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[B]Illyrer, die ersten im Balkan![B]

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I2a2a (P41.2) is typical of the South Slavic populations of south-eastern Europe, being highest in Bosnia-Herzegovina (>50%).[11] Haplogroup I2a2a is also commonly found in north-eastern Italians.[9] There is also a high concentratio of I2a2a in north-east Romania, Moldova and western Ukraine. The subclade divergence for P37.2 occurred 10.7±4.8 kya (Rootsi 2004). The age of YSTR variation for the P37.2 subclade is 8.0±4.0 kya (Rootsi 2004). The age of YSTR variation for the M423 subclade is 8.8±3.6 kya (Underhill 2007). Pericic places its expansion to have occurred "not earlier than the YD to Holocene transition and not later than the early Neolithic” (Pericic 2005). However, according to Ken Nordtvedt I2a2a arose 2500 years ago in Eastern Europe. In 2010 Nordtvedt suppoused that I2a2a is just too young to not have been a result of a sudden expansion on the Balkans.[12] He has presumed it was the Slavic invasion from the area north-east of the Carpathians since 500 CE.[13] I2a2b (L161) was found in low frequency in Ireland and Great Britain. Nordtvedt has suppoused that around 15,000 years ago the two branch-lines of I2a2 (M423) eventually leading to I2a2a (P41.2) and I2a2b (L161) separated. A tight cluster of three haplotypes seems to be now filling with the very rear I2a2* with the results of two persons from Germany and one from Poland.

RootsWeb: Y-DNA-HAPLOGROUP-I-L Re: [yDNAhgI] Russian I2a2a-Dinaric TMRCA

das einzige an was die balkanslawen sich klammern konnten um ihre ungeliebte herkunft zu leugnen waren ihre angeblichen illyrer gene

jetzt stellt es sich heraus dass es slawische gene aus den karpaten sind :mrgreen:
der schuss ging wohl nach hinten los
das ist eine albanische lahuta wieder etwas das ihr von uns geklaut habt und der typ in dem video trägt einen plis ist wahrscheinlich ein albaner aus dem sanxhak oder kosovo

Der ist ein Bosniake und nicht anderes.

Avdo Međedović

Avdo Međedović (1875, Bijelo Polje – 1953) was a Bosniak guslar (singer or oral poet) from Montenegro. He was the most versatile and skillful performer of all those encountered by Milman Parry and Albert Lord during their research on the oral epic tradition of Bosnia, Herzegovina and Montenegro (then part of Yugoslavia) in the 1930s. At Parry's request Avdo undertook to produce an epic of similar extent to the Iliad (15,690 lines), since Parry needed to investigate whether a poet in an oral tradition would be able to maintain a theme over such length. Avdo dictated, over three days and many cups of coffee, a version of the well-known theme The Wedding of Smailagić Meho that was 12,323 lines long. On another occasion he sang over several days an epic of 13,331 lines. He claimed to have several others of similar length in his repertoire.

Lord, Albert Bates (1960), The singer of tales, Harvard University Press
Avdo Međedović, The wedding of Smailagić Meho tr. Albert Bates Lord; with a translation of conversations [with Nikola Vujnović] concerning the singer's life and times, by David E. Bynum. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1974.
Parry, Milman; Parry, Adam (editor) (1971), The making of Homeric verse. The collected papers of Milman Parry, Clarendon Press

External links
John Curtis Franklin, "Structural sympathies in Ancient Greek and South-Slavic heroic song": introduction (with photograph of Avdo) and link to full version of paper
Mary Knight, "Homer in Bosnia: field notes"


YouTube - gusle-bosna-bosona-bosnjacke

YouTube - BOSNJACKE GUSLE-avdo mededovic
Vom altillyrischen Alltagsgesang hin zu den altillyrischen Heldenepen:


Avdo Mehmedovic mit der aeltesten Filmaufnahme diesbezuglich.
Ich steh ja nicht so drauf aber mitgefangen mitgehangen...

Neulillyrische Alltagslieder.


Hat schon etwas Illyerisch an sich. Stammte auch aus Montenegro an der Grenze zu Albanien und Kosovo.
Der ist ein Bosniake und nicht anderes.

Avdo Međedović

Avdo Međedović (1875, Bijelo Polje – 1953) was a Bosniak guslar (singer or oral poet) from Montenegro. He was the most versatile and skillful performer of all those encountered by Milman Parry and Albert Lord during their research on the oral epic tradition of Bosnia, Herzegovina and Montenegro (then part of Yugoslavia) in the 1930s. At Parry's request Avdo undertook to produce an epic of similar extent to the Iliad (15,690 lines), since Parry needed to investigate whether a poet in an oral tradition would be able to maintain a theme over such length. Avdo dictated, over three days and many cups of coffee, a version of the well-known theme The Wedding of Smailagić Meho that was 12,323 lines long. On another occasion he sang over several days an epic of 13,331 lines. He claimed to have several others of similar length in his repertoire.

warum trägt er dann einen plis?
ausserdem weisst du ganz genau das in der gegend um montengro und sanxhak albanisches gebiet war und das die albaner von dort assimiliert wurden und ein ic an ihre nachnamen gehängt haben
Lol nur weil er ein weisses Käppchen hat ist er lange kein Albaner, der singt Epische Lieder über Bosnien und nicht Albanien.

Schau mal, sowas gab es in Bosnien auch früher;


LjutiBosanci.com -  Tradicionalna no

das ist ganz klar einen plis
einen plis dürfen nur albaner tragen und er kommt aus malesia ist wahrscheinlich ein asimilierter albaner auch wenn mir ist es egal und das ist auch nicht das thema hier
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