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Albanian Army - Info & Gallery

Monte-Grobar schrieb:
Habt ihr nur T-55?

Auch etwa 30 T-62, werden aber weggeschafft und durch irgendeinen Typ von Leopard Panzern ersetzt....ein paar Seiten vorher hast du die Infos zu dem möglichen Kauf.

Alle T-55 werden geschrottet, ausser 150 die werden modernisiert.




Habe hier ein Auszug aus einem Bericht eines albanischen Offiziers während den serbisch-albanischen Grenzkämpfen, ob der Artikel zu 100% der Wahrheit entspricht weiss ich nicht.

Some of Kukesi Division War Fighting Actions

In order to come up with a real conclusion of Kukesi Division activity anyone should work hard, because they had been tens and hundreds of them. All soldiers, NCO-s and officers had more then one chances to be in the battlefield.
Pogaj engagement was very intensive. Our forces in that war intercooperated so much to make the success of that war happen. Many traditional values such as brevity, baldness, commitment our forces and local population were not seen before. Our forces did have a multifaceted cooperation between each others, such as artillery, military police, border protection forces, intelligence, other coordination of diplomatic and political efforts with military ones. Our forces proved to be invincible against enemy artillery, because our bunkers worked very well and were very efficient in defense fighting protection. Such war fighting situation took place in man area a and in particular in Morine, Pogaj, Cahan, Vlahen, Dobrune, Qafe Prushi, etc.
Real offensive and defensive fighting went on during 11, 12, and 13 May 1999 in Kamenice and 17 May in Qafe Prushi.
In 19 May, Serbian paramilitary forces of a battalion, well armed and equipped, supported by their artillery and tanks fire, with the aim to break through the front line in Koshare, from the beck and flanks of Inf. Division AOR. Very soon they showed up 2.1 km inside our borders. Our forces reacted relatively very late, which gave Serbs forces the chance for short time success. So that, Serbs forces would capture the peak of Geshtenjave. Anyway our forces would redeployed in that regain and regain the captured territory. On May 12th 1999, 05.00hs our forces set on attack against enemy forces by forcing the enemy forces to withdraw back. About 20 enemy forces were injured and dead, and they left their equipment and military assets in the region.
The preparation took some hours, and the enemy was attacked in many points, and by all military fighting capability of our forces. Our firing intensity was so high and the Serbian captured territory was set on fire. That was unforeseen for enemy forces, and as a result they were chaught in panic. This way our forces obtained the initiative forces the enemy forces in 13 May give up their intentions and pull out in their previous positions. During those fighting our forces could capture enemy�s war planning documents. During then afternoon fighting of 12 May in our forces efforts to capture Kamenica Post, Disdari infantry battalion performed such the heroic fighting actions which will be commented later by our history.
In May 17th, we were informed that toward Qafe Prushi and Perollaj an attack was planned, which was scheduled to start with minor provocation, and in case of success, the fighting might have gone on, with the aim to capture and hold the main supply route (MSR) Krume-Bajram Curri. This sound and timely information did make possible that our forces take all necessary measures to react and respond appropriately and in time. Therefore our forces were positioned along Qafe-Prushit- Qarr-Dobrone line where forces of Kruma battalion were planned to engage in those fighting, intelligence platoon, tank coy of Krruma, air-defense artillery and field artillery battalion in Golaj. Operative group was deployed in Suka peak. The main attacking force was the tank coy which did cooperate with 12,7 mm machine gun unit and forces the enemy to fight back very soon. Meanwhile the enemy forces asked for support from their superiors, support which never came.
We should say that during those fighting the Serbian Artillery launched intensive and accurate artillery firing. The grenades use to fly in the targets chosen and our tanks from two directions, Goden and Gjakova. However our tank unit had no any damage and our forces no injuries, while Serbs confirmed 70 forces dead.
After those fighting the overall terrain was set on fire the Serbian loses were tremendous. According to secure sources Serbia lost some 12 000 fighters in Kosova conflict.

Translated: Ahmet Krasniqi
Srpski-Cedo schrieb:
Wenn eure Armee so stark ist dann marschiert doch in Ulcinj ein :lol:

Tauli hat folgendes geschrieben:
Es liegt nicht im Interesse des albanischen Staates, Ulcinj zu okkupieren, dass ist lediglich eine Wunschvorstellung von wenigen albanischen Nationalisten!