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Lol Zastava fängt jetzt wie Vauxhall an nur statt auf Opel basierende Modelle zu bauaen, bauen sie FIAT's....
Zastava baut nächsten Jahr für die bekannte US Waffen Firma Remington, Waffen. Der erste Kontrakt läuft auf 24.000 Gewehre!

Serbian factory to manufacture arms for US firm


BELGRADE, Serbia-Montenegro -- A Serbian factory will manufacture arms for the US firm Remington next year, international media reported Tuesday (18 October). Zastava Arms has been contracted to produce 24,000 carbines and small-calibre sporting rifles to be sold under the name "Remington-Zastava". The Kragujevac-based firm also produces cars and recently signed a deal to manufacture vehicles for Fiat. (AFP - 18/10/05)