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Bärte wie Toiletten

hier eine BBC Beitrag zum Thema Bart. Nicht umsonst wachsen uns Männer Bärte.

Are beards good for your health?

That was a very pleasing result. But our most recent discovery, finding bacteria which appear to be producing a novel form of antibiotic, feels altogether more significant. What was particularly delightful was that they were found growing in someone's beard.

Well, the researchers were surprised to find that it was the clean-shaven staff, and not the beardies, who were more likely to be carrying something unpleasant on their faces.

The beardless group were more than three times as likely to be harbouring a species known as methicillin-resistant staph aureus on their freshly shaven cheeks. MRSA is a particularly common and troublesome source of hospital-acquired infections because it is resistant to so many of our current antibiotics.
Man combing a beardImage copyrightISTOCK
So what's going on? The researchers suggested that shaving might cause micro-abrasions in the skin "which may support bacterial colonisation and proliferation".

Adam managed to grow over 100 different bacteria from our beards, including one that is more commonly found in the small intestine. But, as he quickly explains, that doesn't mean it came from faeces. Such findings are normal and nothing to worry about.

Far more interesting, in a few of the petri dishes he noticed that something was clearly killing the other bacteria. The most obvious suspect was a fellow microbe.

So could our mysterious microbes be doing something similar?

Killing fellow bacteria by producing some sort of toxin?
"Yes," says Adam extremely cautiously. "Possibly."

Adam indentified the silent assassins as part of a species called Staphylococcus epidermidis. When he tested them against a particularly drug-resistant form of Eschercichia coli (E. coli), the sort that cause urinary tract infections, they killed with abandon.

Are beards good for your health? - BBC News

in Bärten wurden Mikroben festgestellt, welche sogar coli Bakterien abtöten. zusätzlich ist die rasierte Haut teilweise ein besseres Nest für Bakterien als der bart.
ich liebe bärte... vollbärte vorallem.. auf keinen Fall glatt rasiert...