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Das Gesundheitswesen in Mazedonien

[h=1]State Cardio-Surgery to be Opened in September[/h]May 25, 2014, Sunday @ 19:41 in Society » HEALTH | Views: 20
Macedonian Health Minister Nikola Todorov. Photo:Vlatko Perkovski

By the end of August or the beginning of September, the newly built edifice of the State Cardio Surgery Clinic will be completely functional."Initially, surgeries will be performed by domestic cardio-surgeons with auxiliary personnel fromabroad, and within three years, the Clinic will have a fully-equipped and trained staff," Macedonia’s Health Minister, Nikola Todorov, said during today’s visit at the construction site, where the new building of the State Cardio Surgery Clinic will be housed, which is being completely reconstructed.The cardiology clinic will be located on the building’s top floor, and it will be equipped according to world standards, as the idea of moving the clinic there was discussed 20 years ago. At the moment, it is being fully reconstructed and is due to be completed in June. The reconstruction costs EUR 650,000.
"Two operating rooms are envisaged in the project, as well as an intensive care unit with six beds and room-stationary in which patients will be placed after leaving the intensive care. Around 150 to 200 surgical interventions could be performed a year. For that purpose, we have acquired additional medical equipment, worth MKD 84 million through public tenders, meaning the entire investment will amount to around EUR 2 million," Todorov said.By the end of the year, the State Cardio Surgery plans to perform around 50 interventions.The Health Minister also said that the State Cardio Surgery Clinic has great cooperation with centers from Italy, Serbia and Switzerland and expects them to fully back the State Cardio Surgery project by sending doctors and medical staff to the Skopje-based clinic.The State Cardio Surgery will also admit foreign patients.
For the first time in Macedonia is applied 3D laparoscopic technology


PHI University Clinic of Gynecology and Obstetrics for the first time today began with applying modern 3D laparoscopic technology.

Laparoscopic surgery is the gold standard in addressing the most severe gynecological problems at women, and the introduction of 3D technology, according to Director of Gynecology Skopje Marija Hadzi-Lega, is allowing much greater accuracy in performing the intervention.
Modern equipment is provided with funds from its own budget and costs around 4 and half million MKD, and with aim to promote 3D technology, today, in cooperation with the Slovenian doctors was performed the first surgery.
-I am glad that I got the opportunity to come to Skopje at the clinic and to initiate cooperation. We have already performed one surgery with this 3D technique, which is significant step forward, which allows not only heavy and advanced surgery, but colleagues who have started quite well with laparoscopy can faster master the technique and to shorten the learning time at minimum, just because the 3D provides depth of type and surgery that can be done faster and better taught, noted physician from Slovenia Leon Meglikj.

Health scare: Listeria bacteria takes the life of three Macedonians

[TD="colspan: 2"]Tuesday, 22 July 2014[/TD]

[TD="colspan: 2"]
Three people infected with the bacteria listeria, which was detected in seven patients in Macedonia, died in a month, Dnevnik daily reports.

The Committee on Infectious Diseases held meeting late Monday, third in the past four days, in the presence of the Health Minister Nikola Todorov, after receiving information from the Institute of Public Health that seven cases in which laboratory tests confirmed the presence of listeria were registered in a month.

Five of the reported cases are diagnosed with listeria caused meningitis or meningoencephalitis and two newborn babies were diagnosed with listeria sepsis. Three of the seven reported cases ended with death - one patient aged 72, the second patient aged 59 and a newborn child.

Listeriosis is a bacterial disease that usually occurs after consuming of food contaminated with listeria bacteria, such as meat, processed meat, unpasteurized milk and dairy products, insufficiently washed fruits and vegetables, smoked fish, and other food. In healthy people with better immunity, the disease manifests with less serious clinical picture.

Listeria can be destroyed by good thermal treatment of the food, with roasted and boiled food (over 70 degrees Celsius).

It is mostly detected among older people with decreased immunity, pregnant women and newborns where it can cause serious complications, such as sepsis, inflammation of brain membranes (meningoencephalitis), inflammation of the heart membrane (pericarditis), inflammation of the joints, etc.

According to the data from the Institute of Public Health, in the course of 2013 this bacteria was isolated in three samples of food, but there were no infected persons reported. In 2014, this bacterium was isolated in three more samples of food, and only in the last month there were seven cases reported of people infected with listeriosis.
Health scare: Listeria bacteria takes the life of three Macedonians

[TD="colspan: 2"]Tuesday, 22 July 2014[/TD]

[TD="colspan: 2"]
Three people infected with the bacteria listeria, which was detected in seven patients in Macedonia, died in a month, Dnevnik daily reports.

The Committee on Infectious Diseases held meeting late Monday, third in the past four days, in the presence of the Health Minister Nikola Todorov, after receiving information from the Institute of Public Health that seven cases in which laboratory tests confirmed the presence of listeria were registered in a month.

Five of the reported cases are diagnosed with listeria caused meningitis or meningoencephalitis and two newborn babies were diagnosed with listeria sepsis. Three of the seven reported cases ended with death - one patient aged 72, the second patient aged 59 and a newborn child.

Listeriosis is a bacterial disease that usually occurs after consuming of food contaminated with listeria bacteria, such as meat, processed meat, unpasteurized milk and dairy products, insufficiently washed fruits and vegetables, smoked fish, and other food. In healthy people with better immunity, the disease manifests with less serious clinical picture.

Listeria can be destroyed by good thermal treatment of the food, with roasted and boiled food (over 70 degrees Celsius).

