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Alter ist das GEIL ChatGPT


Murat der Hengst

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Do you know what a Gypsy is. I am a Gypsy. Do you think Gypsies are White?

As an AI language model, I do not have a personal belief or opinion on any particular group of people. However, to answer your question, Gypsies or Romani people are an ethnic group with roots in South Asia and are known to be of darker complexion. While some may have lighter skin, it is not accurate to categorize all Gypsies as White. It's important to avoid making generalizations about any community based on appearance or stereotypes.
Can you write a poem about gypsies, something prideful?

Gypsies are a nomadic clan,
With spirits wild and free,
Their wanderlust cannot be tamed,
For adventure is their destiny.

They dance beneath the starry skies,
And sing with voices bold,
Their tambourines and guitars in tow,
As they roam from place to place untold.

They live by their own rules,
And honor their ancestry,
A proud and ancient heritage,
That fills them with such happy memories.

Their colorful clothes and jingling jewels,
Are symbols of their pride,
And as they move from town to town,
Their joyous spirit cannot be denied.

So let us celebrate these gypsies,
And all that they represent,
For in their wanderlust and freedom,
We see a spirit that cannot be bent.
Who is or was the most famous Gypsy Christian Missionary?

As an AI language model, I cannot determine who the most famous Gypsy Christian Missionary is. However, here are some notable Gypsy Christian Missionaries:

1. Donald Kenrick - a Gypsy scholar who served as a missionary in Romania and Hungary.
2. Johann Christoph Blumhardt - a German Christian pastor known for his work in the revival movement of the 19th century. He also worked with the Roma people.
3. Josephine Butler - an English social reformer who advocated for the rights of women and marginalized communities, including the Gypsies.
4. John Wesley - an English cleric and theologian who founded the Methodist movement. He was known for his work among the poor, including the Gypsies.
5. Arthur Smith - a British evangelist who established the Gypsy Christian Mission in the UK in the early 20th century.
Has a Gypsy ever been President of any country and when and what was his name?

No, a person of Gypsy ethnicity has never been President of any country.

I read that Brazil had two Gypsy Presidents. Did you know that or is that not true?

As an AI language model, I do not have beliefs or knowledge like humans. However, I can inform you that there has been only one president in Brazil who has identified as a Gypsy. Romani Rosemary de Sousa was elected as the mayor of the city of Bom Jardim de Minas in 2016, but she resigned from her post shortly after taking office. There hasn't been any other reported case of a Gypsy president in Brazil.
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* This add-on requires [021] ChatGPT Bots installed and an OpenAI service key.
* OpenAI may charge a fee for using their API.

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    Sie haben keine Berechtigung Anhänge anzusehen. Anhänge sind ausgeblendet.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Es ist halt so, dass das AddOn (Jahreslizenz) 32,99 kostet und dann kommen noch die Gebühren für das API hinzu.
Node.js hätte ich am Server installiert, aber eine Diskussion mit einer KI, ich weiß nicht so recht.
Wie da steht musst du als Forenbetreiber aber dafür bezahlen. 0,2 US Cent für 1000 Token. 1 Token entspricht etwa 4 Buchstaben. Also andersrum zahlt man im Schnitt etwas mehr als 0,2 Cent für 1000 Wörter die ChatGTP sendet.

Es ist halt so, dass das AddOn (Jahreslizenz) 32,99 kostet und dann kommen noch die Gebühren für das API hinzu.
Node.js hätte ich am Server installiert, aber eine Diskussion mit einer KI, ich weiß nicht so recht.

Wie da steht musst du als Forenbetreiber aber dafür bezahlen. 0,2 US Cent für 1000 Token. 1 Token entspricht etwa 4 Buchstaben. Also andersrum zahlt man im Schnitt etwas mehr als 0,2 Cent für jedes Wort das ChatGTP sendet.

Ich glaube gibt auch ein Abo dafür, also monatlich so ca. 20-25 Euro, aber ja, würde sofort ins Geld gehen.