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Bosna vs Portugal Play Off's


Docek reorezentacije Portugala u Sarajevu - YouTube

[BIH] Portugalska ekspedicija sletila je u 20.55 sati, a u aerodromskoj zgradi dočekalo ju je oko 300 bh. navijača. U razgovoru sa specijalcima i obezbjeđenjem, rečeno nam je da je ovo jedno do najvećih obezbjeđenja ikada, te da je slično bilo 1997. godine kada je tadašnji Papa, Ivan Pavle II posjetio Sarajevo. Kulminacija je bila kada su reprezentativci Portugala prošli kroz carinski terminal. Ekipu je predvodio Pepe, a kada se pojavio Ronaldo cijela zgrada odjekivala je od skandiranja: “Messi, Messi…” koji su imali za cilj da isprovociraju Ronalda.


[ENG] The portuguese national team landed at 8:50 p.m. in the Sarajevo International airport where some 300 BH fans were waiting. The Special Forces and the security services declared that this is one of the most secured visit ever after that of the Pope John Paul II in 1997. The climax was reached when the national team of Portugal passed through the customs. The team was led by Pepe, and when Ronaldo appeared the whole building echoed with the chant: "Messi, Messi..." which aimed at provoking Ronaldo.
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