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Archäologie / Ausgrabungen Albanien / Kosova / Mazedonien

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Gibts im kosovo auch antike stätten , habe noch nichts gesehen ausser diese prishtina-statue
Archaeologist Filip Mihailov: During the excavation of Struma Motorway has revealed interesting and complex Necropolis23 June 2012 | 21:33 | FOCUS News Agency
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Filip Mihailov from Pernik Museum of Archaeology and Head of the excavation of Struma Motorway in an interview for FOCUS News Agecny

FOCUS: Mr. Mihailov it is believed that the tomb of Philip of Macedonia was discovered during the excavation of Lot 1 of Struma Motorway. Is this information correct?
Filip Mihailov:I accidentally an hour ago was informed that we have found the tomb of Philip of Macedonia. This could be true only as far as I'm Filip and I explore an extremely difficult and complex subject. It could be true only if it is my tomb otherwise not. I have no idea how and where did it get this misunderstanding, but I suppose it's possible because I shared with local journalists that the size and chronological scope of our subject is comparable to the cemeteries so big and important as the Vergina, where the Greek colleagues suggest for one the tombs, that of Philip of Macedonia. In fact and this is debatable, but this is a problem of the Greek colleagues. The subject is extremely interesting, very large and very complex, in chronological range of very long use. There is no Tomb of Philip of Macedonia and it is not possible there to be such.

FOCUS: At what stage are the archaeological excavations in the area of the Motorway and what is found so far?
Filip Mihailov: Our contract is for research from the km 311, meter 360 to km 311 meter 665. We are currently working from meter 450 to meter 560. Items that were found in the section from meter 450 to meter 460 have been investigated and exhausted. Was revealed the most of the cemetery, but it has not yet been studied.

FOCUS: Whether deadlines for the completion of archaeological excavations in the area would be met?
Filip Mihailov: Yes, the contract with Agency Road Infrastructure will be met.

FOCUS: What is the discovered necropolis look like?
Filip Mihailov: Sites of similar size happen once in a lifetime and not to every archaeologist. This is an extremely complex and difficult to study necropolis with burned corpses. There are facilities built by several species – there are rectangular structures, circular structures. Burning corpse ritual is beyond the burial facility and so far we have not found a site for cremations. We have no idea where it is exactly, but we now that it is not within the cemetery. In chronological range so far what we have is material from the late 9th century BC to the early 4th century BC. I.e. we have duration of use of about five centuries.

Archaeologist Filip Mihailov: During the excavation of Struma Motorway has revealed interesting and complex Necropolis - FOCUS Information Agency
illyrische Gräber bei Selca nähe Pogradeci


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Varret Mbreterore Ilire, Selce e Poshtme - Sean Mason by AlbanPOLIMI2011, on Flickr

Varret Mbreterore Ilire, Selce e Poshtme - Sean Mason by AlbanPOLIMI2011, on Flickr

Varret Mbreterore Ilire, Selce e Poshtme - Sean Mason by AlbanPOLIMI2011, on Flickr

Varret Mbreterore Ilire, Selce e Poshtme - Sean Mason by AlbanPOLIMI2011, on Flickr

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