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Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!


Enjoy reading your real history, barbarians!

Kosovo is ancient Serbian land idiots, not yours.
You are not Illyrians, you are from mountain Kavkaz and there you had your own ugly state, also called Albania.
You can see it on every map of ancient Rome. Albanian favourite drink was Gruzian tee and they are still drinking it. That was a kind of ancient drug, if you are drinking it a lot. And no, you didnt came on Kosovo before a Serbs.
Look at Turkish document about nationalites in Serbia from 1455. There are not Albanians on Kosovo! It is a fact!

So, you primitive barbarians of 21. century, fck off from Serbian Kosovo and Metohy, or feel the great consequences!
Re: Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Tu

montagnes-noires schrieb:
Enjoy reading your real history, barbarians!

Kosovo is ancient Serbian land idiots, not yours.
You are not Illyrians, you are from mountain Kavkaz and there you had your own ugly state, also called Albania.
You can see it on every map of ancient Rome. Albanian favourite drink was Gruzian tee and they are still drinking it. That was a kind of ancient drug, if you are drinking it a lot. And no, you didnt came on Kosovo before a Serbs.
Look at Turkish document about nationalites in Serbia from 1455. There are not Albanians on Kosovo! It is a fact!

So, you primitive barbarians of 21. century, fck off from Serbian Kosovo and Metohy, or feel the great consequences!

Nenad du Missgeburt, Quelle her!
Diesen Text hast du höchstens aus nem Englishsprachigen Forum entnommen und du selber verstehst es nicht einmal.

Man würde ich dir die Fresse einschlagen. :twisted:
montagnes-noires schrieb:
zum 5. Mal ---> VALMIR

Bitteschön und überzeug dich selbst :lol: :lol: :lol:


Du dreckiger Feigling hast nicht einmal die Eier, zu sagen dass du NENAD heisst und aus München bist, aber verleugne ruhig deinen Namen :lol:

Ich sagte ja aus nem Forum, du behindertes Stück Scheisse!!! :twisted:
Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!

Albanians are not Illyrians! They are mixed Slavs and Turks!