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Atentat an Tadic gescheitert!

Surprise, Surprise....


Jocic maintains it was an accident

| 00:08 December 02 | B92

BELGRADE -- Wednesday - At an extraordinary press conference held late Wednesday night, Internal Affairs Minister Dragan Jocic said that the incident involving Serbian President Boris Tadic car last night, was not an assassination attempt, but a traffic accident.

Jocic said that the driver of the car was an employee of the United States embassy and Serbia-Montenegro citizen, Miroslav Cimpl.

According to Jocic he was driving the Audi that hit Tadic’s car late last night.


Hier noch was Interessantes von meinen amerikanischen, Republican-friends aus "Free Republic":

How many foreign embassy security staff in any country in the world ever tried to ram the car belonging to the President trvelling in a motorcade? I guess none.

Serbian President is driven in Mercedes with unique four digit licence plates (e.g. BG-50-00) and is surrounded by similar cars. Flashing lights are different from ordinary unmarked police car (flashing Blue and red). It is simply not possible not to realize it is motorcade. Plus, Cobra Unit bodyguards are threatening enough.

Yet, U.S. embassy security guard tailed motorcade and attempred several times to squeeze in into the motorcade for more than 2 miles. (First attempt at Kneza Miosha Street near Canadian Embassy, continued chase over overpass bridge into Vojvode Putnika Bulevard and attempted to cut motorcade at Topciderska Zvezda intersection (half mile from U.S. Ambassador residence in 50 Uzicka street)

Tailing motorcade UPHILL for one mile on a narrow road requires quite a driving skill and courage, unless the "incident" was prearranged..


Hoerst sich eindeutig nach "Unfall" an.....
unfall hin oder her. er ist scheisse. ich hab letzten sommer bei den indjijainternen wahlen meine stimm der serbischen radikalen partei gegeben
ja natürlich. da zählt die stimme des volkes. mit der partei kommen wir voran (und mit vorankommen rede ich nicht vom EU Beitritt)