Neue Mini-Welt entstanden: The World Dubai
Der Kronprinz von Dubai His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum hat ein neues spektakuläres Projekt gestartet mit dem Namen The World Dubai. In diesem Projekt will er mit kleinen Inseln die ganze Welt abbilden. Das Gesamtprojekt soll schlussendlich aus 300 kleinen Inseln bestehen, wobei jede Insel dann ein Land (wie zB Schweiz) darstellen soll. Auf den Inseln können dann die Besitzer grosse Villen, Häuser oder private Yachthafen bauen.
Der Staat lässt sich dieses Projekt insgesamt 7,6 Mrd. US-$ kosten, wobei die Inseln jeweils 5 – 8 Mio. US-$ kosten. Es ist eines der sogenannten Megaprojekte in Dubai, welches in den kommenden Jahren fertig gestellt wird.
Die Inseln auf The World werden wohl nur für die sehr Reichen Menschen auf der Welt zugänglich sein. Für mehrere Millionen Dollar kann man sich auf den Inseln einkaufen und sich seine Traumvilla mit Tropischen Garten verwirklichen. Die Inseln sollen einmal die Größe von 2 - 4 Hektar haben.
Interessante Daten
Grösse des Projekts: 9 x 6 km
Meerestiefe: 11 bis 16 Meter
geplante Einwohnerzahl: 150'000
geplante Anzahl Boote: 20'000
eigene Polizei und Küstenwache
4 Haupt-Knotenpunkte welche die Insel mit dem Festland verbinden, jeder Knotenpunkt verfügt über Polizeistationen, Postämter, Feuerwehr, Supermärkte und andere gemeinschaftliche Einrichtungen
The Palm - Dubai
Inspiriert durch die Palme und die Natur entsteht ein neues faszinierendes Bauwerk in Dubai. Die jungen Designer von Sybarite haben "The Palm" auf dem Reisbrett fertiggestellt und die Freigabe für den Bau in Dubai erhalten. Der 150 Meter hohe Palmen Tower, bietet auf einer Nutzfläche von über 60'000 m2 Platz für Büros, Restaurants, Gärten, Kinos und Luxus Retail Shops.Inspieriert an der Natur, der Palme, enstand das neue Bauwerk "The Palm" auf dem Reisbrett, bald Realität in Dubai, der Bau wurde genehmigt.
The Apeiron
Total Floor Area 190,000sqm
Height 182m
Diameter (external structure) 200m
Island Footprint 26,500sqm
Approximate cost $500 million
Most countries around the World are recognised by their architecture. Many of the World’s leading countries are identifiable by a single, strong piece of design; be it the Burj Al Arab in Dubai , the Houses of Parliament in Great Britain , or the Eiffel Tower in France , the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur et cetera. The unique, recognisable form of each of these distinctive buildings is instantly associated with the city that houses it. Consequently images of the building are frequently used as emblems for the country in which it has been built. Each building has earned this status due to its unusual, unique design and prominence within the city skyline.
This became the main inspiration for creating a powerful architecture for the ‘Burj Emirate Hotel’; an architecture that will be immediately identified with the country within which it shall be built, due to its unique silhouette.
The location of the Burj Emirate Hotelis presently represented on a reclaimed island in the Gulf. However; the design is equally as powerful within a landlocked site.
Crescent Lagoon
An underwater sculpted landscape with colourful corals & sea water plant life cultivated to create a unique & surreal world. Fish and crustaceans will be introduced to complete the array of life and colours. At night, the lagoon will be lit with concealed underwater light sources to create a dramatic & different experience for the diver or snorkeller.
Level 00
Boat jetty in building atrium & access to private beach, gardens, fresh water pools & crescent lagoon. Building atrium is over 50m high.
Level 09
Helipad located 55m above the Arabian Gulf with bridge access across to the ninth floor of the hotel.
Level 11
Outdoor garden with views down the atrium through the building to the sea below & boat jetty as well as views out to sea. Dramatic surroundings with the remainder of the building lifting from the garden level, full size palm trees & fresh water pools. Pools in turn light restaurant below.
Level 28
Double height rooftop Butterfly Jungle level with a unique backdrop of the Arabian Gulf nearly 200m below. The temperature & humidity would be artificially controlled to make it a very relaxing & unique space. The introduction of colourful butterflies would add to the surreal surroundings.
Level 00 & -01 (under the beach)
A Health Club and Spa containing private saunas, steam rooms, treatment rooms, massage rooms, several fresh water pools at different temperatures located outside as well as inside with different lighting at night. Large windows from the Level -01 Spa offer the opportunity to look into the lagoon and see the coral & fish; day and night.
Entertainment & miscellaneous
The hotel will also contain a number of private clubs, private cinemas, luxury boutiques, conference rooms, restaurants with culinary menus from all around the world. Restaurants & bars (alcoholic & non-alcoholic) distributed throughout building from Level 28 to the underwater restaurant at Level -01.
