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Endlosschleife: Mazedonier vs. Griechen

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Gibts so was in Skopje?

Klar! Du stellst dich einmal hier drunter ...

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... und *schwups* scheißt dir Aleksandarasususususu 2000 Dinar in die Hand!


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[h=2]Joint project of Macedonian, Greek theatres[/h]

1/30/2013 11:59:44 AM
Skopje, 30 January 2013 (MIA) -
Small Drama Theatre-Bitola and Thessaloniki-based theatre "Andreas Voutsinas" have launched the preparations for play "Rhesus" by Euripides, along with a joint exhibition of antique masks from comedies and dramas.
Project "Interacting through Acting: From drama to contemporary arts", funded by EU's IPA cross-border cooperation programme, started in Thessaloniki on January 26.
Seminars tackling educational and social themes will be held in Bitola and Thessaloniki within the project, along with other accompanying activities.

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[h=2]Nimetz announces new round of name talks[/h]

1/30/2013 8:27:45 PM
New York, 30 January 2013 (MIA) -
UN envoy in the Macedonia-Greece name talks Matthew Nimetz wrapped up Wednesday in New York the two-day meetings with the negotiators of both countries, Zoran Jolevski and Adamantios Vassilakis respectively.
Both parties dicussed about the essence of the issue, Nimetz told a press conference and announced a new round of talks in the same format. The discussions referred to matters that are difficult for both parties, he added.
Neither Nimetz, nor Jolevski and Vassilakis offered more details on this round of negotiations in New York. Nimetz said a great number of countries had been following these negotiations, urging the two parties to reach a rather necessary solution.
In regard to the next round of negotiations, Vassilakis said it might be held after a month, month and a half in New York or some neutral location in Europe. There is also a possibility for Nimetz to visit the two countries, Vassilakis said.
Vassilakis refused to take questions about Greece's commitment to the name negotiations, considering Athens' refusal of EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fule's initiative for a trilateral meeting, MIA correspondent reported from New York.
Jolevski said his country remained committed to finding a solution that would not bring harm to the Macedonian dignity.
At a press conference last week, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon praised Nimetz's efforts for settling the name row, in particular the UN envoy's visit to the two countries and consultations at the highest level - with the Prime Ministers of both countries.
"This issue has been pending (for such) a long time. This has been affecting peace and stability in the region for too long a time. During my visit in July last year, in the region, I also emphasized the importance of resolving this issue as soon as possible. I again encourage the two countries concerned to resolve this issue as soon as possible through dialogue and with a vision of a forward-looking future of the two countries, as well as the peace and stability in the region," the UN Secretary-General said.
Hat er wenigstens gesagt, dass er Idiotie..hhhhhm Falsch, hhhmm Psychologie studiert hat!

man sagt ja nicht umsonst, dass Psychiater eins in der Rübe haben..Psychologen, oder FakeFyromPsychologen

Ne steigerung gibt´s, wenn Einer meint er wär Psychologe während er auf der Couch liegt!

Das ist gefährlich!

Wir sollten aus nächstenliebe zu Zoranomunopanovitch ihn öfter den Standartpsychologensatz fragen: "Was macht das mit Dir ?"
Meine Praxis, bin jederzeit für euch da :^^:

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Meine Praxis, bin jederzeit für euch da :^^:

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Da wirst ja krank bevor´s Dich hinglegt hast!

Sag mal, wie die Fahne so da hängt versteh ich auch warum der Boden so blitzt.

Ist schon als Fahne gedacht, oder?

Hast Du auch so ne Brille, die Dich schlauer aussehen lässt?

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