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Endlosschleife Part 2: Mazedonier vs. Griechen

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Ausser Lügen, klauen und Geschichtsrevsisionismus haben die Greco Foristen nichts drauf. Ihnen fehlen wieder mal die Argumente, sie suchen und suchen aber finden sie nicht, denn sie haben keine. Was tun sie dann? Sie agieren rassistisch und beleidigen nur. Es ist ihr Ausdruck der Wut und der Verzweiflung. Sie sind unfähig und nicht in der Lage der Wahrheit ins Gesicht zu blicken.
Was du so alles machen musst, um an deine Drogen zu gelangen ,brauchst du hier nicht ,uns erzählen du ekliger Junkie
Oh, wie ich merke flippst du immer noch aus. Also liegt es daran wie ich es beschrieb. Ihr Greco Foristen könnt unsere Diskussion und unseren Argumenten und den jeweiligen historisch politischen Fakten einfach nicht standhalten. Verzweifelt, dumm und unfähig wie ihr seid, greift ihr zu niveaulosen Beleidigungen , seid chauvinistisch und rassistisch. Das alles macht euch aus, das alles spiegelt einfach euren Charakter wieder. Alle lachen euch Greco Foristen aus. Eure Lügen und eure Propaganda haben keine Wirkung mehr. Ihr König Otto Teletubbies könnt hier niemanden mehr beeindrucken.

Zurück zum Thema:

When it comes to modern issues why are Greeks focusing on the history from 2,500 years ago to solve their current problems instead of focusing on more recent history, like the history of the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire and the formation of the modern Balkans states? Modern Balkan problems, issues, disputes and arguments today stem directly from events that took place in the last 200 years. Todays problems in the Balkans are a direct result of the formation of the new Balkan states and the conditions under which they were created. So why doesnt Greece want to talk about or hold debates on issues from this period? Why instead talk about what happened 2,500 years ago? Since the ancient City States were conquered by the Macedonians 2,300 years ago, the people in the lower Balkans have been subjugated by many conquerors including the Romans, Byzantines and Ottomans and the people have lived without borders up until the creation of the Modern Balkan states in the 19th century. Without borders to stop invaders, whoever invaded Macedonia also invaded Greece ; whoever settled in Macedonia also settled in Greece . Being in close proximity (neighbours with open borders) for 2,300 years has exposed both Macedonia and Greece to the same demographic conditions. What was there to prevent those who entered Macedonia from entering Greece ? The logical answer would be nothing! Wouldnt one be able to find the same kind of people in Greece as one finds in Macedonia ? The logical answer would be certainly! So why should we believe the Greeks when they tell us that they are pure Greeks, descendants of the Ancient Greeks and that the Macedonians are Slavs? If the Modern Greeks are the descendants of the ancient Greeks then the Modern Macedonians are the descendants of the Ancient Macedonians! Conversely, if the Modern Macedonians are Slavs then so are the Modern Greeks! Before determining who the ancients were and were not, would it not be logical to ask the question who are and who are not the moderns? Let us start with the Modern Greeks since they came into the 19th century scene first. Who are the Modern Greeks? Here is what Edmund About has to say in his book Greece and the Greeks of the Present day. On page 160 we read: The Turkish village which formerly clustered around the base of the Acropolis had not disappeared: it forms a whole quarter of the town. There are narrow alleys, huts of the height of a man, yards in which chickens, children and pigs crawl pell-mell between a dunghill and a heap of fagots. An immense of the majority of the population of this quarter is composed of Albanians.


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