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Alte Bilder aus Makedonien - Die Perle der Makedonier





Altes deutsches Kriegs Buch aus WWI, verbuendete Bulgariens


Bulgaren, posieren mit makedonische Koepfe

Lynchjustiz der Bulgaren in Makedonien

Dabnica-Prilep Massenexekution

Ohrid, verbrannte Hauser nach dem einfall der Bulgaren

Berovo, Massenexekution veruebt durch die Bulgaren, die Tat geschah kurz vor dem rueckzug

sogar Frauen fielen diesem wahn zum opfer

Exekutierte Partisanen

Kocho Racin

Exekution durch Bulgaren im osten makedoniens




sogar kinder und frauen waren unter de opfern

Exekution in Prilep

Stefan Naumov, von den bulgaren exekutiert

Bei welcher ? Begründung ?

brauchst du ne brille, oder muss ich meine putzen????
Zagorichani-Makedonien 1903


infos ueber Zagorichani

Massacre and Barbarism at Zagorichane

Greek Clergy and their cut-throats claim "God is on our Side"

The burning of the village of Zagorichane (Kostur district) and the massacre of its inhabitants was done by 7 Greek andart bands (lead by the so-called "kapetans" Vardas [Lt Georgios Tsontos from Crete as chief commander], Kaudis, Karavitis, Makris, Kukulakis, Pulanas, and Melios) on 25th of March 1905.

It is also important to state that at the time of the Greek attack on Zagorichane, there were no Bulgarian revolutionaries in the village. Also, just a few days before the attack, the Turkish asker (commander) came to the village to search for arms. Before he entered, the asker had his troops blow military horns, an act which frightened the village population. However, the Turkish officer explained to the peasants, that this sounding of horns was simply a military protocol, and whenever they heard it they should remain calm and realise it meant no danger.

Not uncoincidently the Greek attack on Zagorichane began with the same blowing of military horns as used by the Turks. If we consult the account given by the Greek historian Stamatis Raptis in "O kapetan Poulakas - Captain Pulakas. All Macedonian Struggle. Heroic Battles. Avengers Bulgarian-Killers. Most Patriotical Reading. With the True Images of the Heroes." (Athens, 1910, 2520p) on page 990 he writes

"When Bulgarians hear the horn, they will think, that it is an asker, and will hurry to hide their weapons, where they can. So that we shall have time."

The massacre at Zagorichane was documented afterwards by the Italian gendarme officers Manera, Gastoldi and Albera, Russian consul Kol, Austro-Hungarian consul Prohaska, and many others. In his report the Bulgarian diplomat A. Toshev (No. 447, from 30th of March, 1905) wrote

"They - Russian and Austrian consuls, and Italian officers Albera, Gastoldi and Manera - were horrified at all that they saw and found. The streets, and around the church, was strewn with corpses, many of which had been sadistically mutilated. There were 5-year-old children with their stomachs cut-open and their intestines ripped out; murdered women with their arms hacked off. Some of the dead had their skulls smashed and their brains removed, others had eyes gouged out, many had severed limbs. The body of the 60 year old priest was covered with wounds. An entire family had been killed by bombs thrown through the chimney, and from two holes in the roof. The bodies of the father, mother, and two children were appalling disfigured by the bombs. The youngest child, a 5 year old girl, had tried to escape through the door, but was killed by Greek bayonets. Russian consul Mr Kol was weeping. Austrian consul Mr Prohaska also had tears in his eyes. They both claimed that they had not witnessed such horrors and barbarities even in the time of the rebellion (1903)."

The Sadistic Murder of Lazar Pop Traykoff
just "Normal Cleric Duties" for the
Greek Archbishop Germanos Karavangelis

Dr HN Brailsford
in Macedonia: Its Races and their Future
Methuen & Co., London, 1906, p193-194

Lazar Pop Trajkov bzw sein Kopf
Ohrid ca.1906

Makedonier in dem freiwilligen Corps "Macedonian-Adrianopolitan Volunteer Corps" der koeniglich bulgarischen armee!
Dieses Corps setzte sich aus freiwillige Makedonier aus Makedonien und Thrakien zusammen, es wurde am 23.September 1912 gegruendet


Zertifikat fuer Ilja Dilberov aus Kukusch-Makedonien fuer die Teilnahme am Coprs
die bösen bösen griechen, alle griechen sind schlechte leute, die griechen haben an alles schlud bla bla :rolleyes::rolleyes:

die masche zieht nicht mehr louweed, lass dir mal was neues einfallen. das ganze gehetze gegen griechen geht langsam zu weit.