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Das Gesundheitswesen in Mazedonien

Skopje Clinic gets new equipment, medical results in 1/2 hour PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 30 August 2013
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Macedonia's Government has been investing over EUR 100 million in the health care system in order to provide high-quality medical service to citizens, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski said Friday at a promotion of new EUR 700.000-worth-equipment for the Skopje City Hospital '8 September'.

The new up-to-date equipment will be put at service to all citizens who need help. the PM said, adding that a new group of eight US doctors would be soon engaged in this hospital to train their Macedonian colleagues.

"All ongoing activities for modernization turn this medical center into one of the largest in Macedonia," Gruevski said.

With the new equipment the '8 September' hospital will be able to offer high-quality health care services to citizens, Health Minister Nikola Todorov said.


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[h=1]Macedonia and Princeton will cooperate in health[/h]Macedonia and Princeton will cooperate in health | Macedonian News Agency | Kurir.mk
Government Delegation led by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia, Nikola Gruevski and Minister for Health, Nikola Todorov, yesterday paid a visit to the Princeton Medical Center, one of the most respected medical institutions in the United States, both in terms of reputation and expertise of the medical staff as well as the inventiveness and scope in infrastructure investment in health facilities.

Government delegation met with the management team of the Centre, and attended the presentation of a new facility built in the center, its infrastructure, equipment, and Protocols for the treatment of patients.
Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Macedonia and Princeton Medical Center was signed which is the basis for cooperation and exchange of experiences, center through which is agreed the cooperation with Macedonian doctors and other medical personnel and training at Princeton for specialization in various medical techniques and methods in the work.
On this way continues the trend for established collaborations between Macedonian health officials and top international medical centers that will provide education for Macedonian doctors.
- This is new tour that we do in several hospitals in U.S. cities and we sign Memorandum for cooperation. With these visits, as part of this stay in the U.S. we will have total number of 14 hospitals in America with which we have established cooperation, plus others in Europe. It is a serious number of medical centers where our doctors have already started with training such as training in Houston, Los Angeles, and Detroit. Now we sign Memorandums with new hospitals, in centers where our doctors will come and will follow the trainings for new working methods that are not applied in Macedonia. In Princeton the explained all aspects of the hospital, they have a newly built facility at the hospital, and it was useful in terms of experience and in terms of construction of new Clinical Centre in Skopje, said Gruevski after the signing.
The Minster Todorov said that this collaboration will provide additional quality to the efforts to educate the doctors in our country.
- We signed a Memorandum for Cooperation that will allow our doctors from Macedonia to receive excellent training here at the prestigious Princeton Medical Center. I expect that the exchange of experiences, knowledge and skills our doctors will gain here and then apply them in Macedonia to create serious and positive effect on the quality of health care in our country, which will go towards setting up Macedonia as one of the regional leaders in healthcare not only in terms of investment in infrastructure but, also in terms of investment in human capital that are directed toward, stated the Minister Todorov, who signed the memorandum .
The Director of the Medical Center Princeton, Barry Rabner stated the pleasure for future cooperation.
- We are really honored that we can help to achieve your ambitious goals I have heard of. We have a century-old experience and we recently opened the new hospital, which was process that lasted for several years, we have good ideas and we are ready to share our experiences with you and contribute to your ambitious plans, said the Director Rubner.
The Government delegation is in Chicago today and will visit the new medical center to negotiate the future cooperation.
Australia established International Medical Association to support Todorov

Yesterday in Australia International Medical Association that supports the Minister of Health, Nikola Todorov, was created.

The objectives of the Association are to promote professional standards for its members, to provide a forum for professional and social communication between members, to promote and implement continuous medical education, to support community members about health topics, to acquire knowledge and to provide answers to health problems that have troubled the Macedonian community worldwide .
Founder and President of the Association is Dr. Zoran Bechvarovski and Vice president is Dr. Boris Karanfilov.

The Ministry of Health yesterday presented a new measure that provided an opportunity to the Macedonian doctors working over 5 years abroad or in OECD countries to return to Macedonia. This measure is a kind of extension of the project of taking over top specialists from private into public health.
As Minister Todorov explained more precisely, it is a measure that enables the deployment of our eminent doctors working abroad for the first time. They will have the opportunity to be engaged in public health institutions in Macedonia.

This year the Clinics will get a gas heating system: Protection of health and financial savings (PHOTO)

The construction work on the Clinical Center gasification began in July. From this winter the clinics will get a gas heating system.

The gasification is underway and expected to be completed by the beginning of the heating season, including the connection of gas from GAMA, and the conversion of the boilers in the clinics complex.
Workers are constantly on the field, working in earnest .

This is a capital investment that is very important from at least two aspects – serious protection of the citizens’ health and financial saving.
Todorov recently stated that the investment costs around MKD 48 million.

The gasification includes all clinics, through the central boiler room gasified in the moment.
And the new clinical block will be connected to the same central boiler room.

