Seit dem Kampf zwischen den Ustaschas, den Nazi-Deutschen und den Partizanen.
Ein neuer Bericht auf serbisch:
Na Kozari se danas obilježava 69 godina od bitke na ovoj krajiškoj planini. Obilježavanju prisustvuju zvaničnici Republike Srpske i brojni građani.
Program obilježavanja Bitke na Kozari organizovao je Odbor Vlade RS za njegovanje tradicije oslobodilačkih ratova, a počeo je jutros u vili Mrakovica.
Nakon služenja parastosa na Spomen-krstu, položeno je cvijeće na Centralnom spomen obilježju, a zatim će biti održan prigodan kulturno-umjetnički program.
Predsjednik SUBNOR-a Blagoje Gajić rekao je ranije da je Kozara 1941. godine bila slobodan prostor i da se vrlo brzo razvijao narodnooslobodilački pokret. "Od brojnih četa i grupa formiran je kozarski odred, a prvi komandant tog odreda bio je doktor Mladen Stojanović" rekao je Gajić.
Prema njegovim riječima, nakon toga su formirane krupne jedinice narodnooslobodilačke vojske na Kozari i to tri bataljona i Proleterska partizanska kozarska četa, a daljim razvojem borbe formirane su i proleterske brigade.
U proljeće 1942. godine partizani su oslobodili teritoriju od rijeke Save na jugu do planina Kozare i Grmeča. NJemačke i ustaške vlasti organizovale su ofanzivu da unište pokret.
Nakon bitke u noći 3. jula 1942. godine neke partizanske jedinice probile su obruč, ali je glavna grupa sljedeće noći opet ostala opkoljena i uglavnom je uništena. Samo nekoliko stotina boraca sa dijelom stanovništva probilo je obruč i uspjelo da se izvuče prema planini Grmeč.
Veliki broj onih koji nisu uspjeli da se probiju kroz obruč pali su u ruke ustašama i Nijemcima koji su nad njima počinli velike zločine.
Quelle: Obilje
Für Allgemeine Informationen, ähnlich wie oben:
Battle of Kozara
The Battle of Kozara, also known as Operation West-Bosnien by the Axis, was fought in 1942 on and around the mountain of Kozara in northwestern Bosnia. It was an important battle of the Yugoslav Partisan resistance movement in World War II. It later became an integral part of Yugoslav post-war mythology, which celebrated the courage and martyrdom of outnumbered and out-gunned Partisans and civilians.
Certain sources mistakenly identify the Battle of Kozara as the Third anti-partisan offensive.
In the spring of 1942, Yugoslav Partisans in central and west Bosnia liberated Bosanski Petrovac, Drvar, Glamoč and Prijedor. On May 20, the 1st Krajina Assault Brigade was founded, and the next day it obtained tanks and a modest air force. The free territory stretched from the river Sava south across the mountains Kozara and Grmeč. During the winter, Partisans inflicted heavy casualties on the Germans. Great loss for Partisans was death of their capable and distinguished commander, Mladen Stojanović, known as "Komandant Mladen", who was killed in March 1942, by the Chetniks of Rade Radić.
The German and Ustaše authorities realized that the city of Banja Luka and the iron mine in Ljubija were in danger and organized an offensive to destroy the movement. Germans engaged 15,000 soldiers, the Independent State of Croatia (the Ustaše) about 22,000 soldiers, Chetniks about 2000 soldiers, and Hungarians participated with 5 monitor ships.
The Partisan group had about 3,000 soldiers, but recruited reserves from the 60,000 civilians in the free territory.
After intensive battle, in the night July 3 some partisan units broke the siege, but the main group again came under siege the next night and was mainly destroyed. In Široka Luka about 500 wounded Partisans were killed. It is estimated that during the battle, the Partisans lost about 1,700 soldiers, while the Axis forces lost about 7,000. During and after the battle, many thousands of Serbian civilians from Kozara were sent to the Ustaše Jasenovac concentration camp.
About 900 Partisan soldiers survived and founded the Fifth Krajina Brigade.
At the same time, the main Partisan group with Josip Broz Tito moved from East Bosnia to West Bosnia. After the Axis offensive forces withdrew, parts of lost area were regained in September 1942.
