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Er ist eine große Nummer in der islamisch-arabischen Welt



Muhammad Nasiru-d-Din al-Albani -Nasirudin Nuh Nexhati

Nasirudin Nuh Nexhati, Geboren in Shkodra (Albanien) 1914. Gestorben in Aman (Jemen)2.10.1999

Sheikh" Muhammed Nasir ad-Din al-Albani, considered by most "Salafis" to be the biggest scholars of their sect (after the death of their Mufti), has issued a Fatwa few years ago saying that ALL Muslims in Palestine, Southern Lebanon, and the Golan Heights should leave their land in mass and go somewhere else. His proof was (and he is still clinging to it) that any Muslim land occupied by non-Muslims becomes a non-Muslim land. Thus, it is prohibited for any Muslims to keep living there.

Muhammad Nasiru-d-Din al-Albani (a recently disappeared pseudo-muhaddith from Albania who classified hadiths according to his unlimited fantasy and forbade women to wear golden ornament).
Re: Er ist eine große Nummer in der islamisch-arabischen Wel

Albanesi2 schrieb:

Muhammad Nasiru-d-Din al-Albani -Nasirudin Nuh Nexhati

Nasirudin Nuh Nexhati, Geboren in Shkodra (Albanien) 1914. Gestorben in Aman (Jemen)2.10.1999

Sheikh" Muhammed Nasir ad-Din al-Albani, considered by most "Salafis" to be the biggest scholars of their sect (after the death of their Mufti), has issued a Fatwa few years ago saying that ALL Muslims in Palestine, Southern Lebanon, and the Golan Heights should leave their land in mass and go somewhere else. His proof was (and he is still clinging to it) that any Muslim land occupied by non-Muslims becomes a non-Muslim land. Thus, it is prohibited for any Muslims to keep living there.

Muhammad Nasiru-d-Din al-Albani (a recently disappeared pseudo-muhaddith from Albania who classified hadiths according to his unlimited fantasy and forbade women to wear golden ornament).

wer ist das ? bitte um aufklärung
Denn Mann Nasirudin Albani gebührt die islamische Welt respekt.

Wenn man bedenkt das es 1,2 Milliarden Muslime auf der Welt gibt.

Es gibt auch ein bekanntes Zentrum nach seinen Namen benannt , Al-Albani..wo die bekanntesten islamischen und arabischen Gelehren unterrichten und lehren..usw usw
Hier gibt es weiter zu lesen über ihm.

Muhammad Naasir-ud-Deen Al-Albani was born in the city of Ashkodera, capital of Albania in 1914 CE. While he was young his parents migrated with him to Damascus, Syria. From an early age he became fascinated by the science of Hadith and thereafter spent his time devoted to seeking knowledge. In later life he was given Professorship of Hadith at the Islamic University of Madinah. He is well known to students and scholars for his knowledge and writings. He has many well known students and has visited places through out the Middle East and Europe. He was forced to migrate from Syria to Jordan. He has been of enormous service to the Prophetic Hadith, taking great pains to check and sort out the authentic from the weak and fabricated narrations. He has produced many pamphlets and books, some of them running into many volumes - on topics of great importance to the Muslims - and has fully checked many of the famous books of Hadith - the Sunan of Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood, An-Nasai and Ibn Majah, along with Suyooti's huge "Jami-us-Sagheer" and "Mishkat-ul Masabih". He is the foremost scholar of Hadith and related sciences of this age."
Re: Er ist eine große Nummer in der islamisch-arabischen Wel

lupo-de-mare schrieb:
Die warnen vor der Terroristen Förderungs Sekte den Wahhabiten "Wahhabi-Salafi cult " Sehr interessante Sache !

Wir sprechen nicht über Ossama Bin Laden , Ghadaffi oder Saddam...die doch nur Weiber und Trank bevorzugt haben.......

Guck doch was die Araber über die Albaner denken......sie ehren einen Heligen mit den Namen "Al-Albani" ..so nennen sie ihm ....

Heilige gibt es wenige in der islamisch-arabischen Welt...und ausgerechnet einer von denen ist ein Albaner.....
Macedonian schrieb:
Cool, ein albanischer ,,Real Muslim" sowas bräuchten diese "Islamisten!" im Nahen Osten ... :)