Der Präsident der serbischen Arbeiterverein, Dragoljub Stosic, sagt, daß Albanien mal das ärmste Land war, doch wegen der hohen Arbeitslosenrate und der erhöhten Korruption in Serbien ..das das Land Serbien jetzt die Rolle Albaniens übernommen.
Somit hat Albanien mehr gegen Kriminalität und Armut was getan als Serbien ....Serbien sollte Albanien als Beispiel nehmen.
President of the Free Workers Union, Dragoljub Stosic, said that Albania was once the regional poster child for poverty, but that because of the high unemployment rate and the increased amount of corruption, Serbia has now taken over the role.
“We are, unfortunately, one of the countries for which days such as this are being recognized.” Stosic said yesterday, which marked the International Day for the Fight Against Poverty.
“We are on the same level as Rwanda and similar countries, though I would not compare them with us because, there are increasingly fewer and fewer nations with whom we can compare ourselves. We cannot offer help today, we can only ask for charity.” Stosic said.
Somit hat Albanien mehr gegen Kriminalität und Armut was getan als Serbien ....Serbien sollte Albanien als Beispiel nehmen.
President of the Free Workers Union, Dragoljub Stosic, said that Albania was once the regional poster child for poverty, but that because of the high unemployment rate and the increased amount of corruption, Serbia has now taken over the role.
“We are, unfortunately, one of the countries for which days such as this are being recognized.” Stosic said yesterday, which marked the International Day for the Fight Against Poverty.
“We are on the same level as Rwanda and similar countries, though I would not compare them with us because, there are increasingly fewer and fewer nations with whom we can compare ourselves. We cannot offer help today, we can only ask for charity.” Stosic said.