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Albanisch-Osmanische Schlachten

Pjetër Balsha

Malësia e Madhe
Da es einen ähnlichen Thread gibt (Schlachten Serben VS Osmanen) dachte ich mir mach ich mal einen über die Albanisch-Osmanischen Schlachten auf.
Das Thema dient nicht zur Provokation nicht falsch verstehen.

Das sind die 25 bekannten Schlachten die Gjergj Kastrioti gegen die Osmanen und teilweise Venezianer geführt hat daher hat der albanische Doppelkopfadler auch seine 25 Federn.

Bei fast allen Schlachten haben die Albaner unter Gjergj gesiegt

die Liga von Lezha
und das Osmanische Reich

Liga von Lezha: Gjergj Kastrioti (Skenderbeu)
Osmanisches Reich: Ali Pasha

Liga von Lezha: 15.000 (8.000 Reiter, 7.000 Infanterie)
Osmanisches Reich: 25.000 - 40.000

Liga von Lezha:
100-120 dead, much more wounded (Primary sources)[7]
1,780 killed, 2,000 wounded, 400 of which died later (Modern estimate

Osmanisches Reich:
8,000 dead, 2,000 captured (Modern estimate)[1]

22,000 dead, 2,000 captured (Primary sources)[7]

die Liga von Lezha
und das Osmanische Reich

Liga von Lezha: Gjergj Kastrioti (Skenderbeu)
Osmanisches Reich: Firuz Pasha

Liga von Lezha: 3,500 men (2,000 cavalry, 1,500 infanrty)
Osmanisches Reich: 9,000-15,000[1] men

Liga von Lezha:

Osmanisches Reich:
1,500 dead, 1,000 captured

die Liga von Lezha
und das Osmanische Reich

Liga von Lezha: Gjergj Kastrioti (Skenderbeu)
Osmanisches Reich: Mustafa Pasha

Liga von Lezha: 5,000
Osmanisches Reich: 15,000 cavalry in the campaign; unknown number during the battle

Liga von Lezha:

Osmanisches Reich:
5,000 dead or wounded, 300 prisoners

die Liga von Lezha
und das Osmanische Reich verbündet mit Republic of Venice

Liga von Lezha:
Vrana Konti
Hamza Kastrioti

Osmanisches Reich und Venedig:

Daniel Iurich
Andrea Venier
Mustafa Pasha

Liga von Lezha:
14,000 concentrated against the Venetians under Skanderbeg.
6,000 fought against the Turks, 3,000-4,000 of which were placed beforehand in Dibra under Vrana Konti to hold off a possible Ottoman incursion.

Osmanisches Reich:
15,000 Venetian soldiers stationed in the area of Shkodër; small numbers of soldiers stationed in Durrës and Lezha.
15,000 Ottoman soldiers were sent to Dibra.


die Liga von Lezha
und das Osmanische Reich

Liga von Lezha: Gjergj Kastrioti (Skenderbeu)
Osmanisches Reich: Mustafa Pasha

Liga von Lezha: 6.000
Osmanisches Reich: 15.000

Liga von Lezha:

Osmanisches Reich:
3,000 casualties, fifteen standards, twelve major officers


die Liga von Lezha
und das Osmanische Reich

Liga von Lezha: Gjergj Kastrioti (Skenderbeu)
Peter Perlati führte die Besatzunh

Osmanisches Reich: Mustafa Pasha

Liga von Lezha: 2,000 men garrisoned[6]; 12,000 men stationed in the surrounding countryside under Skanderbeg

Osmanisches Reich: 80,000 men; two guns[6]

Liga von Lezha: Festung ergab sich aber die Besatzung wurde verschont

Osmanisches Reich:
über 20.000


die Liga von Lezha
und das Osmanische Reich

Liga von Lezha: Gjergj Kastrioti (Skenderbeu)
& Vrana Konti

Osmanisches Reich:
Murad II; Prince Mehmed

Liga von Lezha:
8,000 men, a quarter of which was infantry;[3] 1,500[4] to 4,000[5] garrisoned in Krujë under the command of Vrana Konti[5]

Osmanisches Reich:
100,000[1] to 160,000 men;[3] ten guns[6][7]

Liga von Lezha:
1,000 killed, wounded, or demobilised[8]

Osmanisches Reich:
20,000 casualties during the siege,[9][10] many more casualties as Murad escaped from Albania[11]

kein Eintrag


die Liga von Lezha
und das Osmanische Reich

Liga von Lezha: Gjergj Kastrioti (Skenderbeu)

Osmanisches Reich: Ibrahim Pasha

Liga von Lezha: unbekannt

Osmanisches Reich: 14.000

Liga von Lezha: unbekannt

Osmanisches Reich:
  • Siege of Berat (1455) in Albanien, Albanien taktisch verloren, strategisch gewonnen

die Liga von Lezha
und das Osmanische Reich

Liga von Lezha:
Gjergj Arianit Komneni
Muzaka Thopia
Vrana Konti

Osmanisches Reich:
Issa beg

Liga von Lezha:
15,000 men; only 7,000 after the intervention of Isak Bey, which included a contingent of 1,000 Aragonese artillery men

Osmanisches Reich:
20,000 men in the relief force

Liga von Lezha:
2,000 cavalry, 3,000 infantry, 80 prisonershttp://www.balkanforum.info/#cite_note-1

Osmanisches Reich:
Very Heavy

weitere folgen gleich ...
Battle of Oronichea (1456) in Albanien, Albanischer Sieg


die Liga von Lezha
und das Osmanische Reich

Liga von Lezha:

