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Alexander der Große

3. Alexander the Great (336-323 BC), Philip II's son, took the Macedonian armies even further and conquered the Persian Empire, making Macedonia the largest and most powerful nation in the world for centuries to come. In his army next to the Macedonians, he utilized also troops from the Balkan nations that his father Philip II had conquered - Greeks, Illyrians, and Thracians. The Greeks in the Macedonian army, however, were commanded by Macedonians, their contribution in the conquest was insignificant and miniscule, and modern historiography calls them nothing but Macedonian "hostages" who would ensure a good behavior of their friends and families back in Greece (Peter Green, Urlich Wilcken, Ernst Badian, Eugene Borza, A.B. Bosworth). Aware that the Greeks despised the Macedonians, Alexander left massive Macedonian occupation troops in their country before heading for the conquest of Persia, although he knew that he would need as many as possible Macedonians for the dangerous campaign ahead. He however rid himself of the Greeks in his army the first chance he got, after burning the Persian capital Persepolis, and learning that the last Greek state Sparta was defeated by the Macedonian troops he left to watch rebellious Greece.
Das hier muss man sich nochmal zu Gemüte ziehen und hier wird ersichtlich wie krass viele Historiker gelogen haben und/oder immer noch behaupten....die Makedonen wären Hellenen gewesen. Dabei gab es eine hellenische Union und Front gegen Philip und Alexander und gegen die Makedonen. Letztlich wurde auch Sparta von den Makedonen geschlagen und erobert.

4. Despite all, the Greeks never stopped fighting the Macedonians. While Alexander was conquering Persia with his 25-30,000 Macedonians, more then 50,000 Greeks actually fought on the side of the Persians against the Macedonians (Curtius). The Macedonians slaughtered 18,000 of them in the first battle and sent 2,000 to forced labor in Macedonia (Arrian). After Alexander died, the Macedonian general Pithon massacred 23,000 more of them in a single battle when the Greeks revolted in Bactria (Diodorus). In Greece, when the news of Alexander the Great's death became known, the Greeks united once again and threw out the Macedonians out of their country in the Lamian War (Diodorus). But the Macedonian army returned with massive reinforcements, defeated the Greeks both on land and sea, and re-occupied Greece, putting a bloody end to the Lamian War (Diodorus).
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Weltweit wird der Westen für einige Lügen momentan in frage gestellt und die uns bekannte Geschichte scheint sich zu ändern.
Immer mehr Länder setzen ihre eigenen Historiker und Archäologen ein und man bemerkt dass hier sehr viel gelogen wurde

5. The Greeks nevertheless continued raising rebellion after rebellion against the Macedonians to free Greece from the despised foreign occupation. All successors of Alexander the Great fought them, and the Macedonian king Antigonus II Gonatas alone fought three Greek uprisings against the "barbarous Macedonians" (Diodorus, Plutarch, Justin). Finally in 197 BC, the Macedonian king Philip V was defeated by the joint force of Romans and Greeks, and Macedonia lost Greece after almost 150 years of occupation. When the Romans proclaimed that Greece is free, such an enormous burst of enthusiasm exploded among the Greeks that the Roman general who made the announcement was almost killed by the mass of people that flocked to shake his hand and congratulate him for driving the Macedonians out of Greece (Livy, Polybius).
6. After the defeat of the Macedonian king Perseus in 168 BC, and the end of the Macedonian rebellion in 148 BC, Macedonia, Greece, and Carthage became part of the Roman Empire. In 395 AD with the split of the Roman Empire, Macedonia and Greece became part of the East Roman (or Byzantine) Empire.
Es eicht lubenica hör auf zu lügen!!!!

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Dieser Artikel behandelt das Volk der Griechen. Zu dem Begriff „Griechen“ in der Finanzmathematik siehe Black-Scholes-Modell.
Grieche ist eine Weiterleitung auf diesen Artikel. Zum Gesellschaftsroman von Pierre Rey siehe Der Grieche.

Die Griechen (von lateinisch Graeci, der Bezeichnung für die Griechisch sprechenden Völker der Antike griechisch Éllines Έλληνες ‚Hellenen‘) sind ein indogermanisches Volk, dessen sprachliche Wurzeln sich bis ins zweite vorchristliche Jahrtausend zurückverfolgen lassen. Heute leben über 10,5 Millionen Griechen in Griechenland und auf Zypern; weiterhin ca. 7 Mio. Menschen der Griechischen Diaspora.


Alexander der Große


Johannes von Damaskus


El Greco

Eleftherios Venizelos

Constantin Caratheodory