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Aus Liebe zu Mesut Özil: Anna-Maria Lagerblom tritt zum Islam über

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Bei Hasan Salihamidzic war das so. Der hat ne italienerin geheiratet und die Kinder wurden in der Kriche getauft.

Sergej wollte net mal kommen und hat den gesagt "ist net richtig was du da machst" obwohl er kein Moslem ist ...

Ich meine den Vater von Ibra, seine Frau is doch Kroatin/Katholikin oder??
Hmmm na ja generell halte ich von solchen Zwangssachen nix...schwer vorzustellen dass man sowas aus Überzeugung macht, egal in welche Richtung...
Off-Topic: Heute trete ich aus der Kirche aus ^^

haha :D Ich such gerade i jedino sto sam naso je

Ibrahimović has 2 siblings and 3 half-siblings. He is married to Helena Seger and has 2 children, Maximilian (born 22 September 2006), and Vincent (born 6 March 2008). They have a pet pug named Trustor. He currently resides in Barcelona, although he visits his summer home in Malmö annually. He has never officially disclosed his religion, although having a tattoo stating "Only God Can Judge Me" suggests that he may believe in deity. Ibrahimović received a black belt in taekwondo at the age of 17, where he attended classes at the Malmö Taekwondo club Enighet, which has helped his flexibility in the ability to take acrobatic shots and passes. In May 2003, the name Zlatan was trademarked by PRV for "most likely being perceived as Zlatan Ibrahimović". This meant that he received exclusive rights to the name Zlatan for certain products, including sporting goods, clothing, and shoes. He has stated that he enjoys watching new movies and traveling with his family.[52] Ibrahimović is sponsored by Nike and features in their television advertisements. He wears the Mercurial boot line and has the name and date of birth of his sons embedded onto the external sides of his cleats. In the autumn of 2007, Ibrahimović, with the help of Nike, self-funded a new football court in the streets of his hometown of Rosengård where he grew up playing football. He added a playing mat, goals, electric lights and modernized fencing.[53] In 2008, he donated new Nike kits to his youth club, FBK Balkan.[34] Ibrahimović is fluent in Swedish, Bosnian, English, Italian and Spanish.

jebi ga ne vjerujem Avaz.ba ^^
Was ist Sergej dann wenn kein Moslem?
RUSSE? :confused:
Hahaha :D Mislis "Sergej" je Moslem?

Sergej Barbarez, der Vorfahren in allen drei Ethnien Bosnien-Herzegowinas, Bosniaken, Serben und Kroaten, hat,[1] spielte von seinem 19. Lebensjahr bis 1991 im Profikader des bosnisch-herzegowinischen Traditionsvereins Velež Mostar und spielte auch als Basketballer in der obersten Liga seines Landes.

On je Mix, von jedem nen bisschen aber überwiegen serbisch-kroatisch ... Trotzdem Bosancero ^^

sie wird kein schwein mehr essen und jetzt melek heißen
woooooow :app: wenn es so leicht ist den vater zu beruhigen