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Religious music

Albania is a multi religious country, in which, for many centuries, have coexisted four traditional religious communities – the Moslems Suni, the Orthodox, the Catholics and the Moslems Bektashi.
The relationships between them are very good ones, characterized by peace, harmony and collaboration.

Also, in Albania there have been, for many centuries, some Moslem tarikats(sects) – Halveti, Rrifai, Kadri, Saadi, Xhelveti, Gjylsheni, Tixhani and Hajati, which have their particularities in the practices of the Moslem faith. Geographically they are extended all over Albania. The Alevian Tarikats had a very important role in defending and promoting interfaith harmony as well as in the emancipation of the Albanian Society.

The four traditional religious communities are tolerant and collaborative with other religious groups, which have been established in Albania since the year 1990when religious life restarted and the country was opened to the World.

Amongst them are the Evangelical churches, which are organized under the umbrella of VUSH (Albanian Evangelical Brotherhood). The evangelical churches began their activity in Albania in the XIX century and are now present all over Albania.

Also, present in Albania are: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons), the Baha`is, the Jehovah’s Witness, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamat in Albania and some others.

During all its very ancient history, there have never been significant religious conflicts in Albania. Even when, in certain moments of history, any delicate problem has appeared, the believers and the intellectual clergymen have been able to resolve them peacefully.

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