Osmanisches Reich:
Moisi Arianit Golemi (Albanischer Verräter)

Liga von Lezha:
10,000 (6,000 cavalry, 4,000 infantry) to 12,000 men[1]

Osmanisches Reich:

Liga von Lezha:
1,000 dead, 2,000 wounded[1]

Osmanisches Reich:
10,000 dead

Battle of Albulena (1457) in Albanien, Albanischer Sieg

die Liga von Lezha
und das Osmanische Reich

Liga von Lezha:

Osmanisches Reich:
Isak Bey Evrenoz
Hamza Kastrioti (P.O.W.) (Neffe Skenderbeus)

Liga von Lezha:
12,000[3] to 20,000[4]

Osmanisches Reich:
40,000[1] to 50,000[2]

Liga von Lezha:

Osmanisches Reich:
15,000 to 30,000 dead, 15,000 captured, 24 horse-tails[5]

Skanderbeg's Italian expedition (1461–1462) in Albanien, Albanischer Sieg


die Liga von Lezha


Republic of Venice
Ottoman Empire

Liga von Lezha:
Vrana Konti
Hamza Kastrioti

Osmanisches Reich:
Daniel Iurich
Andrea Venier
Mustafa Pasha

Liga von Lezha:
14,000 concentrated against the Venetians under Skanderbeg.
6,000 fought against the Turks, 3,000-4,000 of which were placed beforehand in Dibra under Vrana Konti to hold off a possible Ottoman incursion.

Osmanisches Reich:
15,000 Venetian soldiers stationed in the area of Shkodër; small numbers of soldiers stationed in Durrës and Lezha.
15,000 Ottoman soldiers were sent to Dibra.

Battle of Mokra (July 1462)

Kein Eintrag

Battle of Mokra (August 1462)

The Sultan, upon hearing of the debacle, dispatched three armies to Albania. Skanderbeg, upon learning of the sultan's plans, immediately marched into Macedonia. A large force under Hasan bey set out to march into Albania through the same pass as Sinan a month before, unaware that Skanderbeg was ready to meet him. While the Turks were idle, Skanderbeg ordered the enemy guards to be killed and a full scale battle soon ensued. Most of the Turkish soldiers were killed and Hasan himself was wounded by an arrow piercing through his right arm. Despite the fact that most of his army was annihilated and that it was late at night, he took some of his most loyal soldiers up into a more secure place. Skanderbeg came to understand this the next morning and immediately set off to find him. Out of desperation, Hasan came out unarmed and surrendered to Skanderbeg asking for mercy. Skanderbeg gave Hasan what he was asking for and the latter was taken prisoner.[3]

Battle of Pollog (1462)

After Hasan's army had been destroyed, Isuf bey went to defeat Skanderbeg and avenge his colleague. With the sultan's permission, he marched out with 18,000 troops to Uskub. From there, he marched onto Pollog near Tetovo. Isuf's fate was similar to Hasan's: Skanderbeg attacked and annihilated Isuf's force but the pasha fled, leaving his army behind to be reduced.[3]

Battle of Livad (1462)

Karaza bey, another of the sultan's commanders, was lured into Albania for hope of attaining glory, despite his old age. Karaza had served with Skanderbeg in Anatolia where they subdued the sultan's rebellious subjects. Karaza was a consummate commander, having fulfilled many important tasks for the sultan. The sultan yielded 30,000 cavalry to Karaza who soon marched to Albania. Unlike his two compatriots before him, Karaza chose to march through Lower Dibra and not Upper Dibra, passing by Ohrid. In the meantime, a scouting force of 4,000 was drawn out ahead of the main army to gather information on the Albanian positions. But the majority of this force was destroyed. The pasha, upon hearing of the disaster, threw a fit of anger less due to his troops being killed than his plans being foiled. Karaza devised a stratagem by which to trick Skanderbeg: he sent several envoys to Skanderbeg condemning his "pusillanimity" and calling on him to fight on the open field instead of hiding in the woods. Skanderbeg knew that Karaza would not respect this promise if he accepted it and sent the envoys back. Karaza then began to conciliate with the native people but Skanderbeg -- always being well-informed -- immediately ordered an attack on the Turkish camp. The attack was so fierce that few knew what was happening and chaos ensued. However, Skanderbeg was not able to achieve his goal of annihilation (due to the heavy winds and pouring rain) but he was still able to do much damage to the Turkish forces. Karaza immediately escaped with much of his army and traveled to Istanbul, where he was pardoned by the sultan for succeeding in preventing the annihilation of his force which the previous commanders fell victim to.[3]

Great Macedonian raid (1463)

Kein Eintrag
Battle of Ochrida (1464)

Kein Eintrag
Battle of Vajkal (1464)

Kein Eintrag
Battle of Vajkal (1465)

Kein Eintrag
Battle of Kashari (1465)

Kein Eintrag

Siege of Krujë (1466) in Albanien, Albanischer Sieg


die Liga von Lezha
und das Osmanische Reich

Liga von Lezha:

Tanush Thopia

Osmanisches Reich:

Mehmed II
Ballaban Badera (K.I.A.)

Liga von Lezha:
4,400 garrisoned under Tanush Thopia, 8,000 outside the fortress under Skanderbeg

Osmanisches Reich:
150,000 until August; 80,000 left under Ballaban

Liga von Lezha:

Osmanisches Reich:

Siege of Krujë (1467) in Albanien, Albanischer Sieg

die Liga von Lezha
und das Osmanische Reich

Liga von Lezha:

Osmanisches Reich:
Mehmed II