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Zitate über Albaner


The priest of Guri Zi entertained me with the tale of how his large moustaches caused him to be arrested in Italy on the charge of masquerading as a priest. "A man may be a very good priest," said the old gentleman, "fit for Paradise, but he won't do for Albania unless he has a moustache. If they've made him shave it off abroad, he must just sit in his room in Scutari till it has grown again."

To be without a moustache, both in Montenegro and Albania, is held to be peculiarly disgraceful. The wicked man of Albanian fairy stories is a chosé (a hairless man). When I mentioned, in Montenegro, that my brother was clean shaven, I was told not to repeat such disgraceful facts about him.
Edith Durham (1863-1944)
The men and women descending from a common male ancestor, though very remote, regard one another as brother and sister, and marriage between them is forbidden as incestuous. Though the relationship be such that the Catholic Church permits marriage, it is regarded with such genuine horror that I have heard of but one instance where it was attempted or desired, when against tribe law. Even a native priest told me that a marriage between cousins separated by twelve generations was to him a horrible idea, though the Church permitted it, "for really they are brothers and sisters."
E Dua vendlindjen E Dua vendlindjen
Shumë e respektoj
Me dashuri të Madhe
Kenge i këndoj
Jetoj në nje fshat
Atje në nje Koder
Ai e ka emrin
Dragomisht i Vogël
Gjuha jone

Oh SA bukur tingëllon
Cdo hier gjuha mich qetëson
Nga nena shqipen e dëgjova
Dhe prej SAJ e mësova

Shkronjat i mësova
Ti shkruaj e lexoj
Krenari e Madhe
QE prej Reifen mësoj

Jam nxënës i ndershëm
E KAM shumë dëshirë
Shprehjet e gjuhës SiMe
Ti shqiptoj mich Morast
Über die Haare, bzw. den Haarstil, eine grosse Fläche des Kopfs kahl zu schneiden und Teile/einzelne Locken frei wachsen zu lassen:

It is recorded that in very early days the Illyrians shaved their heads. Head shaving was still practised by Greeks, Slavs, and Hungarians in the seventeenth century. The custom prevails to this day throughout Albania and Bosnia, and has only recently died out among the Orthodox Montenegrins. It is practised by Moslems, Catholics, and Orthodox.
Among the North Albanian tribes a patch of hair, called perchin, is usually left, varying in shape and position according to district.
Edith Durham (1863-1944)

Und hier nun Weiteres (allerdings in Verbindung mit den Mirditen):
...furnished chambers occupied by the retainers and guards, who, from their fierce look and the long locks that streamed form the backs of their heads, appeared some of the wildest of the human race;...
Henry Fanshawe Tozer
They are a wiry, active people, but small in stature; indeed they appeared to as quite pigmies after seeing the Montenegrins: their faces are sharp and keen, with a rough expression, but by no means an unpleasant one, for they are less wild and cruel looking than the other Ghegs. They shave all the head except the back part, where hair is allowed to grow to its full length;...
Henry Fanshawe Tozer
They may be only soldiers, but never let them get close to your plate, and don't make them kneel before you, if you don't intend to capitate them.
Pasha Sulejman the Lightened
Weitere wohl mittlerweile untergegangene Bräuche, von denen man heute kaum etwas bis nichts weiss (die Bosnier wirds auch interessieren):

1. Prehistoric Bronze Ornament, Bosnia (Sarajevo Museum, Sjeversko, T. 2).
2. Modern Silver Earring, of type common to Bosnia, Servia, Bulgaria, and Kosovo Vilayet.
3, 4, 5, 6. Common Catholic Bosnian Tattoos.

There are certain old Roman Catholic communities in Bosnia that have preserved to this day the ancient Illyrian custom of tattooing. This is never practised by the Orthodox or Moslem Slavs, but is common among both Catholic and Moslem Albanians. It is therefore possible that these tattooed Bosnians, though now Serbophone, descend from the pre-Slavonic inhabitants, and have not yet lost the custom of putting on a distingushing mark. It is of special interest to note that, of the present tribes in North Albania, the most tattooed are those that relate that they fled from Bosnia to avoid the Turks.