Der Kronprinz von Dubai His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum hat ein neues spektakuläres Projekt gestartet mit dem Namen The World Dubai. In diesem Projekt will er mit kleinen Inseln die ganze Welt abbilden. Das Gesamtprojekt soll schlussendlich aus 300 kleinen Inseln bestehen, wobei jede Insel dann ein Land (wie zB Schweiz) darstellen soll. Auf den Inseln können dann die Besitzer grosse Villen, Häuser oder private Yachthafen bauen.
Der Staat lässt sich dieses Projekt insgesamt 7,6 Mrd. US-$ kosten, wobei die Inseln jeweils 5 – 8 Mio. US-$ kosten. Es ist eines der sogenannten Megaprojekte in Dubai, welches in den kommenden Jahren fertig gestellt wird.
Die Inseln auf The World werden wohl nur für die sehr Reichen Menschen auf der Welt zugänglich sein. Für mehrere Millionen Dollar kann man sich auf den Inseln einkaufen und sich seine Traumvilla mit Tropischen Garten verwirklichen. Die Inseln sollen einmal die Größe von 2 - 4 Hektar haben.
Interessante Daten
Grösse des Projekts: 9 x 6 km
Meerestiefe: 11 bis 16 Meter
geplante Einwohnerzahl: 150'000
geplante Anzahl Boote: 20'000
eigene Polizei und Küstenwache
4 Haupt-Knotenpunkte welche die Insel mit dem Festland verbinden, jeder Knotenpunkt verfügt über Polizeistationen, Postämter, Feuerwehr, Supermärkte und andere gemeinschaftliche Einrichtungen
The Palm - Dubai
Inspiriert durch die Palme und die Natur entsteht ein neues faszinierendes Bauwerk in Dubai. Die jungen Designer von Sybarite haben "The Palm" auf dem Reisbrett fertiggestellt und die Freigabe für den Bau in Dubai erhalten. Der 150 Meter hohe Palmen Tower, bietet auf einer Nutzfläche von über 60'000 m2 Platz für Büros, Restaurants, Gärten, Kinos und Luxus Retail Shops.Inspieriert an der Natur, der Palme, enstand das neue Bauwerk "The Palm" auf dem Reisbrett, bald Realität in Dubai, der Bau wurde genehmigt.
The Apeiron
Total Floor Area 190,000sqm
Height 182m
Diameter (external structure) 200m
Island Footprint 26,500sqm
Approximate cost $500 million
Most countries around the World are recognised by their architecture. Many of the World’s leading countries are identifiable by a single, strong piece of design; be it the Burj Al Arab in Dubai , the Houses of Parliament in Great Britain , or the Eiffel Tower in France , the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur et cetera. The unique, recognisable form of each of these distinctive buildings is instantly associated with the city that houses it. Consequently images of the building are frequently used as emblems for the country in which it has been built. Each building has earned this status due to its unusual, unique design and prominence within the city skyline.
This became the main inspiration for creating a powerful architecture for the ‘Burj Emirate Hotel’; an architecture that will be immediately identified with the country within which it shall be built, due to its unique silhouette.
The location of the Burj Emirate Hotelis presently represented on a reclaimed island in the Gulf. However; the design is equally as powerful within a landlocked site.
Crescent Lagoon
An underwater sculpted landscape with colourful corals & sea water plant life cultivated to create a unique & surreal world. Fish and crustaceans will be introduced to complete the array of life and colours. At night, the lagoon will be lit with concealed underwater light sources to create a dramatic & different experience for the diver or snorkeller.
Level 00
Boat jetty in building atrium & access to private beach, gardens, fresh water pools & crescent lagoon. Building atrium is over 50m high.
Level 09
Helipad located 55m above the Arabian Gulf with bridge access across to the ninth floor of the hotel.
Level 11
Outdoor garden with views down the atrium through the building to the sea below & boat jetty as well as views out to sea. Dramatic surroundings with the remainder of the building lifting from the garden level, full size palm trees & fresh water pools. Pools in turn light restaurant below.
Level 28
Double height rooftop Butterfly Jungle level with a unique backdrop of the Arabian Gulf nearly 200m below. The temperature & humidity would be artificially controlled to make it a very relaxing & unique space. The introduction of colourful butterflies would add to the surreal surroundings.
Level 00 & -01 (under the beach)
A Health Club and Spa containing private saunas, steam rooms, treatment rooms, massage rooms, several fresh water pools at different temperatures located outside as well as inside with different lighting at night. Large windows from the Level -01 Spa offer the opportunity to look into the lagoon and see the coral & fish; day and night.
Entertainment & miscellaneous
The hotel will also contain a number of private clubs, private cinemas, luxury boutiques, conference rooms, restaurants with culinary menus from all around the world. Restaurants & bars (alcoholic & non-alcoholic) distributed throughout building from Level 28 to the underwater restaurant at Level -01.