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Bilder aus Australien

Warum sollte ich denn etwas gegen Türken haben? :^^:

Und hier ein paar Fakten warum moderne Griechen Albaner sind, nur eben mit einem Sprachfehler :kichern:

Mehr als genügend Fakten: moderne Griechen sind Albaner! ? Mazedonien Forum

- - - Aktualisiert - - -

Slawe? Ich als Makedone und alle anderen Makedonen sprechen selbstverständlich ne slawische Sprache, aber warum du das immer erwähnen musst? :-k

PS: Und jetzt geh und lutsch du weißt schon an wessen Schwanz :^^:

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[h=3]United Macedonian Diaspora Demands Australia to Recognize Macedonia under Constitutional Name[/h]Labels: Diaspora

Enhancing Australian-Macedonian relations and rapprochement between the two communities were the topics discussed at the meeting between UMD and Tanya Plibersek, Australian MP and deputy leader of the opposition.

The United Macedonian Diaspora and Australia's shadow minister of foreign affairs and international development also tackled the issue of tightening the relations between the Macedonian and Australian parliaments.

Tanya Plibersek serves as a federal Member of Parliament for Sidney. Her origin is Slovenian and she is well acquainted with the challenges and the possibilities of Macedonia's NATO and EU integration and is aware of the concerns of the Australian Macedonian community in terms of her country's policy on Macedonia.

"Tanya Plibersek is an active and an influential member of the opposition, of the Australian-Macedonian friendly parliamentary group and of the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defense and Trade. The UMD works with these institutions in order to improve the Australian-Macedonian ties and maintain close relations with the Australian government and parliament," said Ordan Andreevski, the director of the UMD's branch in Australia.

He pointed that Tanya Plibersek, Australia's Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and other prominent federal members of the House of Representatives and the Senate planned to meet with the Macedonian Foreign Minister, Nikola Poposki, in the frames of his visit to Canberra that was planned to take place by the end of last month, but was postponed for later this year.

Beigetragen von Makedonets am
[h=3]International conference on Macedonian matters in Lerin[/h]Labels: English, Ägäis Makedonien

The Australian Macedonian Human Rights Committee (AMHRC), together with European Free Alliance Rainbow, the political party of the Macedonian minority in Greece and the European Free Alliance Brussels, jointly organize an international scholarly conference on Macedonian matters in Lerin, Aegean Macedonia, Greece from 16­19 July 2015.
This multidisciplinary conference will aim to make a substantial contribution to an understanding of modern Macedonian history from a variety of perspectives, including sociological, linguistic, anthropological and political. A number of other significant international guests, including Professor Victor Friedman from Chicago University, Professor Grace Fielder from University of Arizona, Andrew Rossos from University of Toronto, Akis Gavrilidis from Thessaloniki University, George Vlahov from La Trobe University in Australia, Vasko Nastevski from University of Melbourne, Katerina Kolozova from Institute in Social Sciences and Humanities­­ Skopje, Marija Pandevska and Makedonka Mitreva from the Institute of National History within Skopje­based SS. Cyril and Methodius, will be in attendance.
A similar conference was organised at Melbourne’s Monash University in 2013 by the AMHRC, marking the 100th anniversary of the end of the second Balkan War and the partition of Macedonia.
As a result of that conference, later this year, an academic publishing house will publish the conference papers in a book entitled “On Macedonian Matters: From the Partition of Macedonia in 1913 to the Present”, edited by Professor Victor Friedman and Dr Jim Hlavac. The conference will culminate with the annual “Ilinden” Macedonian cultural festival in the village of Ovchareni (Meliti in Greek), Lerin.
[h=1]Video des Tages - Die makedonische Drummer Braut[/h]
Montag, November 07, 2016 Clip, Diaspora, Musik, Video des Tages

Bei einer makedonischen Hochzeit in Australien ließ sich es die Braut nicht nehmen ihr können zur Schau zu stellen.
Die Braut heißt Dijana und stammt aus Bitola, sie hat Musik studiert was man auch eindeutig hört. Sie ist wahrlich eine Meisterin auf der makedonische Dorftrommel.

Macedonian bride drummer by makVideo

