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Das Gesundheitswesen in Mazedonien

Friday, 24 August 2012
Project HOPE, a global health education and humanitarian aid organization, is combining its experience in gathering donated medicines and medical supplies with its logistical expertise to help developing nations save millions of dollars. Those savings, in turn, are invested in supplies and technologies to improve the delivery of health care in country.

Since 2007, Project HOPE’s Strategic Medical Re-supply Program (SMRP) has saved the Health Ministry of Macedonia nearly $22 million USD. More than 40 hospitals and clinics in Macedonia received medicines and supplies such as psychiatric medications, syringes and hospital beds through HOPE from donations received from more than 20 global pharmaceutical and medical device companies.

“It’s a win-win for the health of the Macedonian people,” said Scott Crawford, Director of Gifts-in-Kind for HOPE. “The shipments provide Macedonians with greater access to more effective medicines that result in improved care. And, as a result of the donated medicines, hospitals can invest the cost savings to purchase items such as new radiology equipment or renovating existing health facilities.”

In addition to Macedonia, the HOPE program has proved successful in Kosovo where it was implemented in 2010. To date, shipments of much-needed supplies such as orthopedic equipment and anti-infection medications have helped thousands of patients.

HOPE’s SMRP is now expanding into neighboring Albania, Bosnia and Greece. Two shipments of medicines and medical supplies bound for those countries valued at $1 million USD each are being prepared for transport at HOPE’s Winchester, Va.-based Distribution Center.

Also, partnerships with the health ministries in Tanzania and Zanzibar have been established. The first container of medicine and supplies valued at $1 million is currently en route to Africa and expected to arrive soon.

HOPE’s SMRP is unique in that the Ministries of Health act as partners with Project HOPE. The health ministries pay for the cost of shipping the donated goods from the United States to their home countries. The health ministries also have HOPE representatives monitor all deliveries and consumption of donated goods to verify the supplies are reaching the intended recipients and used appropriately.

“It is truly rewarding to see patients leave the hospital faster because they now have access to better, more powerful medicines provided by HOPE partners,” said Katerina Takovska, HOPE’s Regional Director for SMRP in Eastern Europe.

About Project HOPE
Founded in 1958, Project HOPE (Health Opportunities for People Everywhere) is dedicated to providing lasting solutions to health crises, with the mission of helping people to help themselves. Identifiable to many by the SS HOPE, the world’s first peacetime hospital ship, Project HOPE now conducts land-based medical training and health education programs in 35 countries across five continents.
Macedonia: Free health care for all retirees with pensions bellow average

[TD="colspan: 2"]Sunday, 26 August 2012[/TD]

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As of January 1, all retired persons in Macedonia with pensions lower than the average one will be entitled to free health care.

This is one of the conclusions of Sunday's meeting of Premier Nikola Gruevski, accompanied by Health, Labour and Social Policy Ministers Nikola Todorov and Spiro Ristovski respectively, with representatives of the Union of Associations of Pensioners of Macedonia.
The discussion addressed present, future Government measures for improving the living standard of retirees, over-viewing the realization of the free spa vacation project, Ristovski told reporters after the meeting.

"We have supported the Government's measures and asked protection for the retirees' living standard, considering the new power and heating prices. The discussion also referred to raising of pensions, planned for the next three years," said Dragi Argirovski, chair of the Union that has about 280.000 members. [/TD]
Next year Macedonia will get a programme for CVD prevention - Health Minister
Skopje 29 September 2012 (MIA) -
Next year the first programme for preventing cardiovascular diseases (CVD) will be presented in Macedonia, Health Minister Nikola Todorov said Saturday at the park of Skopje municipality Gjorce Petrov, where teams of the Public Health Institute organized free check ups in honor the World Heart Day - September 29.
CVDs are the leading cause of deaths in Macedonia, claiming last year over 11.000 lives and making up about 59,2 percent of the 2011 mortality rate, Todorov said.
Hence the Government believes that Macedonia needs such programme, which has been already drafted by the Public Health Institute and is to be adopted in 2013, Todorov said.
The programme is focused on promoting prevention, namely healthy life style, such as diet and physical activity.
Today, the citizens of Macedonia's capital were offered an opportunity to get complimentary assessments which include random blood cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar and Body Mass Index (BMI) measurements, as well as textbooks with recommendations for healthy heart.
World Heart Day is held each year on 29 September and is dedicated to informing people around the globe that heart disease and stroke are the world's leading cause of death. In 2012, as in 2011, the day's theme is 'One World, One Home, One Heart'.
Cardiovascular diseases are the world's largest killers, claiming 17.3 million lives a year. Risk factors for heart disease and stroke include raised blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels, smoking, inadequate intake of fruit and vegetables, overweight, obesity and physical inactivity.
Dnevnik, Macedonia: Prices of over 300 medicines fall
08 October 2012 | 13:37 | FOCUS News Agency

