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Bombenanschlag in London

Gjergj schrieb:
Zur Info:

Beim Bombenanschlag in London kamen
vier Kosovaren ums Leben.

Traurig aber wahr.
Gestern wurden in Prishtina
100te von Kerzen angezündet.

*Vor dem Eingang des Nationaltheaters in Prishtina.

(Lavdi, të deshmorëve!)

Die anderen Menschen die ums Leben kam, sind natürlich, gemäss der Logik des Beitrages, weniger Wert. Nicht umsonst, erwähnste ja nur die Kosovaren. Aber was soll, NATO ist ja diesmal nicht da gewesen, um es zu verhindern.:roll:

der Rabe
magneto schrieb:
was für mich wenn ich die hochexplosiven c4 Beiträge hier lese kaum zu bezweiflen ist. Was meint ihr ; westliche Propagandamaschine oder denkbar. ?


July 13, 2005

Hunt for the master of explosives

By Daniel McGrory and Michael Evans

A EUROPE-WIDE investigation was under way yesterday to uncover the source of the military explosives used in the bombings.
Traces of military plastic explosive, more deadly and efficient than commercial varieties, are understood to have been found in the debris of the wrecked Underground carriages and the bus.

Determining the origin of the explosives is vital and, as The Times has disclosed, one man is believed to have assembled all four devices. Scotland Yard has asked its counterparts around Europe to check stockpiles at military bases and building sites for missing explosives.

Military explosive is hard to detect, easy to hide, stable and, if smuggled across a European border and then into Britain in a drum or other container, would most likely evade any explosive-sniffing devices.

The availability of Semtex, originating from a Czech factory and used extensively by the Provisional IRA, has dried up as a result of intensive efforts. However, there are a number of alternatives, notably C4, which comes in sticks and can then be moulded into a shape suitable for a bomb. Military sources said that 10lb of C4 — the size of each of the London bombs — would fit into a shoebox or standard rucksack.

C4 is a high-quality plastic explosive that has been used by al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorists in other attacks. Richard Reid, the British shoe bomber, hid ten ounces in each of his shoes when he boarded Flight 63 in Paris on December 22, 2001. Indonesian police found traces of C4 at the Bali bomb scene in October 2002; and C4 was used by the terrorists who attacked the American warship, USS Cole, in Yemen in 2000.

The explosive is manufactured mainly in the US but there has been evidence that military explosives have been bought by terrorist groups from sources in Croatia and elsewhere in the Balkans, a region heavily imbued with criminal organisations.

Forensic scientists have told The Times that the construction of the four devices detonated in London was very technically advanced. “You keep hearing that terrorists can easily make a bomb from using instructions on the internet. You can, but not of the design and sophistication of these devices. These were well put together, and it would appear the bomb-maker has highly developed skill,” one expert said.

The trigger device was “almost identical” to the ones found in the rucksack bombs used in the Madrid bombings in March last year — although the terrorists used industrial dynamite stolen from a quarry in northern Spain rather than plastic explosives.

Investigators have not determined whether the London bombs were set off by synchronised alarms using mobile telephones — as they were in Madrid — or some other device such as a watch alarm.

Superintendent Christophe Chaboud, head of the French security service’s Anti-terrorist Co-ordination Unit, said: “The use of military explosives is very worrying. We are more used to seeing home-made explosives made from chemicals.

“How did they procure them? Either they were supplied by the underground market, for example from the Balkans, or they benefited from accomplices who removed explosives from a military base.”


Im uebrigen haben Reporter von der "Sunday Mirror" schon 2003 in einem Bericht darueber geschrieben, wie sie Semtex im Kosovo von Albanern gekauft haben....

Dec 7 2003
By Graham Johnson Investigations Editor

Our 13.5kg haul of Semtex - in 108 sticks - is one of the biggest ever seized from terrorists and could have potentially armed 30 suicide bombers.

And chillingly the explosive, which we bought for £10,000, was of a form that doesn't show up on metal detectors, making it much easier to smuggle into Britain.

A small amount of the explosive was allegedly found here last week as police arrested more than 20 terror suspects.

Posing as members of the Real IRA, we were also offered three shoulder-held missile launchers, an anti-aircraft gun, and enough machine guns, hand grenades and landmines to equip a small army.

We made our deal in Kosovo, a breeding ground for fanatics with al-Qaeda links.

Our contact was the deputy commander of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) Niam Behljulji, known as Hulji. The group were trained by Bin Laden's men.

Astonishingly, we met him under the noses of the British Army and UN forces - who remain as peacekeepers following Kosovo's bloody war with Serbia.

Hulji, is said to supply terrorists across Europe and has been accused of massacring Serbian women and children during the war.

He even posed grinning for a photograph, holding the severed head of one his victims.

But we won him over by playing on one of his weaknesses...he is a huge fan of Irish rock band U2.

He couldn't wait to deal with us when we promised him one of the band's CDs - which we had signed with a fake message from lead singer Bono.

He told us: "I can give you enough Semtex for a small war. Do you need it for terrorism?"

Our investigation, carried out with Channel 5 sleuth Donal MacIntyre for his series MacIntyre's Millions, began when we arrived in Kosovo posing as members of the Real IRA.

Our first contact was with a Mafia arms dealer called Sinbad Sadkutz, who acts as a middleman for Hulji.