The Clinical Center is one of the largest consumers of crude oil, which ejects more than 100 tons of sulfur dioxide into the air annually and is one of the key reasons for pollution of this part of Skopje.

The second aspect is the financial savings. The investment in gasification will annually save at least 300,000 to 350,000 euros to the Clinical Center, with investment return in 2.2 years and from that point each year there will be remained assets that can be allocated to other investments for the health sector improvement.

Bakracheski put into use a new equipment for intravascular ultrasound IVUS

The Institute for cardiovascular disease in Ohrid today performed the first intervention on a patient with the new equipment for intravascular ultrasound IVUS (Intravascular ultrasound), purchased from America with means from the Institute for cardiovascular disease, and was handed for use by the Mayor Nikola Bakracheski, longtime director of this health institution, together with the doctor Vlasis Ninos from the clinic in Thessaloniki.

- WE will have the opportunity to not only to improve diagnostic performance in terms of better detection of the heart blood vessels narrowing, but also to determine the nature of the sediments in these narrowing, the presence of problematic lesions that cannot be seen with normal angiography. This is a method which will at the same time increase the efficiency of procedures that are performed in this hospital in the future with the opportunity to choose the most adequate stent, the stent length, to see the stent problems arising at during its implant, that ones that cannot be seen with the ordinary coronary angiography, and thus immediately, during the procedure to approach towards optimization result – said Bakracheski.

- I hope this will be a very useful and powerful tool that will help us solve the problems in the diagnosis and also to optimize the outcome of interventions in complex angioplasty. In the era of interventional cardiology it is very important the modern laboratory to have intravascular ultra sound machine. I think the efforts that were made here today are very successfully. It is my great pleasure to be here – said Dr. Ninos.

Despite his commitments as a Mayor in a municipality of Ohrid, as previously announced, the Mayor Bakracheski performes further interventions at the Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases in Ohrid.

Bigger part of “Kezhovica” will be awarded the University “Goce Delchev”

The Minister of Health, Nikola Todorov today at the Clinical Hospital in Shtip said that today at a meeting the Government will review the information about the Department of Physical Therapy “Kezhovica”.

He said that the plan is for the bigger part of the Unit to be given to the University “Goce Delchev”, and one part to remain in the property of the Ministry of Health.
- University “Goce Delchev” in Shtip will be obliged to reconstruct it, in that spa, in the center practically to hold teaching for the Medical Faculty in the field of physical therapy, and thus will have dual function, instruction and practice in much improved conditions, said Todorov after the opening of the Center for interventional cardiology at the Clinical hospital in Shtip.
He said that the Ministry of Health will participate in the reconstruction of the Unit for Physical Therapy “Kezhovica”. According to Todorov, the benefits of water in the spa center Kezhovica will be used by the patients from across the region.

The Clinical Hospital in Bitola will get accelerator

At the Clinical Hospital “Dr. Trifun Panovski” Bitola in the last two years have been performed over 700 contemporary surgeries in the field of ophthalmology and intervention cardiology.

The Minister of Health, Nikola Todorov said that the institution made ​​600 interventions in contemporary phaco-fragmentation surgery, i.e. new method for removing cataract and high dioptrics. For a year and two months since the Unit for intervention cardiology is opened, it has conducted 160 independent interventions on heart performed by the trained medical staff from Bitola. On- going is the construction of the accelerator, which means Bitola for first time, will be able to provide radiation therapy for cancer patients.
- Cardio-vascular diseases, phaco-fragmentation surgery, accelerator – the Clinical Hospital in Bitola is becoming serious health center not only in Macedonia but in the region. We have purchase equipment, invested in infrastructure, and we work on physician’s education. This year, 31 doctors and nurses from the hospital were sent abroad for education methods that so far no one have used or is using, but still exists the need additional training. These doctors are coming back with additional knowledge, which affects the quality of health service in Bitola – said Todorov.

Shtip University to provide a degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Health Minister Nikola Todorov, who is accompanying President Gjorge Ivanov in a visit to the PR China, met Tuesday with the leadership of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, agreeing on concrete projects for introduction of traditional Chinese medicine in Macedonia, state agency MIA reports from Beijing.

Curricula would be developed at the Stip University, followed by education of Macedonian doctors in China over the traditional medicine and its methods.

"We also agreed on training provided by Chinese doctors in Macedonia, as well as visits of Macedonian students at some of the 20 universities for traditional Chinese medicine", said Minister Todorov.

Talks also referred to the visit of a delegation from the Medicines Bureau over the possibility of bringing herbal medicines to Macedonia.

In the framework of the visit to PR China, Minister Todorov will visit the Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Hat Gesundheits Minister Todorov die Spitäler wieder besucht oder war das nur eine einzige Aktion à la: Jetzt wurde ich gewählt, jetzt ändert sich alles :D