Skopje. As of October 15 the prices of 346 medicines will fall, announced Macedonian Healthcare Minister Nikola Todorov following a working meeting with Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, writes the local daily Dnevnik.
The medicines are produced by different pharmaceutical companies and treat a range of diseases.
The minister specified the medicines lived up to the standards for quality, safety and effectiveness.

1/8/2013 6:50:29 PM
Skopje, 8 January 2013 (MIA) -
A Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) lab has been promoted Tuesday at Skopje Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics in the presence of Premier Nikola Gruevski, Health and Education Ministers, Nikola Todorov and Pance Kralev respectively.
This clinic runs about four to five thousand tests annually and this lab will substantially improve their quality and treatment of patients, Todorov said at the promotional ceremony.
Clinic Director Marija Hadzi Lega extend gratitude to the Government for its support of modernizing the existing lab.
The new equipment, worth about EUR 130.000, will enable automatic data processing, she said, appealing to parents of teenagers to join the HPV vaccination campaign
Macedonians to Pay Less for Healthcare Abroad

Published on Jan 30, 2013 by Delia Gavrilescu

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Citizens of Macedonia may have been cut a break by the country’s government where medical care abroad is concerned. News from their official site tells of a deal in the works to limit how much Macedonians pay when seeking medical care outside the country.
According to the news, those in need of medical care will only have to pay €200 euros at a maximum, rather than what sometimes amounts to thousands in traveling healthcare costs. The details of the plan are currently being worked out, according to spokesperson Aleksandar Gjorgiev:
“Patients so far had to pay up to thousands of euros, but as of this year they are required to pay only 200 euros, while the rest will be covered by the state.”
The Healthcare Fund of Macedonia has also signed agreements with many private hospitals in order to secure healthcare benefits as soon as is practicable now. The news tells of the agency increasing their budget this year by some 230 million dinars.

Of course those citizens’ individual claims for treatment must be submitted to the board for approval, which gives rise to some questions as to exactly how effective the system might end up being. Still the news is seen as a giant step forward on the administrations election campaign promise.
[h=2]Macedonian doctors to be trained in Houston[/h]

2/6/2013 12:22:34 PM
Skopje, 6 February 2013 (MIA) -
Macedonian doctors and medical personnel will be trained at the University of Texas Medical School, following the signing of a memorandum of cooperation within the visit of Health Minister Nikola Todorov to Houston-based Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Center.
Minister Todorov signed the memo with Memorial Hermann CEO Craig Cordola, University of Texas Medical School Dean Giuseppe Colasurdo, and Texas Medical Center CEO Robert Robbins.
The memo will focus on cardiovascular surgery, neurosurgery, rehabilitation, orthopedic surgery, transplantation, neonatology and pediatrics.
"The memo's framework gives access to top-class training for Macedonian doctors and medical personnel at the University of Texas Medical School and enlargement of cooperation with institutions within the Texas Medical Center", the Health Ministry said in a press release.
The Texas Medical Center is one of the largest medical centers in the United States, comprised of 54 medicine-related institutions.
Health Ministry signs cooperation agreement with UCLA

[TD="colspan: 2"]Tuesday, 12 February 2013[/TD]

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In the framework of the United States visit, Health Minister Nikola Todorov signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

The memo, signed by Minister Todorov and J. Thomas Rosenthal from the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, defines the access of Macedonian doctors and medical staff to top-class training, visits by U.S. doctors to Macedonia, as well as enlargement of cooperation with health institutions within the Medical Center.

The document is to focus on enhancement and development of the following medical fields: cardiovascular surgery, neurosurgery, rehabilitation, orthopaedics, transplantation, neonatology and pediatrics.