Sadkutz arranged a meeting with Hulji in a KLA-run cafe which was surrounded by armed guards and had been swept for "bugs".

Hulji said: "The plastics (Semtex) is the old type. No metal strips inside. It cannot be detected at airports. It is untraceable - no chemical markers."

He then offered us an anti-aircraft gun similar to one used by Iraqi dissidents last week to hit a US DHL cargo plane as it landed in Baghdad.

We next met Sadkutz in a Mafia-run brothel called The Massage Club, and agreed to buy 15kg of Semtex for £10,000.

To make sure the deal went through smoothly, Hulji insisted that we hand over a "human deposit" hostage and £7,500 in euros.

Our "deposit" was my fellow investigator Dominic Hipkins. He was to be held in a terrorist-owned bungalow - opposite the British ambassador's residence in Pristina - while the deal was sorted out.

Four days later Sadkutz took our man to collect the Semtex from his nearby home and the pair returned to the bungalow, the explosives packed into a sports holdall.

The grey-brown Semtex, wrapped in brown grease-proof paper marked "explosive", looked and felt like child's play dough.

But when burnt with a lighter it produced an intense blue flame - proving it was Semtex. As a Sunday Mirror investigator tested the explosive, Sadkutz grinned as he said: "15kgs can blow up all this neighbourhood."

After Sadkutz had left, we found the KLA had hidden 1.5kg of lead in the lining of the bag so that the actual Semtex weighed 13.5kg, instead of the 15kg we had negotiated for.

For safekeeping, our investigators buried the Semtex on a hill overlooking the British Army base in Kosovo and took a satellite reading of the exact position.

We then told the British Police in Kosovo, part of the UN presence there, exactly were it was.

It was later retrieved by a our investigators and a Finnish bomb disposal squad - who told us the hill had been mined during the war.

Following our investigation, with the whole country on red alert, 12 local policemen were arrested on terrorist charges.

The officers, said to be members of a secret cell aiding Kosovan extremists, are suspected of plotting to blow up a bridge and a power station.

Sadkutz was arrested on Thursday by British police operating in Kosovo. And there were strong rumours last night that Hulji had been assassinated for compromising the KLA's terror operations.

Im uebrigen haben Reporter von der "Sunday Mirror" schon 2003 in einem Bericht darueber geschrieben, wie sie Semtex im Kosovo von Albanern gekauft haben....

lief auf vox

war ziemlich interessant zu sehen, wie die uck albaner drin stecken... auch wegen den reportern wurde der 3 in der liste der uck anführer verhaftet
Schaltet mal NTV oder N24 ein.

2 Bomben anschläge in London!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Na uuuuunddddd!! Guck dir mal die Anschläge die jedentag in Iraq und Afghanistan passieren..ach ja,es ist ja egal für euch es sind ja keine Katholiken die sterben:rolleyes: Scheiss auf London
Na uuuuunddddd!! Guck dir mal die Anschläge die jedentag in Iraq und Afghanistan passieren..ach ja,es ist ja egal für euch es sind ja keine Katholiken die sterben:rolleyes: Scheiss auf London

Was haben Opfer des Irak/Afghanistan-Kriegs mit dem feigen Attentat auf die Londoner Zivil-Bevölkerung zu tun?

Und mit "Scheiß London" pinkelst du dir gerade selbst ans Bein. :rolleyes:

P.S. Londoner an sich sind auch keine Katholiken.
Na uuuuunddddd!! Guck dir mal die Anschläge die jedentag in Iraq und Afghanistan passieren..ach ja,es ist ja egal für euch es sind ja keine Katholiken die sterben:rolleyes: Scheiss auf London

Man sieht, dass du weniger Gehirn hast wie ein Äthopier zu essen hat.
Im Irak und Afghanistan werden Anschläge gemacht, das stimmt zwar, aber es sind zuviele um darüber zu berichten und über einige wird sogar berichtet.

In der westlichen Welt interessiert es die Leute halt mehr, was in der normalen Umgebung passiert.

Mit solchen Aussagen beweist du nur deine mindere Intelligenz.
Man sieht, dass du weniger Gehirn hast wie ein Äthopier zu essen hat.
Im Irak und Afghanistan werden Anschläge gemacht, das stimmt zwar, aber es sind zuviele um darüber zu berichten und über einige wird sogar berichtet.

In der westlichen Welt interessiert es die Leute halt mehr, was in der normalen Umgebung passiert.

Mit solchen Aussagen beweist du nur deine mindere Intelligenz.

Du erhälst jetzt meine persönliche Verwarnung! So spricht man nicht mit einer Lady! Du zeigst da nur, das Dir irgendwo heftig eine Erziehung fehlt und besonders klug ist es auch nicht. Hier hat es schon viel Ärger gegeben, wenn so mit Frauen umgegangen wird. Die nehmen sich solche Beleidigungen heftig zu Herzen, aber dazu fehlt Dir wohl die Erfahrung im Leben und mit dem Umgang mit Menschen. :confused:


Im uebrigen haben Reporter von der "Sunday Mirror" schon 2003 in einem Bericht darueber geschrieben, wie sie Semtex im Kosovo von Albanern gekauft haben....

Stimmt party! Wird Zeit, das Du hier wieder auftauchst.