Und er war es doch!
Die großartige Frau Katajun war die erste in Deutschland, die dem iranischen Präsidentenhilfreich zur Seite gesprungen ist: Er habe nie gesagt, Israel müsse von der Landkarte radiert werden, es handle sich um einen Übersetzungsfehler. Inzwischen behauptet das auch der Penner von der Domplatte, der außer Kölsch auch fließend Farsi sprechen kann. Und zuletzt hat der Verleger des Freitag, Jakob Augstein, bei Jauch von einer fehlerhaften Übersetzung gesprochen. Ja, sie machen sich alle Sorgen um das Ansehen des Teheraner “Maulhelden”, die Schlauen, die Dummen und die Verrückten.
Blöd ist nur, dass es Ahmadinedschads eigener Radiosender IRIB war, der die Meldung als erster verbreitet hatte, nämlich schon am 26. Oktober 2005, gleich nach der"The World Without Zionism"-Konferenz, auf der Achmadinedschad gesprochen hatte. Also drei Jahre vor der Richtigstellung durch Frau Amirpur.IRIB PERSIAN NEWS PAGE
Ahmadinejad: Israel must be wiped off the map
Tehran, Oct 26 - Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Wednesday called for Israel to be “wiped off the map”.
“The establishment of the Zionist regime was a move by the world oppressor against the Islamic world,” the President told a conference in Tehran entitled ‘the world without Zionism’.
“The skirmishes in the occupied land are part of a war of destiny. The outcome of hundreds of years of war will be defined in Palestinian land,” he said.
“As the Imam said, Israel must be wiped off the map,” said Ahmadinejad, referring to the late founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Imam Khomeini.
Addressing some 4,000 students gathered in an interior ministry conference hall, Ahmadinejad also called for Palestinian unity, resistance and a point where the annihilation of the Zionist regime will come.
“The Islamic umma (community) will not allow its historic enemy to live in its heartland,” he said.
Regarding the Zionist regime’s retreat from the Gaza Strip he said, “we should not settle for a piece of land”.
“Anyone who signs a treaty which recognises the entity of Israel means he has signed the surrender of the Muslim world,” Ahmadinejad said.
“Any leaders in the Islamic umma who recognise Israel face the wrath of their own people.”
Regarding the prolonged conflict between the Islamic Ummah and the Zionist regime, Ahmadinejad said “It dates backs hundreds of years. Sometimes Islam has advanced. Sometimes nobody was winning. Unfortunately over the past 300 years, the world of Islam has been in retreat”.
“One hundred years ago the last trench of Islam fell, when the oppressors went towards the creation the Zionist regime. It is using it as a fort to spread its aims in the heart of the Islamic world.”
Siehe auch:
“O dear Imam (Khomeini)! You said the Zionist Regime that is a usurper and illegitimate regime and a cancerous tumor should be wiped off the map. I should say that your illuminating remark and cause is going to come true today. The Zionist Regime has lost its existence philosophy… the Zionist regime faces a complete deadend and under God’s grace your wish will soon be materialized and the corrupt element will be wiped off the map,” said President Ahmadinejad.http://president.ir/en/10114/preview?term=wip
Die Achse des Guten: Und er war es doch!
Die großartige Frau Katajun war die erste in Deutschland, die dem iranischen Präsidentenhilfreich zur Seite gesprungen ist: Er habe nie gesagt, Israel müsse von der Landkarte radiert werden, es handle sich um einen Übersetzungsfehler. Inzwischen behauptet das auch der Penner von der Domplatte, der außer Kölsch auch fließend Farsi sprechen kann. Und zuletzt hat der Verleger des Freitag, Jakob Augstein, bei Jauch von einer fehlerhaften Übersetzung gesprochen. Ja, sie machen sich alle Sorgen um das Ansehen des Teheraner “Maulhelden”, die Schlauen, die Dummen und die Verrückten.
Blöd ist nur, dass es Ahmadinedschads eigener Radiosender IRIB war, der die Meldung als erster verbreitet hatte, nämlich schon am 26. Oktober 2005, gleich nach der"The World Without Zionism"-Konferenz, auf der Achmadinedschad gesprochen hatte. Also drei Jahre vor der Richtigstellung durch Frau Amirpur.IRIB PERSIAN NEWS PAGE
Ahmadinejad: Israel must be wiped off the map
Tehran, Oct 26 - Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Wednesday called for Israel to be “wiped off the map”.
“The establishment of the Zionist regime was a move by the world oppressor against the Islamic world,” the President told a conference in Tehran entitled ‘the world without Zionism’.
“The skirmishes in the occupied land are part of a war of destiny. The outcome of hundreds of years of war will be defined in Palestinian land,” he said.
“As the Imam said, Israel must be wiped off the map,” said Ahmadinejad, referring to the late founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Imam Khomeini.
Addressing some 4,000 students gathered in an interior ministry conference hall, Ahmadinejad also called for Palestinian unity, resistance and a point where the annihilation of the Zionist regime will come.
“The Islamic umma (community) will not allow its historic enemy to live in its heartland,” he said.
Regarding the Zionist regime’s retreat from the Gaza Strip he said, “we should not settle for a piece of land”.
“Anyone who signs a treaty which recognises the entity of Israel means he has signed the surrender of the Muslim world,” Ahmadinejad said.
“Any leaders in the Islamic umma who recognise Israel face the wrath of their own people.”
Regarding the prolonged conflict between the Islamic Ummah and the Zionist regime, Ahmadinejad said “It dates backs hundreds of years. Sometimes Islam has advanced. Sometimes nobody was winning. Unfortunately over the past 300 years, the world of Islam has been in retreat”.
“One hundred years ago the last trench of Islam fell, when the oppressors went towards the creation the Zionist regime. It is using it as a fort to spread its aims in the heart of the Islamic world.”
Siehe auch:
“O dear Imam (Khomeini)! You said the Zionist Regime that is a usurper and illegitimate regime and a cancerous tumor should be wiped off the map. I should say that your illuminating remark and cause is going to come true today. The Zionist Regime has lost its existence philosophy… the Zionist regime faces a complete deadend and under God’s grace your wish will soon be materialized and the corrupt element will be wiped off the map,” said President Ahmadinejad.http://president.ir/en/10114/preview?term=wip
Die Achse des Guten: Und er war es doch!