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Europarat: Thaci in Organhandel verwickelt

Committee adopts Kosovo organ trafficking report

PARIS -- Council of Europe (CoE) Rapporteur Dick Marty today in Paris officially presented his report on human organ trafficking in Kosovo and northern Albania.


The draft report, detailing locations where members of the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) took kidnapped civilians to have their vital organs removed and later sold, was adopted by the Legal Affairs and Human Rights Committee.

In it, Kosovo Albanian Premier and former KLA leader Hashim Thaci has been named as the ringleader of a group that was involved in organ, drugs and arms trafficking.

Reports from Paris today said that the decision came despite "some attempts" to postpone it.

The Marty report confirms information obtained by the Serbian War Crimes prosecution that some 500 Serbs were kidnapped in Kosovo, to be killed in prison camps in Albania, where their organs were removed.

Deputy Prosecutor Bruno Vekarić says that the document will be a reason for justice systems in the region to "mobilize", while Serbian President Boris Tadić says the accusations from the report should be "checked".

After the closed-door debate of the committee in Paris today, a decision will be made whether to send a draft resolution to the CoE Parliamentary Committee (PACE).

Serbian representatives expect this to happen during the day. Amendments to the draft can then be submitted, while the debate on the resolution could take place on January 25.

CoE resolutions have "high moral value", but are not legally binding.

Nataša Vučković, a member of the Serbian delegation, said today the resolution will be on the assembly agenda in January and all members of the assembly can propose amendments to it.

The resolution, if adopted by the assembly, would be the first international legal document to describe the Kosovo Liberation Army as a terrorist organization involved in organ trafficking.

"The Serbian delegation commended Marty's courage in raising this issue and answering a whole series of questions that had been shrouded in silence and secrecy for a many years," Vučković noted.

Serbia's representatives stressed that it was necessary to find out the truth, for the victims, missing persons and their families, as well as to facilitate reconciliation and establish trust and peace in the region.

bewusst die RTS.RS als Quelle nicht angegeben?
Nordalbanien(tropoja) hat sehr gute kontakte mit dukagjin und der Familie Haradinaj,mit Luan und den Jüngeren bruder der familie der umkam im krieg.
Die haben den ganzen tag waffen geholt,sind wieder nach kosovo und haben gegen terroristen geschossen,dann wieder nach albanien um waffen und munition zu holen und wieder in den krieg.
Ich habe respekt vor der Haradinaj familie.
Wie derPolitiker Ramusch ist,kein plan.
Aber seine brüder sind legenden und diese familie wird bei uns sehr geschätzt.

Nebenbei Offtopic.
Shkelzen Haradinaj hat in der nähe gewohnt,während er auf die waffen wartete.
Und tut zwar nichts zur sache,aber eine alte Katholikin(bei der er wohnte) hat ihn immer geküsst und gesagt komm heil wieder,mein sohn.
Und schon sind die serbischen verbrechen vergessen!
Tadic,wo sind die vermissten ALBANER?????
Müssen wir sie alle suchen bis zu euerer hauptstadt??
Wo sind die vermissten albaner????