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Alexander der Große

Wie kann einer Alex ehren aber Griechen nicht mögen?

Das geht nicht. Das ist wie Schwimmen wollen ohne naß zu werden......................
50,000 strong Greeks were with Darius fighting the Macedonians, while Alexander took only 7,000 Greeks next to his Macedonians which served as "hostages" and "were potential trouble makers", (Green) which he got rid of only when he learned that the rebellion in Greece against the Macedonian occupation forces there was suppressed (Badian, Borza).

The fact that 50,000 Greeks were fighting Alexander’s Macedonians shows clearly that their loyalty and their numerical superiority lies with Darius and his Persians, not with Alexander and his Macedonians. As Peter Green puts it: "if this was a Greek conquest where were the Greek troops?" Alexander’s conquest can not therefore be at all a Greek conquest, but simply a Macedonian conquest.
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..” MODERN Macedonians are ancient natives on the Balkans, there they Existetd as a Separate Slavic group as a result of isolation from the other Slavic groups and for a longer Historical period saved the most Archaic forms of the ancient Slavic Lenguage Used By the Pelasgians , Veneti, Goths, Sarmathians, Tracians, Trybals...” (Johann Georg Von Hahn :” Albanesische studien:”1854)
Hellenic History Newer Existetd ....”Let us Not forget him that it was a TRACHIAN Who taught the hellens how To SING , PELASGO- PHRYOIANS Who gave them RELIGION, EGYPTIANS who give them much of the EDUCATION ARISES the PHOENICIANS Who give them an ALFABETH, And THE MACEDONIANS Who give them the experience of glory that they Could NEVER achieved on THEIR OWN .....

Die Thraker haben den Griechen die Götter geschenkt.
Johann Gustav Droysen - This guy created all the fake greek history and thanks to him the Aromanians,Ethiopians and other african and asian tribes who dwelled there in the early 1800s created the new mask called "Greece" or "Greek".They are puppets and subject of creation of the new gods called Britain and Germany who give them freedom from the Otoman empire.Even their first modern king was German/Bavarian Otto in 1832 under the Convention of London.

Forever Macedonia/Macedonians.