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Jemen: Achtjährige Braut stirbt nach Hochzeitsnacht an inneren Blutungen
Im Jemen starb jetzt ein achtjähriges Mädchen, nachdem ihre Familie sie zuvor mit einem fünf Mal älteren Mann zwangsverheiratet hatte. Die Kindbraut starb an den Verletzungen, die ihr in der Hochzeitsnacht zugefügt wurden.
Das Mädchen, welches in arabischen Medien Rawan genannt wird, stammt aus der Region Haradh, in der Nähe der Grenze zu Saudi-Arabien. Rawan soll Risse im Genitalbereich und schwere innere Blutungen davon getragen haben.
In den sozialen Medien wird jetzt die Bestrafung des Ehemannes gefordert. Die Blogger fordern auch Gerechtigkeit für die Familie des Opfers. Der Täter sei ein "Tier", welches streng bestraft werden müsse, so diverse Aufschreie im Netz.
Der Originalartikel:
Bride, 8, dies of injuries on wedding night in Yemen
Rawan dies hours after marrying a man more than five times her age
Manama: Kuwaitis have called for stringent action against a family in Yemen after their eight-year-old daughter died of internal injuries on the first night of her arranged marriage to a man more than five times her age.
Rawan died in city of Hardh in the Governorate of Hajjah in northwestern Yemen, Kuwaiti daily Al Watan reported on Sunday, quoting Yemeni media.
She is believed to have suffered a tear to her genitals and severe bleeding.
Yemeni activists urged the local police to arrest the “beastly groom” and the girl’s family and transfer them to a court where justice would be served and the case would be used to help put an end to the practice of marrying very young girls in the impoverished country, the daily said.
In Kuwait, bloggers offered their prayers for the “bride”, but lashed out at the “groom”, saying that he was a beast who should be severely punished.
Angry Man, a blogger, posted that the man was “an animal who deserved to be punished severely for his crime.”
“All those who supported such a crime should also be punished,” he said.
Under the moniker “Sad”, another blogger said that everybody should have realised that Rawan was too young to get married.
“Her family and her groom could have waited for some time before having this marriage,” Sad said. “It was not fair at all and the marriage should not have happened even if some tribes believe that it is a good custom.”
Bu Omar said that he was disturbed by the death report.
“Rawan’s family members are not humans. They do not deserve to have children,” he said.
Im Jemen starb jetzt ein achtjähriges Mädchen, nachdem ihre Familie sie zuvor mit einem fünf Mal älteren Mann zwangsverheiratet hatte. Die Kindbraut starb an den Verletzungen, die ihr in der Hochzeitsnacht zugefügt wurden.
Das Mädchen, welches in arabischen Medien Rawan genannt wird, stammt aus der Region Haradh, in der Nähe der Grenze zu Saudi-Arabien. Rawan soll Risse im Genitalbereich und schwere innere Blutungen davon getragen haben.
In den sozialen Medien wird jetzt die Bestrafung des Ehemannes gefordert. Die Blogger fordern auch Gerechtigkeit für die Familie des Opfers. Der Täter sei ein "Tier", welches streng bestraft werden müsse, so diverse Aufschreie im Netz.
Der Originalartikel:
Bride, 8, dies of injuries on wedding night in Yemen
Rawan dies hours after marrying a man more than five times her age
Manama: Kuwaitis have called for stringent action against a family in Yemen after their eight-year-old daughter died of internal injuries on the first night of her arranged marriage to a man more than five times her age.
Rawan died in city of Hardh in the Governorate of Hajjah in northwestern Yemen, Kuwaiti daily Al Watan reported on Sunday, quoting Yemeni media.
She is believed to have suffered a tear to her genitals and severe bleeding.
Yemeni activists urged the local police to arrest the “beastly groom” and the girl’s family and transfer them to a court where justice would be served and the case would be used to help put an end to the practice of marrying very young girls in the impoverished country, the daily said.
In Kuwait, bloggers offered their prayers for the “bride”, but lashed out at the “groom”, saying that he was a beast who should be severely punished.
Angry Man, a blogger, posted that the man was “an animal who deserved to be punished severely for his crime.”
“All those who supported such a crime should also be punished,” he said.
Under the moniker “Sad”, another blogger said that everybody should have realised that Rawan was too young to get married.
“Her family and her groom could have waited for some time before having this marriage,” Sad said. “It was not fair at all and the marriage should not have happened even if some tribes believe that it is a good custom.”
Bu Omar said that he was disturbed by the death report.
“Rawan’s family members are not humans. They do not deserve to have children,” he said.