Anderer Auszug, der dies stützt:
Christian Jubani was hospitable as Moslem Drishti. The men were out ploughing, but the women, sewing and weaving at home, welcomed me to their little red-tiled, white-washed houses. These, quite unfurnished within, were very fairly clean, and the children bonny and newly washed. Most of the boys had a cross tattooed on the back of the right hand.
...a triangle is a favourite Moslem tattoo pattern‘

Edith Durham (1863-1944)
"But of all the regions I have seen, the Arnaut seems to me the most particular. They are natives of Arnaoutlich, the ancient Macedonia, and still retain something of the courage and hardiness, though they have lost the name, of Macedonians, being the best militia in the Turkish empire, and they only check upon the janissaries. They are foot soldiers; we had a guard of them, relieved in every considerable town we passed: they are all clothed and armed at their own expense, generally lusty young fellows, dressed in clean white coarse cloth, carrying guns of a prodigious length, which they run with on their shoulders as if they did not feel the weight of them, the leader singing a sort of rude tune, not unpleasant, and the rest making up the chorus. These people, living between Christians and Mahometans, and not being skilled in controversy, declare that they are utterly unable to judge which religion is best; but, to be certain of not entirely rejecting the truth, they very prudently follow both and go to the mosques on Fridays and the church on Sundays, saying for their excuse, that at the day of judgement they are sure of protection from the true prophet; but which that is, they are not able to determine in this world. I believe there is no other race of mankind have so modest an opinion of their own capacity. These are the remarks I have made on the diversity of religions I have seen…"
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu-Sie war eine englische Schriftstellerin, die durch ihre Briefe aus dem Osmanischen Reich des 18 Jahrhunderts berühmt wurde.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
[h=1] Himni i Flamurit[/h]
Rreth flamurit të përbashkuar,
Me nje dëshirë dhe nje qëllim, TE gjithë Atij Herzog IE betuar, TE lidhim Besen për Shpëtim. Prej lufte vec ay largohet, QE është lindur tradhëtor, Kush është Burre NUK friksohet, Po VDES, po si nje VDES dëshmor. NE dore armet do t'i mbajmë, TE mbrojmë Atdheun në cdo vend, TE drejtat tona ne S'i ndajmë,
Ketu armiqtë s'kanë vend. Se Zoti Tierarzt e tha mich Goje, QE kombe shuhen përmbi DHE, Po Shqipëria tun të rrojë, Per Te, Per Te luftojmë ne.

Himna zastave

Ujedinjeni pod barjakom, s jednom željom i namjerom, SVI Njemu zaklinjajući, za Spas zavjet davajući. Od Borbe samo se udaljava onaj, Koji se izdajicom Rodio, TKO JE ljudina, se ne BoJ, Nego gine, gine k'o heroj. Oružje u rukama držat 'CEMO, da domovinu svud branimo,
prava Naša ne djelimo mi, neprijatelju tu mjesta ni '. Jer I Sam Bog rece zu, na da narodi zemlji nestat Ce, al 'Albanija vječno živjet' Ce, Jer za NJU, za NJU borit 'CEMO SE.
Räumen wir mal Idyllen auf: Muhammed Ali Pasha, Herrscher von Ägypten

Interessant war allerdings, dass die Würdenträger des Landes keinen Ägypter fanden, der über sie herrschen konnte oder den sie über sich herrschen lassen wollten, und stattdessen einen osmanischen Soldaten aus Albanien bitten mussten, dies zu tun.

Muhammad Ali Pascha war ein kluger Stratege. Mit Religion hatte er nicht viel am Hut, aber er hatte sich durch scheinbare Religiosität bei den Ägyptern beliebt gemacht, bis ihm die Macht angetragen wurde. Seine erste Amtshandlung war, alle religiösen Führer ins Wüstenexil zu schicken und alle Militärgeneräle, die die Macht mit ihm teilen wollten, durch ein berüchtigtes Massaker während eines Banketts, zu dem er sie eingeladen hatte, ermorden lassen. Nach dem Vorbild Frankreichs wollte der neue Monarch Ägypten nicht nur zu einem modernen Staat formen, sondern auch zur Großmacht aufbauen. In einem atemberaubenden Tempo ließ Muhammad Ali Pascha moderne Fabriken errichten, schickte junge Stipendiaten nach Europa, die er zu Trägern der Modernisierung auserkoren hatte, unter ihnen befand sich der junge Rifa’a al-Tahtawi (gestorben 1873), der später die erste Fremdsprachenschule der arabischen Welt in Kairo errichtete.

Muhammad Ali Pascha entsandte Expeditionen auf die arabische Halbinsel und schlug den Aufstand der radikalen Wahhabiten nieder, nach Afrika, um die Nilquellen zu kontrollieren.
Hamed Abdel-Samad