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Jastreb schrieb:
shvaler schrieb:
Komunisti su Mihailoviću prvo čekićem polomili kičmu, a potom su ga likvidirali hicem u potiljak, svedoči bivši zatočenik Mihailo Šaškijevič
BEOGRAD - Đeneral Dragoljub - Draža Mihailović, vođa Ravnogorskog pokreta i komandant Jugoslovenske vojske u otadžbini, ubijen je na Adi Ciganliji, tik uz ondašnji kazamat, a njegovo telo zakopano je u nužničku jamu i zatrpano fekalijama! To za Kurir tvrdi Mihailo Šaškijevič, jedan od tri poznata svedoka koji su 18. jula 1946. godine, kada je Draža streljan, bili zatočeni u zatvoru na Adi Ciganliji, srušenom pedesetih godina prošlog veka.

Sam Mihailo Šaškijevič nije gledao likvidaciju četničkog đenerala, ali su mu to prenele kolege robijaši, koji su ujutro, pošto je streljano ukupno osmoro "neprijatelja naroda", razgovarali sa zatvorskim stražarima.
- Dva zatvorenika, nezavisno jedan od drugog, tvrdili su mi da im je sutradan stražar u poverenju rekao: "Juče su nam ubili Čiču". Opisao je da đeneral Mihailović nije mogao da hoda, nego su ga dva oficira vukla držeći ga ispod ruku, dok su mu se noge vukle po zemlji - seća se Šaškijevič, dodajući da su Dražu vukli zato što su mu prethodno čekićem slomili kičmu.

Ovde čiča počiva... Mihailo Šaškijevič

- U pitanju je srednjovekovni ritual planinske sirovine koja se dočepala vlasti, pa se iživljavala nad nemoćnim. Đeneral je verovatno zbog toga u času streljanja bio bez svesti, pa nije bilo potrebno da se izvodi pred streljački vod, već mu je presuđeno revolverom u potiljak - kaže ovaj disident poljskog porekla, čiji je otac službovao u Ratnoj mornarici Kraljevine Jugoslavije.

Šaškijevič tvrdi da su stražari, mahom seljaci iz okoline Vranja i Leskovca, čija je kućica bili iza zatvorskih zidina, u noći između 17. i 18. jula videli Dražinu likvidaciju, koja se dogodila iznad krečane, naspram koje se u zatvorskom kompleksu nalazila nužnička jama.

- Posle streljanja, iste noći, prokopan je prolaz između krečane i jame sa fekalijama, pa su streljana tela poplavljena sadržajem iz nužničke jame, a zatim posuta krečom i zatrpana zemljom. To su videli i zatvorenici "slobodnjaci", tri dana posle egzekucije. Oni su svedočili da je krečana zatrpana i da nikom nije dozvoljeno da joj priđe - navodi Šaškijevič.

Šaškijevič je u vreme egzekucije na Adi služio jednogodišnju kaznu zatvora kao politički osuđenik, a posle toga otišao u SAD, gde je kao profesor matematike stekao penziju.

Lazarevski pogrešio

Teorija Mihaila Šaškijeviča u potpunosti pobija priču bivšeg podoficira KNOJ Ljube Lazarevskog, koji je pre dve godine rekao da je Draža Mihailović ubijen u Lisičjem potoku, koji se nalazi u blizini Belog dvora. Lazarevski je, naime tvrdio da je Draža ubijen sa još sedmoricom osuđenika, 18. jula 1946. u 1.30 sati posle ponoći, i da su njihova tela zakopana u tri rake.
- Lazarevski je rekao da je tog dana trebao da bude streljan i Mladen Žujović, a da ga je od smrti spasao rođak, član Politbiroa KPJ Sreten Žujović Crni, na čiju je intervenciju Mladen vraćen iz povorke. To nije istina, jer je Mladen Žujović 1943. napustio Split, skrasio se u Francuskoj, gde se oženio rođakom čuvenog Šarla de Gola i tamo kasnije i umro - pobija Šaškijevič teoriju suprotnu svojoj.

quelle : http://www.kurir-info.co.yu/dnevne-vesti/V-04-14072006.shtml

scheiss kommunistenbastarde....mamu vam karam

treba njegove ostatke iskopati i u ivanjici sahraniti i to tako kako zasluzuje, sa pocasnom paljbom i celom ceremoniom!


takve su komunjare.. mom dedaujaku su strujom cupali zube i ubili. mater im jebem usranu.

zao mi je brate :( .

Cicu treba kao sto si reko svecano sahraniti !

