Zentral gelegen in der westlichen Region von Makedonien , scheint es eine beträchtliche Bevölkerung von orthodoxen Albanern in Mavrovo und im Reka zu geben.
Heute jedoch sind die diese Menschen assimiliert und sprechen mazedonisch als ihre Muttersprache
Der Assimilierungsprozeß begann ab den Balkankriegen 1912/13
Einer aus der Gemeinschaft ist der berühmte mazedonische Professor Josip Bigori
Der berühmte mazedonische Dichter Grigor Prlicev hat über die orthodoxen Albaner aus der Region, in einen Teil von seinem Gedichten "Sidar" gesprochen
Er schrieb auch Gedichte über Skanderbeg
Bareheaded, the Albanians respectfully drew round
With folded arms; and here
The eldest one, advancing with his eyes cast on the ground,
Whispers in voice sincere:
Every day were you to weep for him you would have cause,
Good mother, yet be strong.
A giant you have lost indeed, but those to come will laud
Your son's brave deeds in song.
Mehr Informationen über die Mavrovo Albaner
The Albanian language is the main marker of the Albanian nation: an Albanian remains Albanian for as long as he/she speaks the Albanian language; if he/she loses his/her Albanian due to the exclusive use of the Macedonian language, he/she becomes "assimilated", as the Albanians say, mentioning as an example the case of the Christian Orthodox Albanian population living in the central part of western Macedonia. Today, most Orthodox Albanians have become Macedonians to gain material advantages, both in Yugoslavia and in Macedonia, and the younger generations speak only Macedonian and call themselves Macedonians, whereas their grandparents’ generation spoke only Albanian...Lastly, marriages between Albanians and Macedonians are extremely rare. The Albanians refuse to give their daughters to Macedonian men, for the "fear" or "risk of assimilation." The children born of an inter-ethnic marriage will automatically be Macedonian In this regard, the case of the villages of the Mavrovo region, inhabited by Christian Albanians who married Macedonians and are now assimilated, is often mentioned.
Einige Informationen über Reka
The population in Dolna, Mala and Golema Reka is Macedonian (Mijaks) with Orthodox or Muslim religion. In Gorna Reka (now almost abandoned) Rekanci live, who speak Albanian and belong to Orthodox religion. They are also called Škreti."
The Reka region is located in the western Macedonia, between Mavrovo and Debar on one side, and the border with Republic of Albania and Kièevo area on the other. Geographically, Reka region is bordered with the southern slopes of Šar Mountain on the north, and the northern parts of the Dešat Mountain on the south. Korab and Krèin Mountains draw the western border, while Bistra and Stogovo Mountains draw the eastern one....In the past, this part of the region was mostly populated by Orthodox Macedonians who's mother tongue was Albanian."
Bis zu den heutigen Tag ähneln sich die Tänze nd Kostüme dieser "Slawen" , sehr den gewöhnlichen Traxhten der muslimischen und katholischen Albanern
Bilder aus der Mavrovo-Region
Heute jedoch sind die diese Menschen assimiliert und sprechen mazedonisch als ihre Muttersprache
Der Assimilierungsprozeß begann ab den Balkankriegen 1912/13
Einer aus der Gemeinschaft ist der berühmte mazedonische Professor Josip Bigori
Der berühmte mazedonische Dichter Grigor Prlicev hat über die orthodoxen Albaner aus der Region, in einen Teil von seinem Gedichten "Sidar" gesprochen
Er schrieb auch Gedichte über Skanderbeg
Bareheaded, the Albanians respectfully drew round
With folded arms; and here
The eldest one, advancing with his eyes cast on the ground,
Whispers in voice sincere:
Every day were you to weep for him you would have cause,
Good mother, yet be strong.
A giant you have lost indeed, but those to come will laud
Your son's brave deeds in song.
Mehr Informationen über die Mavrovo Albaner
The Albanian language is the main marker of the Albanian nation: an Albanian remains Albanian for as long as he/she speaks the Albanian language; if he/she loses his/her Albanian due to the exclusive use of the Macedonian language, he/she becomes "assimilated", as the Albanians say, mentioning as an example the case of the Christian Orthodox Albanian population living in the central part of western Macedonia. Today, most Orthodox Albanians have become Macedonians to gain material advantages, both in Yugoslavia and in Macedonia, and the younger generations speak only Macedonian and call themselves Macedonians, whereas their grandparents’ generation spoke only Albanian...Lastly, marriages between Albanians and Macedonians are extremely rare. The Albanians refuse to give their daughters to Macedonian men, for the "fear" or "risk of assimilation." The children born of an inter-ethnic marriage will automatically be Macedonian In this regard, the case of the villages of the Mavrovo region, inhabited by Christian Albanians who married Macedonians and are now assimilated, is often mentioned.
Einige Informationen über Reka
The population in Dolna, Mala and Golema Reka is Macedonian (Mijaks) with Orthodox or Muslim religion. In Gorna Reka (now almost abandoned) Rekanci live, who speak Albanian and belong to Orthodox religion. They are also called Škreti."
The Reka region is located in the western Macedonia, between Mavrovo and Debar on one side, and the border with Republic of Albania and Kièevo area on the other. Geographically, Reka region is bordered with the southern slopes of Šar Mountain on the north, and the northern parts of the Dešat Mountain on the south. Korab and Krèin Mountains draw the western border, while Bistra and Stogovo Mountains draw the eastern one....In the past, this part of the region was mostly populated by Orthodox Macedonians who's mother tongue was Albanian."
Bis zu den heutigen Tag ähneln sich die Tänze nd Kostüme dieser "Slawen" , sehr den gewöhnlichen Traxhten der muslimischen und katholischen Albanern
Bilder aus der Mavrovo-Region