It is mostly detected among older people with decreased immunity, pregnant women and newborns where it can cause serious complications, such as sepsis, inflammation of brain membranes (meningoencephalitis), inflammation of the heart membrane (pericarditis), inflammation of the joints, etc.

According to the data from the Institute of Public Health, in the course of 2013 this bacteria was isolated in three samples of food, but there were no infected persons reported. In 2014, this bacterium was isolated in three more samples of food, and only in the last month there were seven cases reported of people infected with listeriosis. [/TD]
Schade. R.i.p.
Kommt alle von Unsauberkeit.

In Mazedonischen Hospitals gibt's keine Putzfrauen denn die Putzfrauen sehen sich als Krankenschwestern, die Krankenschwestern sehen sich als Doktoren, die Doktoren sehen sich als Spezialisten und die Spezialisten sehen sich als Staatspresidenten :D

So wird die Hygiene vernachlässigt, hoffentlich klopft Todorovic jeden wieder an seine Position.

Ach ja und der Gärtner steht an der Hospital Türe und verlangt Geld wenn jemand rein will.
Albokong, musst du halt Cevape fressen :lol:

Home made sausages caused Listeria outbreakMonday, 28 July 2014

Listeria bacteria were found in two kinds of homemade sausages, a check of the Food and Veterinary Agency shows, local media reported.
Some 300 samples are expected to be additionally tested.

According to the Agency, the contaminated products cannot be linked to the people infected with listeria.
The edition says there have so far been eight people suffering from listeriosis in Macedonia, four of whom have died.

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State cardio clinic will be completely ready by mid-January


By mid-January will be completely finished State cardio clinic with two operational theaters, intensive care and post intensive care, announced Minister of Health Nikola Todorov.

At the open government session, which lasted until the early morning hours, Todorov said that the staff is appointed and by mid-March, Cardiologist from Zurich will come as mentors at the State Cardiac Surgery.
- This project started sometime early this year with the establishment of the National Cardiac Surgery. It is project, which was announced for several decades, initiated, but failed to realize. Now the work is running well. We will end the year with about 30 cardiac surgeries as was planned for this year. By mid-January next year will be completely finished the facility with two operational theaters, intensive care, etc. post intensive care, and then we will start with the opportunity for multiple interventions emphasize Todorov.
He added that at this moment, as Cardio surgery are working doctors from Italy and Dedinje and two Macedonian cardio surgeons are sent to sub-specialization in the Rebro, Zagreb and Vienna.
- For two years we will have the first two subspecialists in cardio surgery and one professor, who is currently working in Kuwait is returning to the State Cardiac Surgery in January. Employments finished. The Clinic is staffed with 39 employees, out of which we have doctors, 23 nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists etc. What I want to announce that from mid-March as our mentors as State Cardio Clinic will be cardio surgeons from Zurich. They will work in the long run, at least one year. The deal with them is constantly to have the team 24/7, five teams from Zurich to change on every 15 to 20 days. First one team will come, and the other, the third, and so on for one year and then we will be completely independent, said Todorov.
The equipment, he added, for the most part is already arrived and we are expected another piece that will be installed in the new Cardio Clinic.
According to Todorov, the idea is to do cardiovascular center and extend the range of interventions that will be done in this center.
- We have Thoracic and Vascular surgery. I think there is larger focus of thoracic surgery to lungs. Vascular surgery, mostly and most of services are provided in two private hospitals as part of the agreement they have with the Fund. The idea is to have third center on the same principle, Todorov said.

Macedonian health system with historical progress of European Index


President of the World Health Organization “House of consumer health” Arne Björnberg pointed the reforms in the Macedonian health system as unique and therefore, according to him, Macedonia has historical progress of the European Health Consumer Index for 2014, where from the 28-th place in 2013, this year reached the 16th place in Europe, reports MIA.

In statement for MIA, Björnberg recommends all European and world countries to follow the Macedonian case for health care reform.
- I was active in selling solutions to the healthcare system of IBM 20 years ago and I waited so many years to see someone doing something, and that long ago was technically possible. But, because of stupid reasons, nobody did it, while Macedonia did in 2013. Most impressive is that you do, because what makes the system is to eliminate the waiting time in the health system. No one else has nothing like what we have in Macedonia health system. There are initial efforts in some countries, also in Eastern Europe, but there is nothing to compare your case, is decisive health expert Björnberg, who attended today’s presentation of the latest Index of independent monitoring body of the Swedish governmental health Foundation “EHCI”, presented by the European Commissioner for health, Vitenis Andriukaitis.
Macedonian Health Minister Nikola Todorov, who had special presentation on “What is the secret behind the rapid progress of the Macedonian health performance,” and in the statement for MIA confirmed that had great pleasure to attend presentation of the annual report of the European index of health spending in Brussels.
- In this report, Macedonia ranks seriously higher than the previous year and is the country with the largest growth ranking for health services and from the 28th place in which we were in 2013, the last year we are at the 16 th position in Europe. It is strong incentive for us as a country and as health authorities for further work in the coming year and to try to be even higher ranked and be better ranked then some seriously developed health systems then Macedonian, said Todorov.
According to the head of the Macedonian Health, one of the key things that is taken as a successful reform of the Macedonian health system is the electronic system “My term”, which is highly rated as unique European system.
- Today we heard that it is recommended as system that should be implemented in many other European countries, added the Macedonian Minister of Health.
This afternoon, Todorov will meet with Commissioner for Health Vikentis Andriukaitis in the building of the European Commission, who expressed his admiration for the reforms in the Macedonian Health system.