Nek je svim Cetnicima vecna Slava !!

evo izkopo sam neki film o cetnicima sa neta mozda ga i znas "Istina o Cetnicima"


Quote gekürzt weil sonst zu lang & unästhetisch / Gez.Schiptar

shvaler schrieb:
zao mi je brate :( .

Cicu treba kao sto si reko svecano sahraniti !

Nek je svim Cetnicima vecna Slava !!

evo izkopo sam neki film o cetnicima sa neta mozda ga i znas "Istina o Cetnicima"


meni je stric pop, on mi je jednom poklonio knjigu "Istina o Drazi Mihajlovicu" to normalno smiju samo ljudi koji su iz crkve,patrijasi,popovi ali tamo sve pise kako je prolazio kroz zivot, i on nije imao nikakve veze sa hitlerskim fasistima.

Hier einige glaubwürdige Quellen und keine Fakes:

Protokoll des US-Kongresses vom 19.11.1987

Mr. Speaker, on April 6, 1941, the German Government made an unprovoked attack on Yugoslavia. By April 13, the Germans captured Belgrade. By April 18, the Yugoslav Army officially surrendered. Col. Draza Mihailovich did not surrender, but retreated to the mountains where he organized resistance to the enemy occupying forces.

That was 46 years ago this month, Mr. Speaker, and today in the United States Congress we are gathered together, as in the past, to pay our respect to General Mihailovich upon the anniversary of his betrayal and execution at the hands of the Communists in Yugoslavia.

Despite communist disinformation both during World War II and after, preserved historical documents and facts conclusively demonstrate the General Mihailovich was an heroic anti-Nazi, but also an anti-Communist.

It took over a decade for Under Secretary of State, Ed Derwinski, when he was a Member of Congress, to make public the heroism of General Mihailovic and to reveal the betrayal of the United States commitment to freedom by the Communists in Yugoslavia both during and following World War II.

Through the historical documentation of Communist methods, yesterday and today, a rear picture emerges of the communist clique which murdered General Mihailovich as well as a majority of his followers and soldiers.

Suppressing documented facts is a part of the 40-year campaign of disinformation directed against General Mihailovich and his Serbian freedom fighters. God willing, the battle for truth and justice will ultimately prevail, and General Mihailovich's dream for a Yugoslavia free from tyranny will at least become a reality.

So, noch Fragen?

The statement by Maj. Richard L. Felman:

I owe my very life to General Mihailovich, the Chetniks and the Serbian people... when I was shot down in Yugoslavia, I had the opportunity to know first hand what truly remarkable people the Serbians are... In every Serb I met I always found a sense of honor and sense of freedom that is second to none... Not once did I hear anything but the highest praise from the 500 Americans rescued by General Mihailovich...

A few days after the Germans had seen us bail out and counted ten parachutes, they sent an ultimatum to the Chetnik Commander in the hills to either turn over my crew of ten to them or they would wipe out an entire village of 200 women and children...

But Gen. Mihailovich would hear none of it... He told us how life is just as precious to the Serb as it is to the American. But because it is so precious, the price comes high! The Serb had spent his entire history fighting off different enemies in order to protect his freedom, and that life without freedom meant nothing to them...


Noch Fragen?
Hier umarmt Richard Felman Misha Stefanovic, dessen Vater Cetnik war und angeblich Felman an die Deutschen ausgeliefert hat und dafür erschossen wurde


Umarmt man so den Sohn eines Verräters? Der angebliche Verrat war Anklagepunkt gegen Cica.
Insignien eines angeblichen Großserbiens und das Wappen der DM-Cetniks JVUO


Wo ist das CCCC? Und was macht das kroatische und slowenische Wappen in einem angeblichen serbischen Faschistenverein?

Hier die Fahne 1944 mit DM. Ich dachte immer Serbien ist rot-blau-weiss. Was hat denn da die blau-weiss-rote-Fahne mit dem obigen Wappen verloren.


Verstehe ich nicht, dachte es wären Faschisten, oder etwa doch nicht?
Beschluß des US-Senats zum Aufbau des DM-Denkmals in Washington vom 25.01.1989

To authorize the National Committee of American Airmen Rescued by General Mihailovich to erect a monument to General Draza Mihailovich in Washington, District of Columbia, or its environs, in recognition of the role he played in saving the lives of more than five hundred United States airmen in Yugoslavia during World War II.


Faschisten werden Denkmäler in Washington gebaut?
Mit solchen Fotos wurde eine angebliche Zusammenarbeit mit den Ustasa beim Prozess gegen DM bewiesen


Aber was macht der Amerikaner im Bild, hat Amerika etwa auch mit den Ustasa zusammengearbeitet?