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Archäologie / Ausgrabungen in Makedonien und makedonische Funde weltweit


Μακεδоν τ
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Five New Royal Tombs Discovered in Vergina

by Evgenia Adamantopoulou - Mar 13, 2014

Five new royal tombs have come to light during excavations at the royal necropolis of Aegae, in Northern Greece.

The Temenid burial cluster was found in one corner of the Aegae cemetery. Although looted and partially destroyed, the monuments are impressive evidence of funerary architecture and include portraits of the royal family.
Three of the royal tombs are cists and two are Macedonian. According to the excavator and director of the 17th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, Angeliki Kottaridi, one tomb is particularly important, as it shows a large underground room with white walls decorated with painted garlands, fronds, flowers and ivy leaves.
Among the finds were impressive ceramic funerary objects which date back to 420/410 BC and an iron sword believed to belong to King Perdiccas II (454-413 BC), who had fought hard during the Peloponnesian war to keep his kingdom independent.
Another Macedonian tomb with Doric columns was discovered, next to the Ionic tomb excavated in 1987. Its facade is similar to the tomb of Alexander IV, son of Alexander the Great and Roxanne.
Archaeologists are linking the tombs with the Temenid dynasty, the kings of Macedonia, because of their size and shape and the impressive funerary objects found in them. Moreover, one of the graves may have belonged to Cassander himself or to one of his sons, who were also members of Temenid dynasty.
The new findings were presented by Mrs. Kottaridi on March 13, during the 27th meeting covering Archaeological Works in Macedonia and Thrace.
- See more at: Five New Royal Tombs Discovered in Vergina | GreekReporter.com

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Was sind denn "makedonische Funde weltweit"? Hat man bereits auch in Nigeria und Chile makedonische Funde ausgegraben, oder wie ist das zu verstehen?

Was sind denn "makedonische Funde weltweit"? Hat man bereits auch in Nigeria und Chile makedonische Funde ausgegraben, oder wie ist das zu verstehen?


ZB. Funde in Museen weltweit oder zB. Artefakte welche durch Kriminalität irgendwo hin gelangt sind.

Weitere Ausgrabungen und Forschungen an der "neuen" Basilika in Heraklea

[h=1]Продолжуваат археолошките истражувања на новата базилика во Хераклеа[/h]13-Март-2014 13:44
[h=2]Продолжуваат археолошките истражувања на новата базилика од ранохристијански период на археолошкиот локалитет Хераклеја Линкестис.[/h]
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Станува збор за трикорабна базилика чија впечатлива архитектонска градба го потврдува значењето на овој мошне развиен епископски центар од ранохристијанскиот период.
Освен маркантните димензии, при ископувањето на базиликата во изминатите фази на археолошките истражувања беше откриен и раскошен мозаик со богати геометриски мотиви како и други архитектонски елементи.
На источниот дел од локалитетот беше ископана уште една апсида во чија архитектонска конструкција се чувале свети мошти и која претставува материјален доказ за светоста на местото.
Поради реткоста и реперезентативноста на ваквите објекти, но и поради фактот што нудат изобилството на информации, во наредниот период е предвидено детално доистражување на овој простор.


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die makes hatten schon was drauf, schade dass die ethnie ausgestorben ist^^

nein stimmt nicht einige leben immer noch guckst du hier ab 0:18 antiker tanz aus FYRO?

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Welches Heraklea ist denn gemeint? Das in Kleinasien?

nein er meint die Heraklea in FYROM