Approximately 25,000 Serbs were killed in the operation, mostly in concentration camps.[1]
Ein neuer Bericht auf serbisch:
Na Kozari se danas obilježava 69 godina od bitke na ovoj krajiškoj planini. Obilježavanju prisustvuju zvaničnici Republike Srpske i brojni građani.
Program obilježavanja Bitke na Kozari organizovao je Odbor Vlade RS za njegovanje tradicije oslobodilačkih ratova, a počeo je jutros u vili Mrakovica.
Nakon služenja parastosa na Spomen-krstu, položeno je cvijeće na Centralnom spomen obilježju, a zatim će biti održan prigodan kulturno-umjetnički program.
Predsjednik SUBNOR-a Blagoje Gajić rekao je ranije da je Kozara 1941. godine bila slobodan prostor i da se vrlo brzo razvijao narodnooslobodilački pokret. "Od brojnih četa i grupa formiran je kozarski odred, a prvi komandant tog odreda bio je doktor Mladen Stojanović" rekao je Gajić.
Prema njegovim riječima, nakon toga su formirane krupne jedinice narodnooslobodilačke vojske na Kozari i to tri bataljona i Proleterska partizanska kozarska četa, a daljim razvojem borbe formirane su i proleterske brigade.
U proljeće 1942. godine partizani su oslobodili teritoriju od rijeke Save na jugu do planina Kozare i Grmeča. NJemačke i ustaške vlasti organizovale su ofanzivu da unište pokret.
Nakon bitke u noći 3. jula 1942. godine neke partizanske jedinice probile su obruč, ali je glavna grupa sljedeće noći opet ostala opkoljena i uglavnom je uništena. Samo nekoliko stotina boraca sa dijelom stanovništva probilo je obruč i uspjelo da se izvuče prema planini Grmeč.
Veliki broj onih koji nisu uspjeli da se probiju kroz obruč pali su u ruke ustašama i Nijemcima koji su nad njima počinli velike zločine.
Quelle: Obilje
Für Allgemeine Informationen, ähnlich wie oben:
Battle of Kozara
The Battle of Kozara, also known as Operation West-Bosnien by the Axis, was fought in 1942 on and around the mountain of Kozara in northwestern Bosnia. It was an important battle of the Yugoslav Partisan resistance movement in World War II. It later became an integral part of Yugoslav post-war mythology, which celebrated the courage and martyrdom of outnumbered and out-gunned Partisans and civilians.
Certain sources mistakenly identify the Battle of Kozara as the Third anti-partisan offensive.
In the spring of 1942, Yugoslav Partisans in central and west Bosnia liberated Bosanski Petrovac, Drvar, Glamoč and Prijedor. On May 20, the 1st Krajina Assault Brigade was founded, and the next day it obtained tanks and a modest air force. The free territory stretched from the river Sava south across the mountains Kozara and Grmeč. During the winter, Partisans inflicted heavy casualties on the Germans. Great loss for Partisans was death of their capable and distinguished commander, Mladen Stojanović, known as "Komandant Mladen", who was killed in March 1942, by the Chetniks of Rade Radić.
The German and Ustaše authorities realized that the city of Banja Luka and the iron mine in Ljubija were in danger and organized an offensive to destroy the movement. Germans engaged 15,000 soldiers, the Independent State of Croatia (the Ustaše) about 22,000 soldiers, Chetniks about 2000 soldiers, and Hungarians participated with 5 monitor ships.
The Partisan group had about 3,000 soldiers, but recruited reserves from the 60,000 civilians in the free territory.
After intensive battle, in the night July 3 some partisan units broke the siege, but the main group again came under siege the next night and was mainly destroyed. In Široka Luka about 500 wounded Partisans were killed. It is estimated that during the battle, the Partisans lost about 1,700 soldiers, while the Axis forces lost about 7,000. During and after the battle, many thousands of Serbian civilians from Kozara were sent to the Ustaše Jasenovac concentration camp.
About 900 Partisan soldiers survived and founded the Fifth Krajina Brigade.
At the same time, the main Partisan group with Josip Broz Tito moved from East Bosnia to West Bosnia. After the Axis offensive forces withdrew, parts of lost area were regained in September 1942.
Approximately 25,000 Serbs were killed in the operation, mostly in concentration camps.[1]