 Tag auferstanden
Zalmoxis nach 3 Jahren (lange vor Jesus)

Beide waren in dieser Zeit in einer Höhle.

Herodotus was told by the euhemeristic Pontic Greeks that Zalmoxis was really a man, formerly a disciple of Pythagoras,[3] who taught him the "sciences of the skies" at Samos. Zalmoxis was manumitted and amassed great wealth, returned to his country and instructed his people, the Getae, about the immortality of the soul. Zenon reiterates the idea that Zalmoxis was Pythagoras' slave. Pontic Greeks considered that Zalmoxis had a subterranean chamber constructed (other accounts say that it was a natural cave) on the holy mountain of Kogaion, to which he withdrew for three years (some other accounts considered he actually lived in Hades for these three years). After his disappearance, he was considered dead and mourned by his people, but after three years he showed himself once more to the Getae, who were thus convinced about his teachings: an episode that some considered to be a resurrection. Thus he can be seen a life-death-rebirth deity, parallel to Tammuz or Jesus.

"They think that they do not really die, but that when they depart this life they go to Zalmoxis"

YouTube - Jesus and Zamolxis: Pagan Parallel?

Zalmoxis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Auferstehung Jesu Christi
Zalmoxis (griechisch Ζάλμοξις), auch Salmoxis (Σάλμοξις), Zamolxis (Ζάμολξις) oder Samolxis (Σάμολξις) ist eine Gottheit der thrakischen Geten in der antiken Mythologie, welcher den Verstorbenen das ewige Leben schenkt.

aber das christentum konnte sich in thrakien doch eh schnell durchsetzen es gab doch paralellen zwischen der lehre/glaube des/an orpheus(kp glaub der hieß genauso^^)
haha leider hab ich davon schon das meiste vergessen:(
kann man ihm mit dieser Person dort vergleichen?

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