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Atatürk ein Verbrecher

Sag mal Friedrich aka Zar aka Kasak seit wann entscheidest du wer ein Verbrecher ist und wer Verwarnungen bekommt?

Ich nicht, aber Wikipdia:

Topal Osman

Topal Osman oder Osman Ağa (* 1883 in Giresun; † 2. April 1923 in Ankara) war ein osmanischer Offizier und Kriegsteilnehmer. Ferner war er eine „zentrale Figur“[1] bei Deportationen und Massakern an christlichen Minderheiten während der Griechenverfolgungen im Osmanischen Reich 1914–1923 und des Völkermords an den Armeniern. Wegen seiner Verdienste beim türkischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg wird er als Volksheld verehrt. Er war Befehlshaber der Präsidentengarde Atatürks.
Sag mal Friedrich aka Zar aka Kasak seit wann entscheidest du wer ein Verbrecher ist und wer Verwarnungen bekommt?

Friedrich der Große hast vollkommen recht
Wer Morde gegen Frauen- und Kinder rechtfertigt solltte nicht nur Verwarnt sondern gleich gesperrt werden.

Wir sind in Deutschland nicht in der Türkei.

“Das einzig wichtige für das türkische Volk ist, würdig und ehrenhaft zu leben. Die Grundlage dafür ist jedoch die Unabhängigkeit. Ein Staat kann im Reichtum und Überfluss leben, wenn er nicht unabhängig ist; hat er in der modernen Gesellschaft die Funktion eines Knechtes, wird er niemals einen höheren Status erreichen.” 1927 MK-ATATÜRK

Es wird erwähnt das aus dem Rucksack Guevaras nach seinem Tod 1967 in Bolivien das Buch "NUTUK" (die Rede) von Atatürk gefunden wurde.

Fidel Castro, Kuba
"Wieso sucht sich die türkische Jugend einen anderen Führer, wobei sie den größten aller Zeiten, Atatürk, besitzen ? Atatürk war der Vorbild Guevaras und ist noch immer mein Vorbild und das Vorbild aller unterdrückten Nationen dieser Welt."

"Leif Eriksson segelte,
Gutenberg druckte,
Galileo wagte,
Shakespeare dichtete,
Elisabeth regierte,
Mozart komponierte,
Jefferson entwarf,
Bolivar befreite,
Lincoln bewahrte,
Einstein träumte,
Atatürk baute,
Roosevelt führte,
Gandhi predigte,
Mutter Teresa heilte,
Mandela triumphierte."

(US-Präsident Bill Clinton über die letzten 1000 Jahre in 32 Worten)

Gyulaa Kornis, Speaker of the Hungarian Parliament In 1918

Turkey was a defeated nation seemingly in irreparable collapse. Today, twenty years later, we see a nation on the borders of Europe and Asia, economically and culturally prosperous, once again important internationally, and profiting from peaceful relations with all its neighbors.

Daily Telegraph Newspaper, England
In no other country have women advanced this rapidly. It is truly an unique event in history for a nation to change to this degree.

Habib ben Ali Bourguiba, President of Tunisia
The Sakarya Battle, the Sakarya Victory became the strongest recollection when I was twenty. At that time I said to myself, I wonder whether or not I can mobilize my country like this? Can I not instill in his spirit this delivering attack, this unreined passion?

Ernest Hemingway, American Journalist and Novelist
The West and the East came face to face at the second class coastal town of Mudanya on a crooked road covered with dust on the hot Marmara coast. Despite the English flag ship "Iron-Duke's" ash-colored deathly turrets that transported the Allied generals for negotiations with Ismet Pasha, the Westerners had come here to beg for peace, not to ask for peace or to dictate the conditions... These negotiations demonstrate the end of Europe's dominance over Asia, because as everyone knows, Mustafa Kemal got rid of all the Greeks.

Social Demokraten Newspaper, Sweden
The world, by no means and at no time, has witnessed such an exciting event as the re-founding of Turkey with a Western point of view and belief.

Joseph Luns, Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Netherlands In our times, it is Atatürk who brought Turkey to its current status as a modern republic with his farsighted and courageous political, social and economic reforms. At the same time, it was also he that prepared the foundation of the modern economy that will ensure today Turkey's attaining the strength to be able to enter the European Economic Community.

General Douglas MacArthur, Commander-in-Chief of the Far East Forces, U.S.A.
He was a military-statesman, one of the greatest leaders of our era. He ensured that Turkey got its rightful place among the most advanced nations. Also, he gave the feeling of support and self-confidence to the Turks, that forms the foundation stone of a nation's greatness. I take great pride in being one of Atatürk's loyal friends.

Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of India
Kemal Atatürk or Kemal Pasha by which name we knew him in those times, was my hero during my youth. I was very moved when I read about his great reforms. I met with great praise the general efforts made by Atatürk on the course of modernizing Turkey. His dynamism, undauntedness and unawareness of fatigue created a great effect on people. He was one of the builders of the modern age in the orient. I continue to be among his greatest admirers.

Hayato Ikeda, Prime Minister of Japan
We feel a great admiration for Atatürk in his efforts towards ensuring the modernization of Turkish society by separating religion and politics from each other and by carrying out the Turkish Language Reforms.

Dwight D. Eisenhower, President of the United States of America
In connection with the permanent memorial facility for Kemal Atatürk, I take pride in presenting my congratulations to Turkey. Your great country that is advancing on the course that he demonstrated has obtained very significant successes. This ceremony that is being held to commemorate the memory of Atatürk, the architect of progress and Turkish unity, is a very appropriate respect to a person who became a source of inspiration to free peoples throughout the world.

Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Atatürk's death is not only a loss for the country, but for Europe is the greatest loss, he who saved Turkey in the war and who revived a new the Turkish nation after the war. The sincere tears shed after him by all classes of people is nothing other than an appropriate manifestation to this great hero and modern Turkey's Ata.

Vladimir llyich Lenin, Leader of the Russian Revolution Mustafa Kemal was not a socialist. But it can be perceived that he is a good organizer, with great understanding, progressive, with good thoughts and an intelligent leader. He is carrying out a war of independence against those plunderers. I am believing that he will break the pride of the imperialists and that he will beat the Sultan together with his friends.(1921)

Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States of America
I obtained information concerning Mustafa Kemal from someone who knows him very well. When talking with Foreign Minister Litvinov of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, he said that in his opinion, the most valuable and interesting statesman in all of Europe does not live in Europe today, but beyond the Bosphorus, he lives in Ankara, and that this was the President of the Turkish Republic, Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.

L'IIIustration Newspaper, France
History has seen many great people. It has seen Alexander the Great's, Napoleon's, Washington's. However, in the twentieth century Atatürk broke the record for greatness, this Turkish son of a Turk.

John F. Kennedy, President of the United States of America The name of Atatürk reminds people of the historical successes of one of the great individuals of this century, the leadership that gave inspiration to the Turkish nation, farsightedness in the understanding of the modern world and courage and power as a military leader. It is without a doubt that another example can't be shown indicating greater successes than the birth of the Turkish Republic and ever since then Atatürk's and Turkey's broad and deep reforms undertaken as well as the confidence of a nation in itself.
